OutofHisCloset wrote:
I beg of you. Don't go out with him. You say you would "out of curiosity," but you also just told us that you are an appeaser. You remained with a violent man and learned how not to "provoke" him. But no one ever provokes another to hit them; when someone hits another person, it's ALL on the HITTER; the person hit is NOT at fault. Your reactions and your words are textbook descriptions of the battered wife syndrome. You need to get away, and get to the safe place. He has a history of dominating you; you need to disrupt that dynamic, not enter into it.
So no, it does not make any sense to me to want to gawk at his train wreck or to enter his nightmare. He is trying to force you into his nightmare, but you shouldn't go there. You need to wake up.
Thank you, OutofHisCloset, for your concern and advice. I won't repeat my latest post, if you wouldn't mind reading that, it'll catch you up to speed. I am safe at a friend's house, and I am not expecting any future invitations from him to participate in his deviant fantasies. Thanks again, for your support. I look forward to our future interactions on this forum.