Walk & Shan-
I hear you! I am angry as hell. This was all fake. No one who loves a spouse & their children/grandchildren could ever intentionally put all this hurt and betrayal on them. my GH is crying occasionally saying still how he loves & is attracted to me, but has these same sex desires to be with men too. And continues to claim he hasn't acted outside our marriage which I have always doubted. I am hurt, my kids are hurt. We live in the same house, separately for now while finances & business transactions are being worked through.
I get very verbal with him, especially when I'm angry which I have been since early Oct when he confirmed his same sex attraction. he also has sexual addiction issues he refuses to admit (actually he admits the behavior, just not that its an issue). Well let me say this, masturbating in public parking lots is A Problem!!! According to him, his therapist told him he was acting out because of his repressed gay desires. Ha. Don't bet most people with gay desires resort to that kind of inappropriate behavior!
Anyway he is in a prominent position in a business, is a nice looking 50+ yr old, and by appearances would be a top notch husband & father. If only walls could tell the stories of these weak, confused or maybe not confused narcissistic A-holes that choose to do this to their spouse, families & anyone else they know who has no idea the type of person they are dealing with, I think many people would be in shock! Or in my case maybe people wouldn't be too shocked because of how gay he really is outwardly. It is really not the orientation that is so hurtful but the willingness to lie & live a secret life knowing full well what it will do to the spouse & kids when it comes out. But this crying BS acting as if he loves me & is attracted to me is really pissing me off. I want to say just grow a pair & move on if you are so desiring to be with men. No reason to keep things in limbo. And that's really where my life has always been with him, I guess is limbo. It sure wasn't in a relationship where we were both fully committed to each other!!!
yes! I AM ANGRY AND I WILL CONTINUE TO TELL HIM HOW SORRY HE IS FOR HAVING IT INSIDE HIM TO DO ALL THIS TO ME AND OUR KIDS! And I guess I'll continue like this until the situation is such that we are separate for good! And luckily I have so much support from my kids. That's what keeps me going daily!
Hang on everyone!!!