What she says she wants today may not be what she wants six months or a year down the line. Please take what she says not as gospel truth but with a grain of salt the size of Gibraltar. My now-ex declared, after I'd turned myself inside out to support his newly disclosed sexuality, "I want to live with you for the rest of my life!" Nine months later he characterized my expression of my doubts and my pain as an attack on him, and thereafter referred to it as "what you did to me."
I posted a link to an article on attachment injury for the wives of men who declare themselves transgender, but I think many of the points are applicable to the spouses of those who declare they are bi, gay, or lesbian, especially the part about how our ideas of our sexuality and selfhood take a huge hit. Here's the link:
Donna Chapman and Benjamin Caldwell: “Attachment Injury Resolution in Couples When One Partner is Transgender”
Journal of Systemic Therapies, Vol 31, No. 2, 2012, pp36-53
(full text of article available online)