Dear Fellow Straight Sisters,
Thank you all, what strong women we are. I stopped therapy at $150 an hour and now being laid off, I can't afford it. But I feel this SSN site gives me all the support I need. But most importantly you all really get it, you all really understand the pain, the turmoil. No one else does unless they are going thru this....TGT.
In some strange way, even though my GIDH, only admitted to being "bisexual", just him being partially truthful has really given me the push I need to move toward divorce. The mind "fu-k" game, he was playing before, had me questioning my sanity, trying to convince me it was all just a fantasy, that he was heterosexual, that all men look at gay porn, that he still desired me although no sex with me for 10 years.......I was trying to convince myself of the lies. All I wanted was the truth, I wanted him to admit he was gay, that he was sexually attracted to men, I felt with the truth, I could move on better, it would help me heal. So when he finally admitted to being attracted to men, calling it "bisexual," gave me peace. I know it sounds crazy but it gave me the courage to move towards divorce.
I still love this man, I always will. But I now love myself more, and I demand respect, honesty, loyalty. Onward.
Hugs to you all