How about it being a salute to the past and a heads up to new beginnings jkpeace?!
That's only next week.....I'm waiting to hear my date too, I'd never thought of what to do or how to commemorate it, you've got me thinking now. I like the idea of a night for gathering all your sanity keepers around and saluting them and perhaps celebrating their super support.
I've started changing my name already, passport's back in maiden name, working on driving licence, bank accounts etc need to wait for divorce decree. I also got a new car, just Saturday, in my own maiden name too, my last two have been in my married name, for me I felt it was the car was the last "leftover" from the past.
I'll definitely raise a glass to you on 21st - totally unrelated - that date's World Down Syndrome Day - I have a magnificent little lady in my life who has Downs, please excuse my mention, the date just pops out at me!
I'll be interested in hearing how you're feeling in the lead up to such a significant step in your life - take care xx