Posted by Whirligig ![]() September 10, 2020 7:58 pm | #41 |
Victo, hopefully you can see some light at the end of the tunnel! Any improvements in your neck of the woods for getting out to socialize? If not, I hope things improve for you soon.
Guy, I'm sorry for the heartbreak you are feeling. Whatever you end up doing, I'm sure you'll make the best choices you can that feel right for you and your kids regardless of what your wife chooses to do. Daryl and JoeC have been where you are and Phoenix is a good resource too. They always seem to give wise advice from the male perspective. Keep your head up!
Posted by Victo ![]() September 11, 2020 4:01 pm | #42 |
Thank you, Whirlgig. I'm not sure if it is light at the end of the tunnel, or stray light from a random shaft into the tunnel, but I am doing okay, thank you. Socializing is not quite on the radar yet, but at least I am busy and working again. That certainly helps. I appreciate your care and your input.
Posted by Blue Bear ![]() September 13, 2020 3:16 pm | #43 |
Hi Guywithlesbian:
I'm largely ignoring the intervening posts since your initial post. I'm going to respond to your question about whether you should be doing anything now before the proverbial sword falls.
I've lived this situation (my ex-wife was cheating on me in secret with the mother of our older daughter's friend for a year), and I blew the cover off of the affair in March 2019. I've connected with many others through this board and in other ways who have lived through this. I'm by no means "the authority" on this, but I'll speak from my personal experience and what I've learned from others.
Your wife has likely chosen a destiny that does not include you as her husband. Indeed, she's already on dating apps looking for women. Why should you be supportive of this? She doesn't respect your marriage, your feelings, and the vision that you thought you shared for your relationship. She's asking you to accommodate same-sex infidelity. Are you ok with all of this?
The most difficult thing about being a straight spouse (again, my opinion) is having to make that pivot from looking at your spouse as your best friend, supporter, confidante and most trusted person to someone who really doesn't view you the same way. My conclusion? They don't deserve us.
So what's your plan for now? I would plan the exit, which is almost always inevitable if you want to stick to your boundaries, values and vision of marriage. Meet with an attorney, assemble your most recent financial statements, and get the divorce process started sooner rather than later so you can move on to a much more satisfying and meaningful life.
I'm so sorry you are dealing with this. There are not words to explain the misery associated with this. I hit a rock bottom with "this" that would make most people's jaws drop. But I promise it gets better. The first step is planning the exit and protecting the kids.
Posted by Dad1st ![]() September 21, 2020 11:23 am | #44 |
Hi Guy, must say first it is good to know I am not the only one in a very similar situation. Good luck hang in there and be kind to yourself. I am still working on wording my situation and sharing.
Posted by SusanneH ![]() October 5, 2020 4:33 pm | #45 |
Hey, Guy!
I noticed we haven’t heard from you since your first post. First, I’d like to apologize for our “off the subject” posts that seemed to derail what you were trying to get help for. It’s not usually like that. I noticed that at the end of your post you said (to my) ‘straight spouse family”. Well, we weren’t a very good family to you.
So, how is everything going with you? I’ve been thinking about you & your situation. Please don’t give up on SSN just because of these posts. We’re usually of more help & I’m sure everyone would like to help you out.
Sure would like to hear from you.
Posted by Ordinary guy ![]() June 30, 2021 8:30 am | #46 |
After reading up on this subject I have noticed a trend which should be the subject of scientific and psychological discourse This seems to apply mainly to the closet lesbian more than a gay man.
It would make sense that in the unconscious mind that two contradicting needs are battling against each other. First, there is a same sex attraction that is clear and evident but suppressed in order to increase the biological need to put genetic material forward into the next generation. If the second fundamental need outweighs the first, then the same sex desire can be repressed. When the biological need to reproduce has been met, then the same sex need for companionship and/or sexual gratification then manifests. This becomes the selfish unconscious need that must be satisfied in order to reach a state of self actualisation.
It is estimated that up to 10% of the world population has same sex attraction of some sort, with only 2.5% being open about it. This suggests also that the “Straight Spouse” issue is far larger than we believe. The act of living in a closet with an individual (whether through choice or not) actually represents a “cage” for the straight spouse. The bars of which are made of prejudice and shame for both the gay and straight spouse. Would any straight spouse enter into a relationship with a gay partner when their own reproductive and sexual desires were at stake? No, I don’t think any rational person would. Therefore, deception would be the only recourse open to a gay individual whether that was perpetrated by design or not. The birth of a child could act as a trigger for formally repressed desires to enter the conscious mind, only for the straight spouse to be left “holding the baby” so to speak. This is because as a society we are conditioned to support the bravery of the gay spouse to break free of the shackles of a heteronormative world. But wait, hang on a second.
“What about the straight spouse in all of this?”
”I don’t know, where are they anyway?’
“They are over there crying in agony because their lives and futures have ended while another’s has exploded into a bright rainbow future”
There needs to be firm and concerted effort by mental health professionals to specialise in the treatment and understanding of the straight spouse’s particularly insidious form of grief. Your partner has died, and yet still walks and talks and laughs like never before. Their future is full of joy and hope. It is after all, not just a rejection of the personality as is common in many separations but a complete rejection of the person as a whole.
Simple fact of life is this:
No one in their right mind would castigate the gay spouse for coming out. That would be taken as being homophobic on some level and result in social death. It is far easier to look at the heterosexual spouse for an explanation.
But we don’t really have one, do we? We just want to be heard and noticed, and a hug wouldn’t go amiss.
Last edited by Ordinary guy (June 30, 2021 8:31 am)
Posted by Daryl ![]() June 30, 2021 11:01 am | #47 |
I have no doubt that significant life events can trigger a change like this. Child-birth or just afterwards, kids entering adulthood, a milestone birthday, the death of parents, and so on. So many histories told here seem to have something like this in the timeline as a point when something changed.
Posted by Ordinary guy ![]() July 7, 2021 7:30 am | #48 |
Daryl wrote:
I have no doubt that significant life events can trigger a change like this. Child-birth or just afterwards, kids entering adulthood, a milestone birthday, the death of parents, and so on. So many histories told here seem to have something like this in the timeline as a point when something changed.
You are dead on Daryl. When I consider the old “how didn’t I know?” Question, I go back to the red flag indicators. I have gone back in time to 30 years ago to look at all of the things from our past that often led me to adopt the old quizzical look. Some of them seem perfectly understandable now with that I am armed with a new perspective. Even if the partner was not conscious of any of it at the time, perhaps better observation on or around these life events would have provided valuable insight. I watched a video with Amity on Youtube, in which she said that there are an estimated two million MOM in the US alone. Of these, some will be entered into knowingly but a great number will be dormant bombs waiting for the right life event to trigger detonation. Major life events cause natural introspection in everyone. They can shift your goals and cause you to change your view on life whether gay or straight. If you have a previously unknown skeleton in your cupboard, it would use one of these opportunities to clatter into reality. You know what would be a good idea. Let the straight spouses have their day of honesty. The last day of pride month should become the day of honesty in relationships. A day when any closeted individual, or one in denial can ask themselves if they are truly being who they are while in a heterosexual relationship. Putting this issue into public consciousness may save some from becoming statistical collateral damage from the inevitable future detonation in a relationship. That is exactly how we are viewed at the moment, necessary collateral damage.
4880 days...
Last edited by Ordinary guy (July 7, 2021 7:34 am)
Posted by Ellexoh_nz ![]() July 7, 2021 2:16 pm | #49 |
My comments in red
Ordinary guy wrote:
............ I have gone back in time to 30 years ago to look at all of the things from our past that often led me to adopt the old quizzical look. Some of them seem perfectly understandable now with that I am armed with a new perspective. .........This.! I did this often earlier in the Mindfuck, not so much now.....
Let the straight spouses have their day of honesty. The last day of pride month should become the day of honesty in relationships. A day when any closeted individual, or one in denial can ask themselves if they are truly being who they are while in a heterosexual relationship.....Good idea but it would need a straightspouse who is no longer entangled in the mire of the Mindfuck and who is able to instigate this. And be able to deal with the backlash from straightspouses as well as the LGBTQ community
Putting this issue into public consciousness may save some from becoming statistical collateral damage from the inevitable future detonation in a relationship. That is exactly how we are viewed at the moment, necessary collateral damage.....yeah Straightspouses need to be a public and visible community too .......