Posted by JenS ![]() April 30, 2018 8:50 am | #1 |
Call Me By Your Name movie post
Last edited by JenS (May 11, 2018 6:46 am)
Posted by walkbymyself ![]() April 30, 2018 10:22 am | #2 |
Jen, I saw the film and have to say I hated it. It may be that I'm too wrapped up in my own situation right now, I end up taking everything really personally -- but I'm gradually processing the fact that I haven't really had a full husband all these years; he had 100% of me for a wife while I got about a 30% share of him. So I was silently screaming when I saw that part, because neither the husband, the son, the filmmakers, the writers, the directors, or the audience, was thinking about how painful it must have been for this boy's mother to be treated like the consolation prize all that time. I don't know how many more films I can stand to watch where stories like this default to the male perspective and ignore the wreckage they make of women.
That he comments on this love affair and then says something like "I never had what you had ... I may have come close..." what does that leave for his wife? What did she do to deserve this? Can you honestly hear that and not think of someone like Mark Sanford, who got caught cheating on his wife and his public announcement was something like "Now I have to go home and learn to fall back in love with my wife" and she was supposed to be grateful? What does that say about our love and our fulfillment? And that film doesn't even stop to consider what happens when Elio's love interest goes off and marries a perfectly innocent and unoffending girl, and what hell her life is going to be with the 30% husband she gets to keep for herself?
Last edited by walkbymyself (April 30, 2018 10:35 am)
Posted by 6kidslater ![]() May 1, 2018 6:27 pm | #3 |
I just watched the link and I also watched the movie and I may be remembering it wrong, but I thought the son asked the dad “does mom know?” And he replied “I don’t think so” I actually watched the movie with my gay son who is the least close as in almost zero relationship with his gay dad. It very much downplays the wife’s experience. Was that in the movie or my imagination? It almost romatises the dad’s situation. Where my experience in reality is different. I believe my ex was jealous of the life my son chose, to live in the truth. Yet now that my ex is married to a man he is still on a hook up site with his sexual preferences listed, a picture and looking for random play, regulars etc. and he hasn’t even been married a year along with having the same problems with depression? In theory he should be happy? Apparently mine has even more issues than living in the closet.
Posted by OutofHisCloset ![]() May 1, 2018 9:20 pm | #4 |
Here's an alternative way to think about his "I love you and can't live without you." What he meant was "I can't bear to be gay and I can't live that way." Just as you said how he could close his eyes and have sex with you (imagining something else)...that's what he was doing here. It's called displacement. One thing substituted, or displaced, for another.
Posted by Debbie ![]() May 7, 2018 10:32 pm | #5 |
Hi wondering 89 . I know exactly where your coming from as this is the way my husband has been . I seperated from him immediately when I found out what he had been doing , it took me 5 days to get him to leave and he only left when I said if you don't leave I will ring the police and tell them your being aggressive ( I just couldn't bare to be in the same house as him or look at him ) he has cried pleaded and done everything you can think of to get me to take him back, promises of holidays and even a new house , says he loves me and is devastated and is acting devestated , I started seeing a guy and my husband started stalking me and being absolutely enraged with jealousy, I thought he was going to have a nervous breakdown , kept ringing and texting asking me if I loved this guy and trying to pry information out of me like how many times I see this guy and asking me if I had slept with him , all the time enraged with jealousy ,came round to the house and stood in my kitcjin crying saying he doesn't know why he did it , will never ever ever do it again , is distgusted at himself , has only done it a few times , loves women and isn't gay and not even bisexual , tells me I'm making mountains out of molehills and isn't as bad or as much as what I'm saying it is , is all in my head and I always make things bigger than what they are, loved bombed me like you wouldn't believe . The thing is that from the start although I had only seen a couple of appointments he had made at a gay massage place ( which he said he never went to but I didn't believe that of course) I just knew there was more to find out. ( I had never ever suspected him of sane sex attraction as he is the least gay person as a man and he had never ever made me think of him in that way . This has been going on for 7 months now. I have never changed my mind from day one that our marriage was over although I loved him very much and was devestated that our fantastic life together was over , I was still attracted to him aswell and so have only met up with him twice in the seven months for an hour each time to talk about finance and each time I met him I went back to square one of missing him again and still loving him but no way was I ever going to go back with him and it has been such a hard thing to do , but the thing is I knew I deserved more than what this man had done to me. After him crying in my kitchen that day and telling me he has never had sex since we split up wich at the time was 5 months I did a search of a name I'd seen on his phone ( after we had split ) it was a guy in Bali ( balenese young guy who my husband said had been his taxi driver wen he went to Bali after we had split ) I messaged this guy and he told me the whole gory details of him and my husband ) . I am so so glad I stuck with my initial gut instinct and ended my marriage the day I found out because these guys will do everything they can to get back or stay with there wife to lead a normal ( in the closet ) straight life. Why they can feel these things like jeleousy over there wife is something I'll never know , but they can !! But that doesn't cancel out that they are gay men in denial . My sex life with my husband was normal although I never felt like he wanted it as much as other men I've had relationships with. ( probably because he was having gay Sex)My husband had been watching gay full on porn for years and years , every single morning near enough before he went to work ,he had been searching gay saunas , gay massage , gay cruising wichbis toilet blocks at gay hang outs gay bars in city's he had been to on his own ( I could see the dates) , I know this because I went back on 8 years of search history , there was no straight porn, no straight massage , no straight anything . I only found most of it out after I kicked him out as I just had to find out the extent of it . I did think the same as you sometimes of if he is gay how can he be this jealous and obsessed with me and who I'm seeing , but at the same time he was still leading his secret gay life as I found out from the guy in Bali . These men are in denial , not only to us there wife's but to other people but mainly to them selfs. My husbands latest message to me is that he is going on dating sites because he wants to meet a nice woman !! He will never come out to himself or anyone but I do know that he will never stop his secret gay life because HE CANT !! As much as he probably would like to ! He just can't !! You can't rid yourself of your sexuality or your sake sex attraction. It's been a hard road for me this last 7 months , I'm not seeing the guy I was seeing anymore as although he was gorgeous andca nice guy I have to get my head straight and stop missing my life with my husband , and I know that I will and will eventually be able to go out with another man . I've said to myself from day one that I won't always feel like this . I do still enjoy going out with my girlfriends and having a flirt because I'm not going to let my husband take anymore of my life than he already has ( on a lie ) but yes the biggest thing to get my head round is did he ever really love me as a woman and what was he thinking about while we were having Sex and all of those sort of thought but you know what I'll never really know !! The only person who really knows that is him and so I know that eventually I'll stop having these thought ( I do try to push them out of my head when they creep in but some days are harder than others to do that. I've said from day one he is not going to take anymore of my life if me and so that's what I'm trying to do.