Anon2222 wrote:
I hate my "new" life. Nothing is going well. I'm exhausted, stressed all the time, depressed AF and broke.
I am so sick of people telling me you're better off, it'll get better, you'll find someone else or whatever else BS they can throw at me. I'm miserable as hell and what's the point in lying to myself about how this will get "better".
Maybe if I won the least the financial stuff would improve...
Anon- I truly understand what you are going through. While I am happy to be away from my ex, the devastation he wrought, especially on my daughter, is unbearable.
I, like you, tire of the platitudes. I think it’s what people say because they don’t know what to say. People who have never been through trauma simply can’t relate.
So I will tell you 2 things (1) what you are going through absolutely sucks and you are justified in the way you feel about. (2) please please think of at least 1 person - and I mean it sincerely that it can be me if you don’t have someone closer - who would be devastated if you didn’t keep going. For their sake you have to get through every damn miserable day. Because as much as this sucks, you would cause them enormous pain if you didn’t.
Finally, I smiled when you mentioned people saying you’ll find someone else. If I had a buck for every time someone said that I might not be facing homelessness. What on earth makes these people assume that I would want another relationship is beyond me. I think it must be how their feeling that life isn’t complete without a mate. Uh, I’ll take some casual sex at some point but no relationship thank you. I just learned to say nothing.
Hang in there.