Telling grown children

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Posted by blindsided
May 31, 2019 2:56 pm

I am looking for some feedback from people who have told grown children that their father is gay.  He is not out to anyone, including me.  We are in the process of divorcing and my lawyer does not want me to tell my three grown girls, 29, 25 and 23, for strategic reasons.  I guess I am specifically looking for advice on how and how much to tell them.  We have been married for 34 years and I first learned of his preferences in March when a friend of mine told me he had seen him in a gay bath house.  The first few times he saw him he just figured that we had an open marriage but then he heard him trash talking me and realized I didn't know.  After learning this, I went through his phone, first time ever in our marriage btw, and then his desk.  This has probably been going on 13+ years.  He does not have a loving relationship with one, but rather a very active grinder life and several men the ages of our daughters.  And, the expectant STDs and STIs associated with this lifestyle.  He dotes on them lavishly with car repairs, weekends in New York, foreign travel and fancy hotels.  I am about explode keeping this information to myself.  Advice on how much to share with daughters would be appreciated.

Posted by Married30yrs
May 31, 2019 3:50 pm

My heart goes out to you. Sorry, 

A mermaid should not feel lke she is drowning.....
Posted by walkbymyself
May 31, 2019 4:26 pm

I'm so sorry you're going through this.

It's not clear to me why there should be legal consequences of this discussion.  Has your lawyer explained this at all?

I've been pretty insistent and, to be honest, pushy about this point.  It makes sense to give your kids this information at a time and place of your choosing.  It's very distressing news for them, so there's no way to avoid the pain -- but that pain is coming whether or not you tell them yourselves, because sooner or later the truth comes out.  If you abdicate responsibility for making sure they find out in the least distressing way, they're going to hold that against you.  

I can't even begin to imagine a strategic reason to withhold this information from them, but it may be your lawyer is concerned that you will appear vindictive to a third party (like a judge).  

When I started down this path, I hadn't yet decided to divorce, but I told my husband that our daughter would need to be told, and that it would be best if it came directly from him.  I gave him a deadline and said if he hadn't told her by then, I would do it myself.  

I don't know what legal strategy your lawyer is concerned with, but you may want to ask him whether that approach would work.  Here are a few things that he needs to know:

1. Your husband isn't a good enough liar to keep this secret forever.  If your friend spotted him in a bathhouse, your kids' friends (or enemies) could as well, and you would have no control over the circumstances under which this deeply distressing truth is delivered to your kids.
2. You can't say for sure whether one or more of your kids may already know, and be hiding things from you.  That's a dynamic that's unhealthy for any family.  Siblings need to be able to be honest with one another and with their parents.
3. You don't want your kids to find out the day a police officer comes knocking on the door to tell them their father has been found dead in a bathhouse.

The issue is not whether or not the kids will find out.  The issue is when and how it happens.  As their mother, you have the power and the responsibility to be sure it's done in the least disruptive and painful way.  If you're not going to handle that responsibility, they're going to hold you at least partially responsible, since you'd also lied to them.

Relinquere fraudator, vitam lucrari.
Posted by Cele
May 31, 2019 5:39 pm

I’m sorry you find yourself in such a difficult situation. Tell them the truth, it will be painful but it’s better if you tell them than they find out through somebody else.
Five years ago my sister had the same situation as you, she asked her grown sons to go to her house and when they were together told them that she found out their father was gay and gave them all the information she had, it was a big blow for them hurt them so much but they got through the pain supporting each other's.

Posted by blindsided
May 31, 2019 5:41 pm

Thank you for the thoughtful response.  So much great advice and I am touched you took the time.

The lawyer is hoping to have a quick settlement, called collaborative law in PA, which will be much more likely if we only deal with the financial issues.  If it gets more complicated than that we are talking months and months of a long dawn out court proceeding.  I also want this fast-tracked.  I read all these posts written by people who still consider their ITC GX their good friend.  Nothing could be further from the truth for me.  I want him out of my life, yesterday if possible.

As for my children, I completely agree with your reasons for not keeping this from them.  I am comforted by the fact that they all live far away and their close friends are not here to potentially catch wind of what is going on.  Having said that, I am not going to keep them in the dark much longer.  (My lawyer is on vacation until Thursday.)  And I really am going to explode if I can't talk to them honestly SOON.  We are very close and this has been beyond stressful. (Most days I throw up at least once and I am covered in hives from head to foot.)  I like to believe that they don't know.  As I said, we are very close and they know that I don't have any problems with the gay/loving lifestyle.  This other disposable lover stuff is a big problem for me.  More on that later

Posted by Abby
May 31, 2019 5:41 pm

Blindsided, you say that you are in the process of divorcing. I think it likely that your lawyer told you not to tell because triggering your husband's anger could make the divorce process more complicated, which means drawn out and expensive.

Try to bite your tongue and bide you time until everything is final. They are all adults and should be able to handle news however they receive it better than minor children.

Try Gardening. It'll keep you grounded.
Posted by control
May 31, 2019 10:50 pm


Your story sounds similar to mine. Married almost 33 years, with 3 daughters aged 22-30. My STBGX admitted to same sex attraction in Oct. wanted to stay married & have his comfortable life as well as his his gay fantasies, gay porn & and God only knows what else. He denied acting on it, but I can’t believe anything he says.  As weeks passed he admitted to masturbating in truckstop & reststop parking lots as well as campground showers. (Seems to me it’s a mental/personality disorder, not just sexual orientation issue.). He has a therapist, but he must not have been effective help, things seem to have escalated for him as time goes by.

I knew I couldn’t stay married to anyone with all these issues & gay.  I told my 3 daughters all the details immediately.  I am & always have been extremely close to them. I have 2 granddaughters too. I would never want them around a 51 year old man who committed these types of behaviors, it’s too bad it is their father(but he refused to admit the severity of his issues & instead tried to minimize & normalize the behavior. My children/grandchildren aren’t having anything to do with him because of all of this. They are very sharp girls & don’t deserve a relationship with a father who is willing to put all this gross behavior & hurt on them, or me.

These men choose this way of life.  They know it will have consequences, that’s why it is a secret life!  I’d never keep this from my girls. They are of an age where they deserve the truth & to know why after all these years their parents are divorcing.

I’m with you, I will never be “friends” with someone who cares so little, they could choose to treat me & my girls this way. It’s not just about sexual orientation, it’s the terrible person he is. I’m trying to get this done as soon as possible, but it is not soon enough. My STBGX is trying to take financial advantage of me & my girls on top of all the other ridiculous acts. I’m ready to be free! 

My girls have been so supportive of me and of each other. That’s how we are getting through what he has intentionally put us through.

Best wishes & keep us posted!


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