Posted by rachey April 5, 2022 11:06 am | #1 |
My husband and I got married in our early 20s about 10 years ago. He is my first and he claimed i was his first. The first 3 years of our marriage we were in a long distance relationship as we were still pursuing our studies. After college that's when i started to notice some problems with intimacy as we were now staying together. After sex there was no cuddling he would just get dressed and go watch the TV or play video games. He claimed he couldn't sleep that early. We had sex maybe twice a month. Sometimes it was him performing oral sex on me. He suggested it was best I don't get on contraceptives as they were bad for me. That meant we would not have sex from the time I ovulated up to after my period. He had also taken it upon himself that we use condoms all the time as he didn't want us to have an accident baby.
I can say I knew he was gay all along. I once found a hidden folder on his computer that had more than 200 videos of gay porn. I ask him and he denied knowing about the existence of such media and said that maybe someone had put them there. I don't why but I believed him. The other time which was supposed to be when I should have believed my husband was gay was when I found incriminating texts on his phone between him and some guy. I assumed it was woman but when I looked up the number it was actually a man. I then confronted him and he said he was sorry and the guy had actually broken it off with him. He told me he was feeling very sad and was even contemplating committing suicide. At first I felt betrayed but mostly sorry for him. I then felt embarrassed as I thought about what people would say if I told them my husband cheated on me with a man.
About 3 years later that's when he decided it was time to have a baby so we had sex twice a month up until we eventually conceived. That is when all hell broke loose. After learning I was pregnant he lost total interest in me. He did not even lay a finger on me or even to feel the baby move. He slept on the couch most of the time as he was suddenly busy with work or his hobbies. The marriage became sexless since then up until it was time to have another baby 3 years later. This is when it actually dawned on me that he is gay. I tried initiating sex several times but nothing worked. He would say he was tired, too sleepy, my touch was cold or not even come to bed or postpone to another day which never came A lot of people think I am beautiful and hot but that really makes me angry as I do not feel that way.
I am in my early thirties and do not want to regret wasting my life on someone who will never be intimate with me. He says two children are enough which to me means the end of my sex life. I sometimes think it's all in my head and he will come around and realise I am sexy. I am really confused of what to do next as I am so convinced I do not want this kind of life where there is no intimacy. I am also scared of starting again as I do not think I can trust any man gay or straight because I am afraid of being cheated. Also in our culture a divorced woman is looked down upon. It feels like either way I am losing. Should I continue acting like all is fine and suffer in silence. I am really confused and do not know how do I navigate from here
Last edited by rachey (January 13, 2023 11:54 am)
Posted by Abby April 5, 2022 1:24 pm | #2 |
It sounds to me as if you are not in denial anymore. As for being "really confused" I suggest that you take stock of your resources because the more can pull together the more options you will have.
Are you employed now? Are you planning to continue working and do you have childcare help available? Do you have family and/or friends who will be supportive of your choices? Without telling him, consult an attorney where you live to find out what the laws are where you are residing and what you can reasonably anticipate if you decide to divorce him. Don't listen to his negativity because it is a way to keep you around as a wife appliance - free housekeeping and childcare but no love and affection.
I shut down myself for 30+ years, trying to believe my now-ex's denials that he might be gay and accepting from him an attitude that I was guilty of something so bad that it could not even be discussed. He meanwhile was forming his own a gay support network and, when he was ready - and his parents were dead - he finally came out of the closet.
I was fortunate that I was near retirement age and there were assets to be divided. With the help of a good attorney these have given me the ability to build a happier new life. There is no making up lost time however.
I wish you all the best.
Posted by Abby April 6, 2022 8:07 am | #3 |
Welcome to the club that no one wants to join. Please stick around and read the introductory materials as well as the posts. Each person's situation is different but finding that your partner is not who you thought is a shared pain. I hope you will find strength and wisdom here to help you discern how you wish to proceed.
Posted by walkbymyself April 6, 2022 11:25 am | #4 |
rachey, I'm so sorry you're going through all this. It's so very difficult, we've all been there. Some of us stay, some of us leave, but it's really hard no matter which way you go.
It doesn't seem to me that you're confused -- it seems that you're really clear-eyed about what's going on. Don't beat yourself up about what you should have known years ago, right now you seem to understand what it is you want for your own future.
Posted by rachey April 7, 2022 10:14 am | #5 |
Thank you for being here for me. I really feel like home here. Where I come from, talking about homosexuality is very taboo. This totally has made it hard for me to open up about my situation to anyone. I do not have any close friends anymore. I sort of automatically distanced myself from people after college. I lost a lot of self confidence as I always questioned why of all the men in the world I would attract a gay man. I resent my family for not noticing something was wrong with my marriage. They think he is a very sweet guy and adore him as he gets along very well with them.
We are both employed but we never budget together therefore I decided to take care of the groceries and him the bills. He earns more than I do but I do not know what he really spends his money on as he is always broke. So I end up chipping in to cover some other expenses which leaves me with nothing to save up. I think I can afford to live on my own.
I am miserable and would want a divorce but I am more worried about it affecting the kids. How do I know what's best for the kids? Won't they resent me for breaking the family or blame themselves as it seems this is coming soon after they were born yet I had stayed in the marriage for a long time before them. What motivates someone to stay or leave. For those who left at what point did your tell your spouses that you wanted out
Posted by Ellexoh_nz April 9, 2022 11:28 pm | #6 |
rachey wrote:
.... This totally has made it hard for me to open up about my situation to anyone. I do not have any close friends anymore. . I resent my family for not noticing something was wrong with my marriage. They think he is a very sweet guy and adore him as he gets along very well with them.
We are both employed.... he is always broke. So I end up chipping in to cover some other expenses which leaves me with nothing to save up. I think I can afford to live on my own.
I am miserable and would want a divorce but I am more worried about it affecting the kids. How do I know what's best for the kids? Won't they resent me for breaking the family or blame themselves as it seems this is coming soon after they were born yet I had stayed in the marriage for a long time before them. What motivates someone to stay or leave. For those who left at what point did your tell your spouses that you wanted out
Hey Rachey.... When I first joined the Forum I thought I must be the only New Zealander here. Overtime I discovered at least 2 other NZers... And there will be more, most people may feel like they'd be in a spotlight coming from a small country. What I'm trying to say is... Even though you think you have nobody to talk to... There will be men and women in your area who are living and experiencing what you are. It is a lonely place to be but you have to find the strength to not keep it inside yourself, and to confide in a friend or trusted family member
As for money.... STOP chipping in. Tell your husband you've spent all yours 🙃 get crafty, stand up for the work you* do, the money you* earn.
My children were all grown when this happened to me. I suppose I have to thank time for that. Would you rather your children grow up with an unhappy mother or teach them by example how to make good decisions so the life they live is a happy one?
I'm still with my bisexual partner. I'm here for the financial security. There is no intimacy in our r'ship.
Posted by Gloria April 10, 2022 7:39 am | #7 |
Financial security is important. I stayed with my gay ex boyfriend for that reason. My son's dog bit my 13 pound dog and I could take my dog to his house four nights a week to keep him safe. I love my pets like they are my children. After a year, I broke up with him(Covid also had something to do with it) I fell in love and got married. It is not too late. It is better to be unhappy alone than unhappy with someone. I wish you two ladies the best of luck. If you leave, you will feel so much better about yourself. I am holding a good thought for both of you.
Posted by rachey April 21, 2022 1:45 pm | #8 |
I finally gathered up strength last week and told him I couldn't stretch myself financially. He then spent three days giving me the silent treatment. He would come home very late and leave before I even woke up. I just ignored the situation and didn't bother to ask him about what was going on. He then broke the silence when he wanted to know if I was strong enough to attend a friend's wedding that was coming up. Of course we attended the wedding. Whilst there he randomly said to me 'i still love you'. I haven't been this confused in my life and I'm contemplating asking him what he meant when he said those words.
Posted by Ellexoh_nz April 21, 2022 2:13 pm | #9 |
rachey wrote:
I finally gathered up strength last week and told him I couldn't stretch myself financially. He then spent three days giving me the silent treatment. He would come home very late and leave before I even woke up. I just ignored the situation and didn't bother to ask him about what was going on. He then broke the silence when he wanted to know if I was strong enough to attend a friend's wedding that was coming up. Of course we attended the wedding. Whilst there he randomly said to me 'i still love you'. I haven't been this confused in my life and I'm contemplating asking him what he meant when he said those words.
Oh I definitely think he's surprised you've refused to give him money and doing the only thing he thinks might soften you....telling you he still loves you. You're his straight cover...camouflage for his gay, and you're important to him.
Stay kaha.....with every strong decision you make the more determined woman you become. Your confusion will clear as you begin to feel that this is the right way to stand up for yourself