I did EMDR along with talk therapy and it was life-changing for me.
At first, it seemed as if I was going backward instead of forward. I had worked hard for years to bury all those emotions and feelings in order to function. However, in order to finally process everything properly (because, as I understand it, trauma is your brain not processing an event - or series of events - properly which is why those events seem so real and so current), those events/emotions need to be brought back to the surface. It was hard, emotionally draining work, but I have come so far. I am not fully healed and know I will one day have to go back to therapy to deal with a couple of remaining issues (dealing mostly with trusting others, etc), but my triggers are fewer and much less intense than they used to be. I also now have tools to help me deal with those triggers when they do happen so that I don't find myself spiraling downward for weeks or even months at a time.
Good luck to you.