Inspirational Video

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Posted by iamthelorax
February 2, 2018 1:49 pm

Hi folks,

​From time to time I find something on the net that strikes me as motivational and I come to share it when I think it pertains to our relatively unique situation.

​There's been a video circulating about fault vs. responsibility and it strikes me as a great way to draw a line between what out gay ex did to us and what we need to do to rebuild, move forward. It's part of the reason I don't particularly put much stock in the idea of forgiveness but that's another thread ;)

I hope this helps in the spirit it was intended.

Posted by Duped
February 2, 2018 1:57 pm


Last edited by Duped (August 28, 2019 2:00 pm)

Posted by Leah
February 12, 2018 3:33 am

Thanks for posting that.  I needed that reminder this morning as my feelings are often that my life is ruined and I can't date men or trust anyone because of my GIDX's behaviour.  

It is hard to rebuild a life, but I am trying to do this day to day.  The small movements towards feeling better, choosing fun things to do, to eat and just thinking more about how to be more happy and content in my life are what I need to focus on.  I suffer thinking that my GIDX is just out there living easy and enjoying a new beard to hide behind and my anger rears its head at his denial of a lifetime of sexual betrayals with men.   Strangely I feel grief that possibly he has somehow figured himself out and is a better man now and that really is crazy making.  Acceptance is all.  I'm hoping I get there, but it seems a long hard road.  


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