Why is it that no one takes the straight spouses feelings into consideration? My husband and I have been together 20 years, married 10. We have gone to his family, first his grandfather but after his passing his moms house for Christmas Eve. We exchange gifts with her and his brother and their family. I have very little family so this has been my main family for 20 years. I do not feel like going this year. It has nothing to do with any ill will towards his mom, brother etc but just the mere fact that I am unhappy. I am not saying him nor our daughter cannot go I just do not feel like going. We are separted, but if we were separated living apart I most likely would not go and that would be more acceptable? I did not want anything for my birthday, because It just was not something I wanted to think about and my mother in law refused to oblidge stating that one thing doesnt have to do with the other. Meaning, my birthday does not have anything to do with what is going on with my husband. I think what they fail to realize is that this affects me the most. I WILL be alone for Christmas Eve, Christmas day after we open gifts because my husband goes to his aunts, New Years Eve dinner I will miss, New Years Day. That everyone else gets to go on as everything is the same but my life is the one that changes but i do not get sympathy but most likely will be giving grief over this.