it's so complicated because people say focus on 'you'....but your mind is always on him and the situation an the 'what if'. I spent all of my 8 years w/my EX trying to get attention from him, trying to be skinny enough, pretty enough, smart enough, fun get it. Despite all of this, he was always critical and angry. Because he was oppressed. NOTHING I did would be enough - because I'm not a man! I realize your relationship was loving and so it's more of a shock. You are valuable, beautiful and worthy of love and honesty. Perhaps you can take some peace in that you were faithful and loving to him and you were your best self. You are supported here. It's truly not something you can sort out easily (or ever!) in your mind. Try to lean on this group and anyone in your life that shows you love and caring. You will get thru it. One day at a time.......
Anger has power - it's a fine line for me between power/action and revenge. I've experienced more sadness, loneliness but at times I get burst of anger. One thought I try to recycle in my brain is " I deserve better. I deserve love"....... you do too.