I have two therapists - with different fields of expertise - and I'm in two groups. Therapists never tell anyone what to do. They only clarify or validate your own choice in what direction you decide. I would bet your therapist does think you should leave. There is no living with narcissists and the way you describe him, it seems to me that's what he is. Add in TGT - whether he admits to it or not, and it's no longer a marriage. Just an endurance test. Living with him under the same roof will become intolerable if you do it indefinitely with no end date. My biggest mistake in all this was not admitting it was over decades ago. I was working on a marriage all by myself and when I look back on it, what a fool I was. Work toward out. Work toward taking control of your own life back. Don't consider him on any level. He isn't considering you. Facing it's over is hard. Not facing it is even harder. I think the biggest thing I've gotten out of therapy is clarity what I think about all this is correct. It's shocking, consuming and devastating. Inch by inch you will survive it. You've proven you can. Stay on the path that feels good to you.
Last edited by Judy (December 17, 2016 5:59 am)