Posted by Agl03 June 2, 2022 9:59 pm | #1 |
This time nineteen years ago I was in a hotel room, surrounded by my family, preparing for my wedding the next day. I thought it was the last night before our forever. I'm devastated laying here, alone, knowing that tomorrow is now just another day in our lives instead of the milestone its supposed to be. There are no gifts hidden away, no plans for dinner out. I'm running errands tomorrow while he gets ready for his next body building competition on Saturday. H'es more upset than I'm not coming to that than the fact he's ended our marriage in coming out.
My therapist said I need to turn the day into a positive, as a celebration of the day or family began, and to mark it by doing something fun and special with the kids. Which I can see doing in the future, but this year I just want to mope. If I didn't have to run errands I would stay in bed all day and do just that.
I know it will get better but its so hard right now. I went into the rooms he's living in for the first time and he removed all the pictures of me/us and the kids that I had in there (one of the rooms was my old office). I found the ring I got him for Valentines day (because he wasn't wearing his wedding ring hello red flag) on the floor behind where his nightstand in a ball of dust when I was moving his stuff out of what is my room. I'm a very sentinmental person, gifting and acts of love is my love language, and I'm seeing that he didn't value our time together or marriage like I did and my god it just hurts so bad.
I don't understand how he can do this to someone he supposedly loved. How did he justify so many years of lies? Can can he so easily throw me away?
All of my friends are complimenting me for being so strong and I"m tired of having to be strong right now.
Posted by Rob June 2, 2022 10:18 pm | #2 |
Hey agl03,
I took my then wife out for one last anniversary dinner with jewelry and last attempt in the "pick me" dance. It did little good ..she gave me the courtesy of not texting her girlfriend during dinner and kept the jewelry.
From what you wrote the anniversary and rings mean nothing to him. His actions show you who he is.
If you can't do something with friend or family that day definitely have a self care day..dinner and a good movie for yourself? Find something new to do. Know that you were fierce and honest in the past and you will continue to be in the future.
Posted by Grace1958 June 3, 2022 5:46 am | #3 |
agl03 - if you lived near me I'd take in a spa day with you.
Is there a friend you can do that with?
He's having his body building day, you have your day.
Posted by Ellexoh_nz Online! June 3, 2022 1:19 pm | #4 |
The "well he just never felt the same way as me....for the whole time we were together" is such a hard pill to swallow but swallow it you must. Because if you don't you'll be choking on the tragedy of it forever.
Think of this as just another test of your strength. You deserve a medal for not going to his stupid competition. Well done!
I was always secretly disappointed that my partner hadn't been interested in being there when I did my first (and only) skydive. It's bothered me for years. Well... He's bought himself a track motorbike. The first time he has a track day... And I know it'll mean something to him I hope he's disappointed when I don't support him.
You should be with people if you can. They don't have to know why you need company. But you should only wallow in this for a finite time
Posted by Agl03 June 3, 2022 6:57 pm | #5 |
Thanks everyone. All my friends who know have reached out to check on me today. I've had the kids too. He's off getting his tan and meeting. He "Gave us permission to eat out" today which hacked me off so much.
He is beyond upset that I'm not going to the competition, and even more that I won't let one of his friends take our daughter. I don't think that is an acceptable place for a 14 YO and I have not met this friend. Even more I'm going to my little nieces dance recital instead tomorrow.
I still just feel so defeated today. Its just more proof how little our marriage meant to him.