I'm so impressed with this group of people

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Posted by phoenix
April 18, 2018 10:22 am

I want to tell you all how proud and impressed I am with all of the members of this group. 

I'm always observing the conversations here and keeping track of the activity levels.  I'm so proud of the way this forum is interacting right now.  We have such an amazing group of the most compassionate and kind and wise people.  We have a pretty constant flow of new members and I'm so happy about how kindly they are welcomed here and how compassionate the responses and advice are given.  We have a great group of people with different levels of expertise and experience .  We have a nice mix of men and women.  A nice mix of people divorcing vs. people trying to maintain marriage.  We have a good mix of those with gay/lesbian spouses and those with trans spouses.  I love that we have so many new people who are in the midst of crisis, but still willing to offer compassion and encouragement to other new people.  It's really fantastic!

We have settled into a very understanding and non-abrasive group as well.  We very rarely have any disagreements or issues. 

Just wanted to let everyone know how much I appreciate you all and how great our group is working together.  

It's easy to forget what a huge impact we can make on another person's life as they try to survive perhaps the worst crisis in their life.   The simple act of saying "welcome" and "we care about you" and "we understand how you feel" is sometimes enough to help a person get through the day.  For a new person in the midst of a secret crisis to be able to share their emotions and fears and have a few people who really know what they are going through offer words of encouragement can be an actual life-saver. 

Don't ever forget how important this place is and how much of a difference you can make to another person.  

Thanks everyone!!!


-Formerly "Lostdad" - I now embrace the username "phoenix" because my former life ended in flames, but my new life will be spectacular. 

Posted by walkbymyself
April 18, 2018 3:55 pm

Right back atcha, phoenix.

Relinquere fraudator, vitam lucrari.
Posted by Rob
April 19, 2018 6:29 am

Hey..   Yeah I think everyone is kind and understanding...the site remains one of the safest places where one can talk about this.

In fact its probably one of the only places where people, having gone through this, get it.

I know I needed both the kind words and, sometimes, harsher words to get me through this.  I would have had a nervous breakdown if not for this forum and my local SSN group.  It's one of the reasons I come back here even though I'm away from TGT and the abuse.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7
Posted by Count of Monte Cristo
April 19, 2018 8:45 am

Yes, it is safe here and people get it.  Simple as that.   We may never meet eye to eye but for some reason the voices and thoughts of others writing here can change your day from bad to good in a heartbeat.  Simply having someone listen that cares means so much.  I have lost faith in humanity.  Through family and groups like this it is coming back.  It helps you realize how strong you are.  Thank you to all to help me get through this nightmare.

Posted by greyhound gal
April 24, 2018 2:33 pm

Can I just say- its been the only place where I can talk to other ladies who know what I am going through? I live in Scotland and there is no support here at all.


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