It's not the celebrity thing, other than to note they are just as vulnerable as any of us to be caught by a narcissist - idk what the names are these days but there is a line between self centred and selfish to the point of being heedless or not caring about the damage they inflict on others - and self centred and selfish and mean with it.
Well Sam Vaknin coined the phrase malignant narcissist and I guess the more old fashioned term would be sociopath - someone who wants to harm others socially not physically. I don't really care either will do, just that it be recognised that some people are mean.
People for whom life is never better than when they are hurting someone.
I remember this incident where I was in a crowd of people at some event and we'd got pushed up quite close, though there was still maybe a foot of clear space around us. The man in front of me stepped back and trod on my foot. I asked him to move, he ignored me on the third time he turned his head to look at me as he ground his heel into my foot a bit more before releasing it. I had done nothing, I hadn't touched him or impinged on his space at all, I wasn't noisy or smelly or anything that could possibly be construed as affecting him at all - no it was the pleasure of it, he wanted me to know it was deliberate, that gave him pleasure too.
Amber looks like she is going to profit - the whole world knows she had a threesome with Elon Musk, that's a dinner ticket isn't it! and that's just for starters.
And then, on a personal note, there's the closeted and entirely underhanded version. My ex, everybody thinks he's so nice but I know different.