After all these years, I still get anxiety attacks

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Posted by lily
October 4, 2019 12:05 pm

iamthelorax wrote:

You're right about having stuck to the game plan. After much thought, I see how this was something that would make her worry and upset. I had just panicked at the cost, was unsure how to afford this and started entertaining other theories the lawyer had to say. It was the wrong thing to do.


Lorax, you're still doing it - first you were just exploring other alternatives, now you were only doing this because you panicked at the cost.  On the assumption she isn't a lesbian there is no need to defend yourself from your wife's anger  - step in close and let her be angry with you, take it on board and let it heal you - when someone who loves you is mad at you it's because they love you.  

Posted by iamthelorax
October 5, 2019 2:51 pm

They are indeed a complete intrusion. I used to cringe every time my daughter would interact “hey daddy, remember that funny time mommy did\said...?”

I’m the only who seems to understand how miserable I was and what the truth turned out to be.

As for my wife and I, we had some long talks. We’re going to be ok. Thanks for listening.

Posted by lily
October 5, 2019 5:13 pm

oh very glad to hear that.  Yes it is so bad and nobody understands, why don't they understand because they are too busy accommodating the entitled ones.  The whole world is like that.  I remember for years and years I had this feeling that I was there to keep x happy, that was how the people around it saw it - if I didn't somebody else would be up for the job.

It's my turn now - I am still rattling from being triggered into an anxiety attack.  so pissed off.- another one of these don't even think of calling me a lesbian women.  I swear there are more closet lesbians than straights round here.  They are more aggressive than straight women, they are more entitled and they got no sense that reality matters, no it's what they want that matters.

Posted by Whirligig
October 8, 2019 7:29 pm

Lorax, I too am very glad that you and your wife are going to be okay. Hopefully the added expense of going to court to get an order in place helps ease some of that anxiety and gets you some enforceable boundaries with the GX. Good luck!



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