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April 3, 2017 8:49 pm  #1

Frenzied Attempts and Promises

I'm in the frenzied attempts to keep me phase of my GIDH's cycle. After 8 years, I truly don't know how many times I've been through this phase. But, alas, here we are again. This time, however, he must truly sense my emotional detachment. I've been cold. I'm being kind and calm and unemotional. So far. And, WOW, is he ever putting on the show this time.
I thought it might be helpful to start a thread about this phase. It's the reason I always stay. He always wins here. And I always find myself back here. Again.
Since I have told him I am done with physical contact and I want a divorce, he has:
-called a few of my family and friends, bawling to the point of vomiting, sobbing that he loves them and telling them a story of rape from his past - which he has never shared with me and doesn't match up with timelines- saying he has PTSD and this has caused his years of attraction to men, cheating on me with men from Craigslist and Grindr, but he can get help. I'm blindsiding him with divorce.
-alluded to suicide if I ever left him
-cooked dinner for the first time in 3 years
-washed floors and cleaned a bathroom and folded laundry (he has NEVER done these tasks. Ever.)
-planned an entire family evening, which he has never done; he typically disappears as soon as I get home, either out of the house on his bike for hours or on his phone locked in the bathroom for hours
-says I Love You constantly and expects me to parrot it back
-demands constant hugs and handholding
--demands i turn on read receipts for his text messages and freaks out if I don't immediately respond
-told me to tell a male coworker to stop texting me (a completely no chance in hell I'd ever do anything, friend for 14 years, coworker)

I keep repeating my "whys" to myself, when I start to feel like I can't tear my kids from this solidly good situation. A big why for me is that I just can't bear another year of downing two drinks, closing my eyes, and getting through sex as fast as possible so I can run and clean myself. I just can't.


April 4, 2017 2:28 am  #2

Re: Frenzied Attempts and Promises

Stay strong Eliza, you know your truth now. I never experienced this phase, it didn't happen for me.

You come across very clearly and you can see his behaviour for what it is, trying to manipulate you to stay. You know now if you do the old patterns will just return and you'll find yourself here again in 5 or 10 years time. Keep telling yourself you can't do that to yourself or your children.

Warm hugs

Sometimes we are just the collateral damage in someone else's war against themselves

April 4, 2017 6:21 am  #3

Re: Frenzied Attempts and Promises

Run Eliza. We must begin thinking with our heads instead of our hearts so much. We fear the future instead of embracing it. Most things that we fear never happen.  Jump ship my dear. Plug your nose if you must but save yourself.


April 4, 2017 6:48 am  #4

Re: Frenzied Attempts and Promises

All attempts to control what he can't.  He's gay.  You deserve better.  Keep moving. 
Let him get help.  He needs it. 
Build your support fortress.  Leave the house as much as you can with the kids just for freedom. 
Your kids are not old enough yet to realize this is not a solidly good situation.  It's awful.  Kids as they grow will need stability and to not be afraid their Mom and Dad don't love each other, that their Dad might hurt Mom, or that their Dad might kill himself.  It's not a solidly good situation, it's awful. 

Stay strong, keep moving, use your supports, and keep posting.  You are brave.  You know what will happen.  Keep moving. 

“Above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely of places.”

April 4, 2017 7:26 am  #5

Re: Frenzied Attempts and Promises

Just wow eliza.. did he ever realize he's going to lose you and pour on the affection .

I can't say this happened to me except for a brief time when she was suddenly sex crazy as if deciding if she was straight or should she cheat.

Some thoughts...neither yay or neigh but stating things as a therapist would do: 

Why didn't he do any of this before?

Like when you quit a  job and they offer you a counter offer..why did you have to quit to get the raise?    And if you accept the counter offer what grudges and slights will be held against you?

Why was he thinking there would be no repercussions to his actions?

He can do xyz. But you can't text a guy friend?  Where is his trust?

If he goes out for a beer with the guys is it friends getting together or a group date?  How can he prove otherwise?

If he has not touched you before and considered that humane and proper treatment of a wife why is he suddenly offering that as ok to be needed?

Will he stop all contact with xyz and have no passwords on his phone and computers?

So hard...these spouses think they can take it back ...I kind of knew my gay ex was incapable of ever back peddling ..she destroyed the marriage with reckless abandon and extreme malice.  I'm so not qualified to comment on a back peddling spouse. They call it hoovering and love bombing for a narcissist.  I think its up to how well we know our spouse to know if they are sincere or not.  But then we thought we knew them.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

April 4, 2017 8:57 am  #6

Re: Frenzied Attempts and Promises

My ex tried this several times.  And it worked - because I'd start thinking about what a good husband he was, helping out so much and being decent.  He laid it on the thickest when I finally asked for a divorce.  Suddenly he wanted to take me out for dessert in the later evenings (his mom lived with us and could easily watch the kids), wanting to help me undress when I got home, offering up back rubs, started posting on my FB wall about how much he appreciates me, told me I was his best friend and the love of his life, etc.  When he poured it on the thickest, all I could muster was annoyance.  Because all those years that I told him that I wanted more intimacy from him, he did nothing.  He'd say he was going to be better, but then the evidence just wasn't there.  So here we were - him finally losing something important to HIM - and suddenly NOW he can manage to kick his ass into gear because HE'll stand to lose something otherwise?  Where was all this action when I told him that Iiiiiiii wasn't happy?  He'd simply say that he WAS.  It wasn't important that Iiiiii was happy - until it meant that HE'd be unhappy.  Selfish as usual.  And I resented that.

I confronted him then - told him that this was too little, too late.  That I could HIRE someone to cook and clean and even to give me back rubs.  What I couldn't hire someone to do was love me with passion and want the best for me.  And he was showing me that he STILL loved himself more than me - that he still was out for his own best interest.  So cut it out - the divorce isn't up for debate - I'm DONE.  I'm working on creating distance now, because I've figured out that I'm the only one who's going to look out for me.  So get OUT of my fucking WAY.  It's been all about you for all this time, and I'm done with that now.  You go ahead and do you - I expect nothing less.  But don't try to do ME anymore - my heart is now closed and sealed.  You are simply making me more angry with your attempts, because it is so transparent that you're actually doing it for YOU.

I did acknowledge that I understood it would be frustrating to be in his shoes - that he's trying to pull it all out to stop the inevitable.  But that's just the way things are.  All those times I told him I was unhappy, it didn't matter to him.  As long as HE was happy, he was cool with me being unhappy.  So throwing a parade for me now means nothing to me.  It would have meant something during the 10 years that I told you all the time that I was unhappy.  But now, it's too little, too late.


You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.

April 4, 2017 9:15 am  #7

Re: Frenzied Attempts and Promises

The other thing is that you may think that your kids are happy.  I thought mine were.  It's what stopped me from leaving all those years - breaking apart their family.  After all, it wasn't THEIR fault that their father was an ass.  Eventually, I just couldn't do it any more.  I wanted to show my kids that you don't just continue on in a bad situation because you started the journey.  There was no prize at the end for sticking it out.  I'd get to SAY I stuck it out, but that was all I'd get.  And that was....... nothing.  I wanted my children to see a GOOD example of marriage, or no example at all.  I didn't want to show them this mediocre, roommate-like situation and have them think this is what they should look for or accept someday.  I wanted our home to ring with laughter and be full of hugs.  I wanted them to gross out at their parents smooching in the kitchen.  I had nothing of the sort before - first and foremost because my ex wasn't interested in any of that.  But also because I was just plowing through.  Plowing through is fine - ONCE in a while.  It should not be the modus operandi.  It should not be norm.

Turns out that despite my assessment of the children, they could sense that we weren't happy.  And when I found love again, they began to tell me how much happier I was.  I never thought that I showed any of that sadness - truly.  I am an individual who laughs all the time and looks at the bright side of things.  I thought I'd done that all along.  My daughter tells me that she wants someone just like my current husband - someone who shows concern for my well-being even when I don't.  Who insists that the door be held open for me, and that I don't do physically heavy work that will cause me harm (bad back).  Heck, he doesn't even like it if I need to run out late (ie. past dark) to get something necessary - he'll let me go get the medication that I forgot I needed, but he'll insist he go with.  Why?  Not because he can't trust me, or because he thinks I can't protect myself (I'm about as independent as they come).  He does it because I'm precious to him, and he's not letting me put myself in any danger because his world would crash if something happened to me.  He's very clear about that in his actions.  So yes - my dd wants the same for herself.  And my boys see and example of how they should love their wives someday themselves.  And my home hums with happiness, amidst the homework and all the teenage angst.  Because I am fortified daily.

Whenever I bump into people I haven't seen for years (whether they're dear old friends or more on the acquaintance end - like parents of my kids' schoolmates, for example) - they will outright tell my current husband that they're so grateful to him for making me so happy.  Now, I brag on the man a LOT, but these aren't people I brag to - these are people who likely only see me on FB now.  I don't post a ton about my persona life on FB, either.  I almost never brag about a newer car or gifts or even the home we just purchased.  Because I know it can make others feel shitty about their own lives.  I rarely post pics of dh and I together doing something fun unless it also contains the kids - lest the get jealous.  So HOW are these people seeing the difference of how happy I am now????  I.Don't.Know.  But I know that I am so much happier that it must shine out through my pores or something.  Whatever it is, EVERYONE can see it.  My parents, my siblings, coworkers, acquaintances.  I'm that much different.  And I didn't think I even showed my disappointment before.  I hear this stuff all.the.time - and I've been with my current dh for over 5 years now.  A newer relationship overall - but long enough that I shouldn't be in the ga-ga phase any longer.  This is the real deal.

If you're unhappy, don't fool yourself into thinking that your kids are living an idealistic home life.  It's just.not.true.


You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.

April 4, 2017 10:33 am  #8

Re: Frenzied Attempts and Promises

It's so good that you are aware of what is happening.  That is huge!  Being able to identify his motives and know what is going on will help you avoid falling into a trap and allowing yourself to get hurt even more later.   Good for you!

-Formerly "Lostdad" - I now embrace the username "phoenix" because my former life ended in flames, but my new life will be spectacular. 


April 4, 2017 3:54 pm  #9

Re: Frenzied Attempts and Promises

 Thank you for creating this thread.  I, too, am experiencing one of these phases, and it really helps to keep my perspective to see what you and others say, as I can remind myself that these actions, too, are part of a recognizable pattern.  
 I started therapy on my own last month, which put my husband in a panic, apparently, as he has now twice bought me wine, flowers, and chocolates (all three at once), although he has never done this before in 35 years of marriage.  Twice in the last week he offered a back or neck rub, something he has only done except as part of a "I'll give you one if you'll give me one" deal but never as a generous spontaneous act of caring. 
  I can't imagine what it is, exactly, that's motivating him, but I do know it's not out of any genuine concern for me; as Kel said, "it wasn't important that Iiiiii was unhappy until it meant that HE'D be unhappy."  I know that he is trying to re-secure me, and it isn't working.  In fact, because it's such a self-centered and transparent move it's off-putting--and makes me lose more of what little respect I have for him. 


April 4, 2017 4:36 pm  #10

Re: Frenzied Attempts and Promises


Last edited by Duped (November 11, 2019 2:31 pm)


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