OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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December 7, 2016 9:37 am  #1

Wife just told me she thinks she is gay

Please help me, my wife of 37 years just told me she thinks she is gay. Our relationship went down hill recently and my wife has been talking about us living separately and possibly getting a divorce. Now that she told me she thinks she is gay it all makes sense but it is devastating at the same time. I feel like we have been living a lie for over 37 years. When she told me she thought she was gay it didn't hit me very hard at first because we were having so many problems to begin with, but now, after it has sunk in, it is all I can think about from the time I wake up until I fall asleep at night (Not actually sleeping all that much). Please help, I am going to see a counselor and my priest as soon as I can get in to see them.    


December 7, 2016 10:05 am  #2

Re: Wife just told me she thinks she is gay

Hi Ted - I'm sorry you've found yourself here.  Just know that there are many of us all over the world and you're not alone. 

Going to talk to a counselor and your priest is a good first step.  But don't put too much weight into what either has to say.  They are good to talk to for support but in my experience the counselors who claimed to be "experts" in this were nothing more than normal people with a few chapters of a textbook they had read in college to call on for experience.  And every single one of them was wrong in their assessment of my gay in denial ex.  It's just that this is a very underground world we are in right now and it's not very common for anyone to know about it let alone be able to offer guidance through it...unless you've lived it.  That's why this site is so helpful.  Talking about it is a good thing.  For me, the more I talked the more of a weight I felt was lifted off my shoulders.  You're in the very beginning stages of this crap.  Read as much as you can here and share as much of your story as you feel comfortable with.  You'll most likely be amazed at the similarities you find here.

keep posting


December 7, 2016 10:09 am  #3

Re: Wife just told me she thinks she is gay


We are here for you.  We have experienced what you are going through.  We feel your pain.   

I'm still feeling it today.. 

You just got hit by a train, metaphorically speaking.  What you are dealing with right now is very real and very dangerous.  I'm so glad to hear that you are seeing a counselor and priest asap.  that is a great first step.  Please consider seeing your physician to get anti-depressants and sleeping meds next.  They don't fix things outright, but the medicine can help take away some of the side-effects that make things so much harder to cope with.  Even on a good, normal day in a person's life, the lack of sleep compounds emotions and makes things so much harder to deal with.   So when you are facing catastrophe you need to mitigate side effects like being tired and having anxiety attacks as much as possible. 

You will get through this!

How?..   One day at a time.  One hour at a time..   One minute at a time.  

Try to limit your thoughts to dealing with immediate issues.  Don't stress about what happens a year in the future.  

By the way.. She knows she is gay.  It's not something a person admits to without being sure.  What they are not sure about is how to admit it.. so they pretend that they aren't sure it's true yet. 

Ted..  you are going to be ok.  Just get trough today and take a step or two forward and let tomorrow happen tomorrow. 

-Formerly "Lostdad" - I now embrace the username "phoenix" because my former life ended in flames, but my new life will be spectacular. 


December 7, 2016 10:16 am  #4

Re: Wife just told me she thinks she is gay

TedB...I am so sorry that you are going trough this. I am also at the beginning stages of all of this. My husband told me 2.5 weeks ago that he was gay after 14 years together (10 married) and I also am questioning everything over the last 14 years and feel like it has all been a lie (even though he tells me otherwise).

Right now I am taking things day by day (I actually feel like its moment by moment) and I feel like that is the best you can expect right now. I am sorry you are going through this but I understand the pain.


December 7, 2016 10:55 am  #5

Re: Wife just told me she thinks she is gay

Thank you all so much for the kind words and helpful information. I will take this slowly and just deal with today, today. The whole picture is just to much to handle. We have had our problems though out our 37 year marriage including a separation and many other issues but this just blew me away. I can't even wrap my head around this. I know she says that she thinks she might be gay but I believe you are right that she is in fact gay. I can't do anything about this so I won't even try, unfortunately I am still living with her and that won't change anytime soon. We have grown children and I don't know how this will effect them. She says that she is going to talk to some gay women to try and confirm whether or not she is gay and that she will tell me after that for sure. Wow my life just keeps getting crappier and crappier!

     Thread Starter

December 7, 2016 11:18 am  #6

Re: Wife just told me she thinks she is gay

TedB wrote:

Thank you all so much for the kind words and helpful information. I will take this slowly and just deal with today, today. The whole picture is just to much to handle. We have had our problems though out our 37 year marriage including a separation and many other issues but this just blew me away. I can't even wrap my head around this. I know she says that she thinks she might be gay but I believe you are right that she is in fact gay. I can't do anything about this so I won't even try, unfortunately I am still living with her and that won't change anytime soon. We have grown children and I don't know how this will effect them. She says that she is going to talk to some gay women to try and confirm whether or not she is gay and that she will tell me after that for sure. Wow my life just keeps getting crappier and crappier!

No marriage is perfect.  But 37 years means it was pretty good on the whole.  By the way.. I can't make a 100% blanket statement here, but from what I've heard and seen, most gay people have always been gay.  They don't just turn gay at some point late in life.  So, what this means is that she's been lying to herself and to you about her love for you for 37 years.  I'm not trying to sew seeds of hate..  but I want you to understand that most likely the reason you have had your struggles at the root because of her sexuality.  Don't beat yourself up for having some challenges during your marriage.  Everyone does.. but not everyone can make it last 37 years.. especially with a lesbian.   You are not a bad husband.. You are a damn HERO.   Find me another man who could keep a lesbian happy for 37 years.   

Also.. be prepared for her to pass blame on you later for any struggles you have had.  When guilt sets in and she sees how much she has hurt you she will try to deflect the blame on you for anything she can find. 

One more nugget..  Her going to her lesbian friends to "try and confirm whether or not she is gay" is a load of crap.  She knows she is gay.. she just wants some other lesbians to affirm it for her and tell her it's ok and tell her how heroic she is for coming out of the closet.  She's looking for someone else to help her feel better and give her some confidence to come out. 

Don't worry about your kids yet.  They don't need to know anything today.  That's something for tomorrow, so don't stress about it.   However, if you are extremely close to them and feel you need them for support, then you should be able to reach out to them.  What I don't want you to do is harm yourself more than necessary to keep her secret.  That's not fair to you.   

What you need to know right now is this.   Your are a good man!  This is not your fault!   Life will get better.. you have many years of happiness ahead of you.  You just can't see it yet.  But take it one day at a time and know that God loves you and will help you through this.  You will come out the other side a better person and you will know peace and joy and love again.   

We can all share a lot more advice for you as you progress through this journey.  But let's leave those things for the future.   Just get through today.  Know that we are all here for you.  Please feel free to post and share anything you want.  You will find a ton of wonderful men and women on this site who will share your pain and offer you compassion and care.   We are here for you. 

Last edited by lostdad (December 7, 2016 11:22 am)

-Formerly "Lostdad" - I now embrace the username "phoenix" because my former life ended in flames, but my new life will be spectacular. 


December 7, 2016 7:36 pm  #7

Re: Wife just told me she thinks she is gay


Yeah its hard to wrap your head around.   It was the same for me ..after decades of marriage my now ex was cheating on me with her girlfriend.  The betrayal, then lies, then horrendous treatment drove me to shake uncontrollably... I had to seek help. 
Your doing  good first steps ...there is no shame in asking for help..  she is not going to help.   

My priest was helpful as I would have of kept subjecting to undignified abuse as I believe in the promises I made before God when we got married.   He pointed out that God would not want me to live with a cheating wife and myself a shaking wreck.    My kids needed a strong Dad..not one staying in an abusive marriage.

One small step at a time.  baby steps...but always forward. always what is moral and right.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

December 7, 2016 8:30 pm  #8

Re: Wife just told me she thinks she is gay

I'm so sorry you need to be here, but so glad you found us. The pain, and confusion you are feeling now are like no other, I remember it well. I'm 2 years out of an over 30 year marriage myself. You're going to be in for a roller coaster of emotions, many all at once. It's going to get worse before it gets better, but I assure you it will get better. Gather a good support system, you are going to need it. I have found although I have some great friends and family, no one but these awesome people here understand the layers of deception, although not everyone has experienced that. We get it. We get the questioning of every memory. Check the home page for a contact information to see if you have a face to face str8 group in your area, another invaluable resource. Keep posting, we are here. One day at a time.


December 8, 2016 9:06 am  #9

Re: Wife just told me she thinks she is gay

Reading all of your posts is really a help. Just seeing that I am not alone in this is a relief. I figured that with the Holidays coming and family being around I needed help with this now so that my family can have a good Holiday. I do not want to discuss this with my kid until after the Holidays. My wife is not being hostile about this, at least not yet, so things are merely awkward around the house. She says that she will be meeting with some gay women at some point and that will clarify whether she is gay or not. I know that she is and some of you have said that you are pretty sure she is so I am not going to fool myself. I will be here as often as I can since getting this out on paper (Or computer screen) is really therapeutic. I have begun to make some plans for myself and I am looking forward to doing some things for myself in the near future, I have been taking care of my wife and kids for so long that I forgot about myself and that is going to change now.

     Thread Starter

December 8, 2016 9:55 am  #10

Re: Wife just told me she thinks she is gay


You are going to be just fine.  I can tell already because you are thinking clearly and processing things very logically.  

Please know that this is a huge rollercoaster.  One day you will feel a little better and hours later you will feel terrible again.  It's normal and don't let the dips get you down.  Just expect the emotional roller coaster and take solace when you are down in the fact that the next day you will feel better again. 

You are so right about communicating here being therapeutic.  It absolutely is.   And there is nothing off limits on this forum.  You can be as open and honest and possible.  We all get it.. we've been there.. some of us still are. 

I'm so glad to hear that you are going to take care of yourself.  We always say "be kind to yourself".  For me that meant, "don't beat myself up".  For others, that means take time to do things you enjoy or that make you feel good.  Think about what you want to do for yourself and do it.  Now is your "rainy day".. 

As Dee mentioned, depending on where you live you might be able to find a local group to meet with.  That has been incredibly helpful for many people.  There is also a national straight spouse facebook page.. You can send me a PM and I can try to help you get hooked up. 

Keep moving forward my friend!   One step at a time. 

-Formerly "Lostdad" - I now embrace the username "phoenix" because my former life ended in flames, but my new life will be spectacular. 


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