There's this Australian politician, Penny Wong, very vocal in the fight for gay marriage rights. She's been very open about being gay and her partner is a woman. So she came up in a quiz show I was watching - who was the girlfriend of some Western Australian politician, a man, and she was the answer and one of the people on the show trying to guess the answer said it was surprising she was the girlfriend considering....
and the compere says oh sexuality is so fluid.
agh. If gay people want to call their sexuality fluid that's fine by me but don't call me that.
So there it was, this moment - for a split second the straight boyfriend from WA hung in the air, the sense that it's not okay, it was not okay to him. but so quickly he disappeared - swept under the carpet with the term fluidity.
oh that makes it all okay then. The spectre of his discomfort goes ping, out like a light.
Last edited by lily (March 5, 2019 6:40 pm)