Completely Blindsided

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Posted by MNBlindsided
January 12, 2021 11:49 am

I met my husband right out of high school. We have been together 17 years now.   We are bestfriends and love eachother.  On New Years day, he told me he is gay.  Completely blindsided.  He said he has been pushing this feeling down deep for years, but just couldn't do it anymore.  He said he re-wrote a letter to me more than 10 times in the last 6 years trying to tell me he was having these feelings and wanted to explore his sexuality with men.  He never gave me the letter, instead threw it away each time.   After he told me he was gay, the honesty came.  He admitted he has been seeing someone 17 years older than him for the last 4 months and has done some PG rated sexual things with this man.  He said he cares for this man and the man is in love with him.  He said it is an emotional connection, not just sexual with this man.   He said he loves me and is attracted to me, but there is this feeling inside him that he can't ignore anymore.  I am shattered and the thought of him being with someone other than me is heartbreaking.   Since DDay, I spent a week off of work to grieve and cry my eyes out.  He spent the first few days at the mans house, but then came back home.  He is going on a 3 week trip soon, and plans to have the man join him the last week.  I told him I don't approve but he said he misses him.  I know he needs support during this change in his life and this man does that for him.  But, I am losing my husband to this man and it hurts me so badly.  We don't know where we are going once he is back from his trip but my guess is that will be the turning point big time for us because he will be with that man for a week and realize he wants to be with him and live with him.  I will be alone and trying to make ends meet to stay in my home.  We will eventually file for divorce and that will be very difficult for me.  The thought of us not being together is too hard to handle.  How do I find the strength to let him go and live his true self and find a way to move on and find happiness again?

Posted by Epiphany
January 12, 2021 12:19 pm

Hi Blindsided. I’m in a long term marriage too but to a bisexual man who may be headed towards identifying as gay. We love eachother deeply and I find myself asking some of the same questions as you. My advantage I supppse, is that I married him aware he was bisexual and have slowly been given clues over time that have allowed my heart and mind more time to deal. The similarities are that I am too coming to the realization that my soulmate and I may need to some day divorce. I’ve spent nights awake crying, heart palpitations, hyperventilating, a mess. What you and I are both going through is grief. It’s immense, traumatic pain. My sister-in-law lost her 13 year old son in September. I’ve been with her through it and have learned this.

1.) you need to lean into your grief and just let it be at times. Accept that it’s ok if you can’t function at times. When your heart can’t handle it, tell yourself to put it away for awhile...that you will deal with it another time.

2.) get a counselor and lean on a close friend. Share here often. People are important, we get eachother through the hard times.

3.) protect yourself and prepare if divorce seems to be your new reality. Talk to a lawyer, get copies of all financial information. Maybe do this while he’s gone.

What you are going through is more intense and faster paced than what I’m going through. You are probably in shock as you really were blindsided. You will hurt for awhile but then you might get angry. He cheated. He explored outside your marriage and put himself in a position to fall in love with another person. It’s ok for him to explore (porn, communication etc), it’s not ok for him to cheat. When your anger comes, allow it to strengthen you.

You will come out of this stronger eventually but in the meantime it’s ok to not be strong.

I’m in this with you,

Posted by SusanneH
January 12, 2021 12:29 pm

MNBlindsided, So sorry you find yourself here and under your circumstances. We all started out with something similar, and most with a LOT of hurt, too. 

You say your husband says it’s an emotional connection and has been doing “PG” rated sexual things with this man. What are PG sexual things? You also mentioned he spent the first few days at the man’s house. Ouch. I doubt the sexual things that went on were PG during that time. sorry. I imagine you already knew that. 
Are you okay with this? While you’re married to him? LIke you said, “the thought of him being with someone other than me is heartbreaking.” I found out last year that my husband has been having sex with men since his teens....all through dating, etc. He never married until we married & he was 53. He had spent his life partying, drugs & sex. He quit the drugs in 2000, and will have been clean & sober 21 years Feb 14th. He’s been going to AA & working the program. I thought he was doing a good job until I found out about the men. It’s a program of honesty. He lied to me for 16 months while I searched for answers. The lies have harmed us almost as much as the cheating. We, too, were best friends before. He came along shortly after my first husband passed away, and I thought he ‘saved me” from a life alone (I’m ill & housebound. I wasn’t going to go out and date. He just happened to be at a friend’s house when I was. I had dated him twice in high school.). He quit seeing men last year when I found out.. It wasn’t his choice. I’m monogamous/period. And can not change for many reasons. All the standard ones. He came from a life that was free & he’d like it to be that way. But, he’d rather have our marriage than just oral sex here & there. That’s 20-30 minutes of ‘whoopie!’, and then the rest of his life would be pretty empty. He doesn’t want a relationship with a man at all. He never even went to lunch with any of them. Met them at the local porn shop/did the deed & left. He never even kissed any of them. He just likes to suck penises ..................
So, he has two choices. 
1. To stay in the marriage monogamously with me.

2. To divorce and have sex with anyone he wants.

So far, he’s choosing #1. We do try to talk. Getting him to open up is VERY hard. I’ve asked others how they do it, and have gotten pointers, but not getting very far. 

BUT, he is trying. Keeping his attitude ‘up’ is one of the hardest parts. I also would really like more affection, which I realized he didn’t give much before disclosure either, but it wasn’t so noticeable then when things were going well. I miss being hugged & cuddled. He is capable of giving affection. He goes up to the dog and cuddles her! When I mention it, I do it as, see, you can show affection. He sees it as...oh, you’re just jealous of the dog....ughhhh. Can’t get through sometimes.

One day at a time! 

Whichever way your paths go, it’ll be all right. Remember to try not to solve it all at once. Things change from day to day. Take care of yourself first! I know it hurts..... for me, more than any hurt I’ve ever felt. More than the death of my first husband. At least that was natural. 

But, it will get better. Hang in there! Talk to whomever you can. Get into individual counseling for yourself. Be good to YOU!


Posted by MNBlindsided
January 12, 2021 12:50 pm

He told me PG, so in my mind that is anything but anal.  I also found a love letter from the man to my husband and the wording was kinda specific as to what they have done sexually.  I did not know he was the man my husband stayed with until I found that letter and his name was on it.  I am not okay with him seeing this man, but I think he will do it no matter what.  In the end, his feelings for this man will trump the feelings for me.  I know if he is made to pick between us, I would lose.

Posted by phoenix
January 12, 2021 1:05 pm

I'm so sorry you find yourself here MN. 

I went through a similar story.. my ex and I were married for 16 years and she pretended to be straight the whole.. Eventually she found another lesbian and left me to be with her.  

I strongly recommend you check out our beginners guide for some tips on how to get through the first few months.  It should be a big help.

I know it too hard right now to picture anything in your mind other than the loss of your spouse.  But there is a future for you.  

I'm much happier today than I was in my first marriage.   

-Formerly "Lostdad" - I now embrace the username "phoenix" because my former life ended in flames, but my new life will be spectacular. 

Posted by Ellexoh_nz
January 12, 2021 6:49 pm

Blindsided welcome, we're all here to help. Your husband has been honest with you....probably not 100% but as hard as it may be to hear you're luckier than some who get little if any truth. the First Aid thread....then as well as this Forum you need to talk about this. Somebody with a non-judgmental ear. This'll be overwhelming for a while but when your feet are standing on ground that doesn't feel like you're going to fall you'll be able to make decisions more clearly

Warm Straight Hugs


KIA KAHA                       
Posted by Julian_Stone
January 12, 2021 7:20 pm

I can only imagine how much pain you are in. Please know there is nothing you could do (or could have done) to prevent this. In so many cases, the spouse doesn't come out until he/she falls for someone else or wants permission to "explore" outside of the marriage. It's cowardly and selfish of them to take so many years of someone's life. More important than anything right now is for you to focus on you....With therapy and time, you will get through this...and find someone who loves and desires you completely.

Take care—and post here any time you need a sounding board. 

Posted by ThisTooShallPass
January 13, 2021 1:01 pm

Hi Blindsided, I'm sorry that you find yourself here.  We know how soul crushing it is.  

I have a somewhat similar background.  Met him shortly after high school, had a "happy" marriage, and I too was blindsided.  We were married 14 years, it's now been almost 10 months since he told me he's attracted to men and wants to explore that side of his sexuality.

Our journey since then has been different, he's now back to not really addressing his sexuality (bi, gay, no label?? does it even matter??) and implying he wants to "work on us" but the fact is...the damage has been done.  Actions speak louder than words after all. The marriage and life I had with this man are effectively dead, and he's given me no reason to stay and "work on us" so I had to let my head catch up with my heart, as I've seen it described on here. 

For now...we neutral.  I don't know what his plan/intention is, but my plan is to get my ducks in a row, figure out the logistics of taking care of myself and four kids...I will be ready for divorce if/when the time comes, and may very well be the one to pull the trigger first.  

Because like someone already said - we shouldn't have to play the Pick Me Dance.  There's only room for TWO people in a marriage, and unfortunately your husband has admitted that there is a third person in yours.  I believe the LGBTQ partner "voluntarily discloses" this type of information when they feel the reward (in your husband's case, the relationship with this other man) is greater than the risk (hurting you, destroying his marriage).  Why else would they drop this kind of bomb into their marriage bed? 

"How do I find the strength to let him go and live his true self and find a way to move on and find happiness again? 

You are likely going to explore a full range of strong emotions.  I've experienced shock, denial, anger, bitterness, sadness.  I think it's all part of dealing with trauma.  I stayed in bed for days, had weird dreams, went through energetic bursts where I threw myself into cleaning or exercising, found myself binge eating, had panic attacks, cried, picked fights with him, and so much more. Your feelings are real and valid, so just let yourself feel them, but don't let yourself be consumed by them.  

The rest, I guess we do one day at a time.  Find time to journal, come here to talk, find a therapist if you haven't already, confide in a trusted friend or family member (my panic attacks decreased significantly when I finally told my sister), get plenty of rest, don't forget to eat healthy.  Start thinking about what you can do for your future.  Consider getting legal advise so you know what your options are when he returns and the discussion comes up. Knowledge is power.  I have started doing little things--getting my own bank account, a credit card without his name, working on my resume, combing through the finances little by little.  I may not be "ready" but I'm not feeling as desperate as I did in the beginning.  The more you take care of yourself, the better you will start to feel.  I haven't reached the point of happiness again, but I don't think it's unattainable. 

Posted by Rob
January 14, 2021 8:27 am

ThisTooShallPass wrote;
"..The rest, I guess we do one day at a time.  Find time to journal, come here to talk, find a therapist if you haven't already, confide in a trusted friend or family member (my panic attacks decreased significantly when I finally told my sister), get plenty of rest, don't forget to eat healthy.  Start thinking about what you can do for your future.  Consider getting legal advise so you know what your options are when he returns and the discussion comes up. Knowledge is power.  I have started doing little things--getting my own bank account, a credit card without his name, working on my resume, combing through the finances little by little.  I may not be "ready" but I'm not feeling as desperate as I did in the beginning.  The more you take care of yourself, the better you will start to feel.  I haven't reached the point of happiness again, but I don't think it's unattainable. .."

Up Vote on that advice so concisely written.   Small baby steps each day,  they build and add up.  They help take some of the fear, anxiety, and lack of control away.    For those that feel stuck...small are not idle.  Whether it be years, months, weeks... there is no set time frame. ..small positive steps each day.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7
Posted by MNBlindsided
January 17, 2021 4:22 pm

No matter what I do or say, he wants to explore this side of him. I am either in, or out.  He will have this man join him on his trip and I can't do a damn thing about it. I think these 3 wks apart will allow me time to process and realize he is out for himself, no matter the cost. He is no longer mine.  It hurts so bad, but I need to come to terms with it and find the strength to move on.  I don't want to share his love with someone else. I deserve better.


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