Hey all - so while we finalize the divorce, we still live in the same house. Yesterday, my oldest wasnt feeling well and went to Urgent care and then the ER. My lying ex-wife (nearly ex) did not tell me a word. My 12 year old let me know where her sister was. When I asked why she did not tell me, she got defensive and said "I am not withholding information, there is nothing to share". I told her she knows damn well one of our kids going to get medical treatment is worthy of a call or text. I ripped into her (no name calling, I've never done that), but I told her this isn't a game and she should have told me. I also told her I get it, she is angry with me because I have cut her off, we dont speak unless its about the kids. I told her this is exactly what she wanted and to stop using our kids as a pawn in a game because she literally made the decision for all of this to happen. (But she is the victim right?)
Am I wrong to be this upset she did not tell me she was at the ER with my daughters'? Wtf, who does this? I've been involved in my kids life since birth, and she knows this. I think I am just venting, but I'd love any opposing views.