Hello all, happy to know you are there and we can share and listen to each other. I am married to somebody I thought was bisexual, which I was 100%ok with, because he always said he was very much sexually attracted to me. It’s a long 7 year story, but the summary is he told me that he had body disphoria and that was the reason for the decreasing sex drive, then that he was trans and the body disphoria was so intense that she did not feel like having sex at all, after that they identify as non binary, but still bisexual, and recently they told me that they have been gay since 3rd grade.
9 months ago I gave birth to our incredible daughter, and I feel I have not had a chance to catch my breath, as all of these truly started to scalate when I was pregnant. They jumped from one thing to the next, a rolleycoster of gender and sexual identification. I deeply love them, but I feel am loosing myself, I don’t have space to figure who I am or what I need anymore. I forgot to mention that at the same time they told me they are gay, they started a program for alcohol and substance abuse, confessing they are alcoholic.
They deeply confused me, or I am confused, by saying I am their soulmate, family, and the love of their life. Things can be more simply, or I need them to be so. I have been following my heart all these years, but when I think about the people I love, I don’t wish for them what I am going through. So I guess if it is not good in my mind for my loved ones, It should not be good enough for me.
I am from Europe, and most of my family and friends are there, or in far away states. I live in NYC, and feel quite alone lately, except for my 9 month ray of sun, the light that guides me and brings my feet back to the ground.
So here I am, ready to grown, share, listen and keep on moving forward. I know there is a hard road ahead, but it already makes me feel good to know I am sharing with people that understands what I am going through. So thanks for reading if you did.