Page Turner,
I’ve had EMDR but it was during my abusive marriage and about a traumatic near death experience. It was very peaceful and wonderful. I had to picture being in a beautiful meadow and then take the memory out of a box, then go into it with the eye movement. I was surprised at the things that came out of my mouth as I processed it. I recommend it!
As for the kids, mine are 6, 9, 13, 14, 16. We told them a few months ago when we decided to divorce. My husband told them he’s gay and that his conversion therapy teachings led him to marry a woman for God to make him straight. We watched the Netflix documentary Pray Away that week because those people were his counselors. It shows the gay people realizing they’re still gay and talking about the damage they did.
Anyway, yours are too young for that and my youngest didn’t want to watch it. My younger ones took it much easier than the teenagers! I think young ones are less attached to life as it is. Yours are at an age where you can say, “People get divorced for lots of reasons. For us, it’s because mom actually loves girls and not boys. She was confused when she married me.” My youngest asks stuff like, “Did you know dad likes boys? Did he like boys the whole time? Will he change and like girls?” I just shrug and give little answers and he’s fine. They don’t want tons of details - the teens do and that’s harder!