He says he's transgender and then he says he's not... I am SO confused

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Posted by Treuth
March 30, 2017 6:21 pm

Thank you, Rob. I sure do appreciate your insight, our stories do sound very similar. And WTF was exactly how I felt, both times he blindsided me.

I am trying to be strong and not buy into everything he's trying to lay on me, but sometimes that's easier said than done.  I wish I could go back to being angry and stay there a little longer. Angry feels better and more powerful than hopeless and confused. I'm hopeful that when we do the marriage counseling it might be easier for me to speak my truth and have someone else call him out on his bullshit when he's using the guilty manipulation tactic. I know that's what it is, but I'll be damned if it isn't still somewhat effective.

I can't express enough gratitude to all of you for sharing your stories and thoughts and for listening to me. I find all your experience, strength and hope invaluable to me. Thank you all for helping me get through the day. I know that's all I really have to worry about for now. I don't have to figure it all out today, I only have to make it till bedtime tonight, and tomorrow will be a new day. As we say in the circles I run in, one day at a time.

Meanwhile, thank you for this safe, understanding place to share.

Posted by iamthelorax
March 30, 2017 6:59 pm

Treuth wrote:

How did you handle that with your ex and the cancer thing? Are you cancer free today, I hope?

Oh I didn't have cancer. That's how manipulative these narcissists are, SHE had cancer. She'll take any excuse to pull the cancer card and use is to try and guilt trip me with it. I'm shamed to admit, it used to work a whole lot.

Posted by Treuth
March 30, 2017 8:01 pm

Ah, iamthelorax, I misunderstood your previous post. I am grateful to learn I'm not the only one that this narcissistic manipulation has worked on, but I am so sorry that this happened to you. I am hopeful that this is just part of the process and I will become more and more immune to it every time? Is this normal, to be expected, this delusional denial? This fear? It's just so awful at times it's hard to breathe.

I had been carrying on the pretty well this last  year without anyone really knowing I was struggling. It all feels fresh and raw and new again with this latest discovery. I do not understand why I seem to be having such an internal struggle with whether or not I should be a martyr. Which is not only irrational it's just dumb. I know I deserve better. I want my light back, it seems to be on a very, very low simmer these days, and I know I've got to take the necessary actions to get it back.

Nothing changes if nothing changes and I'm back to insanity, doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I need to quit struggling and trying to control the outcome, which is easier said than done.

And here I am going on and on again...and from internet acquaintance to internet acquaintance, I think you are all amazing and I appreciate your patience with me. More will be revealed, I am sure. Bless you, all of you, for speaking your truth and for being here.

Posted by iamthelorax
March 30, 2017 8:46 pm

Treuth wrote:

I had been carrying on the pretty well this last year without anyone really knowing I was struggling. It all feels fresh and raw and new again with this latest discovery. I do not understand why I seem to be having such an internal struggle with whether or not I should be a martyr.

I used to be the same way and after seeing a psychologist (which I hope you're doing), I learned a lot about myself and me ex's behavior. I learned that I was being manipulated slowly from day 1 by a person who knew the truth of the matter very well. This was a decade and a half of a crazy person slowly twisting my brain in knots and i didn't notice. I learned that I have a lot of healing to do from that and that it'll make me do stupid stupid things.

Years after the separation, she still had me guilt tripping that we should be secretive and ashamed of the separation. This was to the point I began dating someone new and was afraid to make her "Facebook official" because of what the ex would think of it. It hurt that girlfriend and she never forgave me for it. 

All I can say is that if you're seriously conflicted about being the martyr, don't underestimate how much of that is you being under his horrible influence and probably has very little to do with what you actually want. And seriously if you aren't seeing a psychologist, go do it now.

Posted by Foolme
March 31, 2017 2:52 am

Hi Treuth, even though there are some differences in our situations, be it Trans, Gay, Bi, SSA, whatever label covers each of our situations the similarities among us are striking, narcissistic manipulations and we were so unaware of it happening until it was too late. Boy if we could just turn back time on some of our lives, right? I wouldn't be without my three wonderful children but had I known the extent of the lies and deceit I'd have demanded more for myself.

Our struggles are very real, my truth was realised Oct '15, waiting to hear on my divorce date any day now, there's been a delay and more paperwork was requested this week.

You're not crazy, you're not a fool for being manipulated, hook winked and blindsided, these were all tactics engaged in by extremely manipulative people who knew the truth and knew how to keep that truth hidden. I was accused of "playing the game too", how can one know they're in a "game" when the rules are only known by one? To partake in a game the rules are explained and people have a choice whether to take part of not. All I can do it control how I behave and deal with the facts now that they're public knowledge and protect myself going forward.

It's the crazy that's been happening since the outing that I find despicable but it won't beat me, it won't dampen who I'm going to become...................one of these days ;-) They all transfer their guilt onto us and consider themselves the real and only victim in these situations - God love them, poor babies!!!!!!!!

Keep strong and know your truth, I hope couples counselling helps him see his bullsh*t! Be prepared for him to be so dug into his own trench that he may never be willing to admit his "faults"!

Sometimes we are just the collateral damage in someone else's war against themselves
Posted by Treuth
March 31, 2017 8:14 am

Foolme-the similarities in all of our stories are striking. I also wouldn't have my two wonderful children were it not for our marriage, and I am beyond grateful for them. But, you're right, it's time I demand more of myself. At least work up the courage to start doing so. I know that my boys wouldn't want me to be this unhappy, although I'm sure they already know that something isn't quite right.

I was somewhat aware of the manipulation going on, but thank you all for helping me to realize the depth of it and understanding where it's coming from. That part I really couldn't see. I also really appreciate hearing that I'm not crazy.

I am fully prepared for him to never own his part in this and to continue to play the victim. I suspect that will be exactly the case all the way through.

Iamthelorax-I started seeing a therapist of my own just this week. Her suggestion/homework for me this week was for me to start having honest  conversations with him and to stop pretending that everything is okay. She, like all of you, called BS on his latest tactics. I have hope that the more I work with her the stronger I will get and actually find the courage to do the next right thing. For me.

Posted by Kel
March 31, 2017 10:49 am

Hi Treuth,

My ex was gay in denial and now leads and openly gay lifestyle.  Two of my kids are the same age as yours, although my disclosure was about 6 years ago now.  I've been remarried and very much in love for several years now.  I don't have any experience in with trans issues, but I can say that a lot of what you've said your ex is saying is exactly what a lot of the gay in denial ex's here say/have said.  They act as if their issue is all about action - if there is no action on their part, then there is no problem.  I see it quite differently - I see it as by the time you see action, the problem has already grown quite large - to the point where it will never be dead.  If you're with someone who has gone down the road of hormone therapy for 6 months, you're not dealing with someone who has only a passing interest in transitioning.  He HAD to know that eventually, he'd be found out.  I mean, the entire process of hormone therapy is to change one's body into the opposite sex.  WHEN were you NOT going to notice that?  If you'd never found the meds but noticed one day that he'd grown breasts, was he planning on admitting the truth at THAT point, or was he going to gaslight you and act like you were crazy? (look up the term gas light.)  THEN he'd have to deal with this?  He's dealing with this now because you FOUND.OUT - NOT because he decided he didn't want to continue on that path.  He's told you already that he didn't want to be on that path, and you still kept finding evidence.  And the evidence had to be somewhat intentional - one doesn't just throw lingerie into the wash without knowing it.  Hell, if he's only wearing said lingerie for a few minutes/hours at a time, how badly could they need a wash, anyway???  So he's either wearing them alllll day, or doing something in them that makes them *dirty*.  Whichever it is, it's not benign - it's big.

I fully understand how you could feel beholden to him to see him through his challenging time after he saw you through yours.  And in some ways - the two issues are similar - neither of you will ever be rid of these maladies - you can only refrain from partaking in them.  HOWEVER, there is also some HUGE differences between the two issues.  For starters, you thinking about taking a drink but not doing so affects nothing. The desire is there, but iif you don't indulge, you have NO.PROBLEM.  It like an on-off switch for you.  His, however, is different.  His is a scale, and he seems to think that he can do some of what's in the gray area without it being "on".  Heck, he got all the way into black (fully on) with hormone therapy, and still thinks that he "just let it get a bit out of control".  THAT's what he thinks is a bit out of control?  I'd think that a "bit" out of control would be looking imagining his life as a female.  Or maybe reading a bit on it.  NOT cross-dressing, and hormone replacement therapy.  If that's where his line is, he will never stay completely away from this.

These desires don't go away.  EVER.  He may (or may not be) able and willing to control some of his actions.  But he cannot and will not stop himself from them controlling what he truly wants.  And he therefore will always be fighting with it, and himself - and YOU.  Because you represent the reason he's restraining himself.  Which spells inevitable resentment.  He already resents you - which is how he can so easily blame you.  And guilt you.  Because in his mind, it's YOUR fault.  He won't say that in words, but he's certainly telling you in other ways.  And you should keep your eyes open to all of that.

I think you've got a great head on your shoulders, so you'll wind up on your feet.  Please believe that.  In the meantime, try to keep in mind that he wasn't just doing something, he was becoming someone else entirely - without even so much as notifying you.  And when you figured it out, suddenly THEN he had a "problem" - one which he then deemed as one that he didn't want and was moving away from, and you needed to stand by his side to help him solve, lest you be deemed unloving and unsupportive.  The truth is, if you hadn't have found out when you had, he's still be doing this.  He didn't "decide" that he didn't want to do this - he got caught, and realized that he couldn't have his cake and eat it, too.  He's still going to try to figure out a way to do that - not because he doesn't love you, or because he doesn't value his marriage.  He's still going to try to figure this out because he's driven by an internal force that has NOTHING to do with anything outside of him.  One that tells him that he's in the wrong body, and life would be better if he were a female.  The truth is, that isn't what you signed up for.

I wish you the best -


Last edited by Kel (March 31, 2017 10:49 am)

You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.
Posted by lily
March 31, 2017 11:37 am

Treuth, a word of caution -

your therapist is telling you to have honest conversations with him and not pretend everything is okay.

can you honestly say that you believe you will get an honest conversation from him?  He hasn't been honest with you from day one - why would that change now.

There's a reason you've been pretending everything is okay - the underlying threat he will act out if you don't take whatever he is dishing out.

So you've got a window, where you can do a bit of sticking up for yourself - tell him it's not okay for you - and well I just wandered into that before I even knew he was gay and I found that I could push him around a bit instead of him always doing it to me.  If I stood my ground, if it was me who might be angry, then he stepped back and mollified me.  And that was good to learn.  It also meant I started to see him as he was, and that was an education, he was a lot uglier than I had been accepting of.  In cold hard terms of the settlement that comes with divorce, it meant that he started stashing money before I even knew we were heading into divorce.

so the main thing is be kind to yourself, at all times.  It's not pathetic to be cooperative with him - that's normal straight womanliness, you are built that way.  A good straight man makes you strong not takes advantage of it.  We end up feeling like failures but it is the marriage that is the failure, not ourselves.


Posted by Treuth
March 31, 2017 1:32 pm

Wow, Kel and lily, thank you. Your perspectives have given me the clarity I've desperately been seeking.  There is power in knowledge of the truth. I think you've both also given me a much-needed reality check. One I suppose I will continue to need as time passes.

I know that I will land on my feet, eventually, and I'm beginning to understand that this is definitely a process. A painful and ugly process, but I have faith that I will come out on the other side of it. Stronger, I'm sure, although that is hard to imagine right now.

Thank you all also for your kindness, support and encouragement.



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