My first experience with therapy was a bit confusing, because she saw both me and my ex, individually and together. I would absolutely never enter into that dynamic again. I needed someone to be fully on my side.
During the time leading up to the separation, I was lucky to have had two good experiences - the first couples counsellor did individual intakes with each of us before we had our first session together. At the end of my session she said "once the woman has a foot out the door, it's almost impossible to get her back in". I think I knew then it was over. We had a few more sessions together, and it really helped me see that I truly was done.
I had a personal counsellor to get me through the separation and divorce, and she was amazing and incredibly helpful. I felt seen, heard and validated in my choices. She was truly my rock.
I can totally see that things might have gone very differently if I hadn't lucked on to two good counsellors. I was so vulnerable, and I wanted the marriage to work. I think I could have been convinced to keep trying, or to accept that he was bi and who knows where that would have led. It's the best thing for both of us that this marriage is over!