is my husband telling me the truth or is he hiding?

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Posted by angie1
November 29, 2018 9:28 pm

So I come from a very conservative background. My Husband and I actually met in the youth group of our church. His family has always condemned homosexuality but my family is more open to it seeing as my sister is a lesbian. Anyway, when we were dating, my husband told me that IN HIS PAST he has been attracted to men and that he looked at gay porn. I was naive and allowed him to explain it away and we moved forward with our relationship thinking that his attraction to men was in the past. We got married in April 2018 and he was a virgin when we got married. Three days into our honeymoon, we STILL had not had sex. I assumed it was just his nerves and brushed it off but  later when we finally did have sex, he seemed very uninterested and he even yawned once (so embarrassing). He never seems interested in sex AT ALL. I initiate most of the intimate times and he barely kisses me. When (IF) we do have sex, he can not "keep it up" for more that a minute before going limp and he makes excuses like "his back hurts" or "he has a headache" or "hes had a long day" when I have worked longer hours than him. I wore sexy lingerie on his birthday and he told me that he needed to take a shower first and that he was going to be a long time. When he got out of the shower, he seemed annoyed and inconvenienced so I told him we didn't have to have sex and he seemed happy after that. He avoids coming to bed at night and instead watches tv until 3AM. Once I sent him a text that was sexy and seductive (or so I thought)... and he replied that he would come to bed but that he was too tired and didn't feel like having sex. We have now gone a month without having sex but he admitted to me a few months ago that he has been watching gay porn again. When ever I try and ask him if he is gay he explains it away and says that even though he watches gay porn, he doesn't want to have gay sex because he thinks its wrong. Is he hiding from me? Or does he just not want sex with me? Sorry for the long post.

Last edited by angie1 (November 29, 2018 9:35 pm)

Posted by Daryl
November 30, 2018 9:05 am

Hi Angie, after reading your post I would conclude that he definitely has same sex attraction and may be gay. What might be harder to figure out is if he has ever acted on it. His background is probably a big factor here. If you've grown up in a place where gay is considered 'wrong' or unnatural and makes one subject to abuse and harassment, it's understandable that someone might want to hide this at all costs. Some people just want a cover story (aka beard), others may actually believe that if they pray hard enough, marry, have kids, etc. that they can change their innate desires. Where the mask often falls is in the bedroom, as it seems you have already discovered. Although he may love you, he doesn't desire you like a heterosexual man normally would.

Sorry you find yourself here. This is my male perspective on things. I expect the ladies here may have additional advice for you. Right now you are in a phase where there's something wrong, but no actual proof of infidelity, except perhaps in thoughts and dreams. It's normal to want to help him if you can, just remember that you need to take care of yourself as well. And please don't blame yourself for his lack of passion. It's not you, it's him. Take care.

“The future is unwritten.”
― Joe Strummer
Posted by Abby
November 30, 2018 9:07 am

I read your post last night and thought that I would hold off responding in case someone closer to your age would reply. You see I would have been married for 40 years this year if my husband had not finally told me he was gay and wanted a divorce - and only then because he had met the man he thought was the love of his life.

I try not to look backwards but there were flashing red lights throughout our relationship which I missed at first and later tried to ignore and excuse. All I can tell you is if there is no interest on his part in sex with you now it is NOT going to get better. We tried all kinds of counseling and all it did was make me feel we were working on the relationship and he'd pay attention to me for a while but then he'd get distant again. Finally I just gave up and got my own bedroom and focused on rearing our children.

I think that too often we focus on trying to figure out our partners, as if a definitive label will make leaving them easier for us and/or force them to acknowledge themselves. I probably never would have left my husband despite years in a sexless marriage with a man who I likened to the refrigerator: big, white and cold. I did not recognize until he was gone how I had diminished myself in order to stay quiet and get along. 

I think often we'd be better off if we looked at the relationship and just finally concluded that "Whatever s/he is s/he isn't for me."  Divorce is not a four-letter word and sometimes it is for the best.

Try Gardening. It'll keep you grounded.
Posted by phoenix
November 30, 2018 9:44 am

Your husband has a same-sex attraction.  He is attracted to men and not to women.  

I could have written your story, word for word, every part from the youth group to me believing that my spouse could "change" and wasn't interested in same sex anymore, to the lack of sex after marriage and the mind games.  It's literally my story.   Except I'm a guy and it was my wife doing what your husband is..  oh and I wasted 16 years of marriage pretending it wasn't true before she finally met "Mrs Right" and left me in a path of wreckage. 

I have zero doubt that your husband is gay.  I'm sorry!

It's a shame that his upbringing taught him to hate himself for being gay.  That caused him to hide it and create a persona of a straight person.  That's why he married you.  I'm surprise he admitted to gay porn, but don't ever expect him to admit to being gay.  He will just say he watches is out of curiosity or something like that.  He says he doesn't want gay sex now.. but in nearly all cases, that will eventually change as he gets older.   

He doesn't want sex with any woman and he never will.  He's attracted to men.. based on your story there is no doubt about this.  He always will be attracted to men and never will be attracted sexually to women.  It's not just you!   Please know that it's not you.  Please don't feel like this is your fault in any way.  

I'm sorry to be so blunt about this.  

We are here to help you and support you in your journey.  We all know how you feel because we've been through it.  Despite all the little differences in circumstances, we all have experienced what you are going through.   Let us know how we can help you.  
If you haven't yet, please read the "first aid kit" thread and maybe listen to the podcast I linked there

Stick around and read and share your feelings and questions and fears.  We are all here to help you!

-Formerly "Lostdad" - I now embrace the username "phoenix" because my former life ended in flames, but my new life will be spectacular. 

Posted by StrongerThanIKnew
November 30, 2018 11:16 am

Angie, I'm sorry you find yourself here, but I am glad you found us.

Like the others, I believe your husband is gay. However, given his upbringing, he will never admit this to you - or maybe even to himself. 

So, you need to concentrate on you and what you want and need from a marriage. You have been married less than a year. Do you want another 40+ years of what the last year has been like? Remember..... this is your "honeymoon phase." This is the phase when most marriages are the most sexually active and it usually starts to teeter off once this phase is over. Years of being rejected by your husband will start to take a toll on your self-esteem and your feelings of self-worth.

I know this sounds harsh but you are still young (I assume) and no children are involved yet (again, also an assumption), and very little, if any, marital assets. You deserve someone who desires you and wants you and loves you for you and not just for the beard (or cover) that you provide. You don't deserve a joyless, loveless, sexless marriage. Again, take some time to really think about all of this. What do you want and need from a marriage? Are you getting that now? If not, can you speak to him and have him start meeting those needs? If he can't, what and how much are you willing to compromise? Is he willing to compromise at all in an effort to protect and care for your heart and your needs? And when I speak of compromise, remember you still have your entire lives ahead of you.

If your best friend were in this same situation, what would you advise her to do? 

Whatever you decide, I wish you well.

Posted by angie1
December 6, 2018 7:13 pm

Thank you. All of your responses have helped me so much. Sorry it took me so long to was just a lot to take in. I am still struggling with the decision to let this marriage go, or stick it out and make it work. I see the good in him and my heart melts and then I see his disregard for my needs and I want to leave. I am going to take a month and really think through this and how to confront him. But... yeah, thank you for all of your help.

Posted by Leah
December 9, 2018 5:02 am

So sorry you are here Angie,

Of course you love your husband, that is why you married.  But you deserve a full life and you are still young and without children.  Sex is a great thing when it brings two people closer and if that is missing, do you really want to spend the rest of your life feeling like your partner doesn't really desire you.   And if he has already admitted to SSA please don't excuse or dismiss the seriousness of that for someone who is religious and cannot fully embrace that aspect of themselves.  

I was an missionary as was my GIDX.  He started cheating a few years in....  it does not get better for them.  And it will get worse for you.  

My advice is get out quick!!!



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