OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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August 9, 2024 12:37 am  #1

Newly revealed, next steps with 3 young kids

Yikes.  Can't believe I'm here.  Wife of 12 years (together 15) told me two weeks ago that she's done with being in a romantic and physical relationship with me.  We'd been in marriage therapy for almost 3 years over a lack of intimacy.  We worked really hard on creating an emotional connection, but it was never enough for her.  There's plenty to that part of the story, but its less relevant to my question.  In the subsequent days I learned that she is no longer attracted to me, she is attracted to women, and she doesn't anticipate being with a man again. Ok.  I sort of signed up for this possibility.  We had been dating about 6 months when we ran into some women that I knew to be gay (they were in a similar social circle as me).  I asked my then girlfriend how she knew them.  She admitted to making out (she would also refer to sex as "making out"...I never clarified exactly what happened) with one of them...we struggled to get through that, but we did, and she stated it was just a phase and that she was all in on me.  Fast forward 15 years, 3 kids, a whole lot of life stuff thrown at us, our 12 yo on the spectrum, she's re-examining sexual abuse she received as a child, lots and lots of stuff.  

Now she is hoping we can keep our life as is (our house, our vacation house, trips we take, etc.) and co-parent our kids, while she explores her feelings for women and in particular, explores her feelings with one of her close girlfriends. I offered to let her go explore and maybe she would come back to me...her response: "I'm not coming back."

For the last couple of years I was somewhat concerned that this woman was creating an emotional bond with my wife that may be competing with the emotional intimacy in our marriage.  This woman is gender non-binary, gay, a very loving person, and mother of our 6 year old's good friend.  This person is out of the country for another month.  My wife revealed to me that in the last two weeks she expressed her feelings for her friend (on the phone) and the friend reciprocated the feelings.  So, what was at one point, a theoretical open marriage at some point in the future (wife was saying 1-2 years), is now weeks away from being open.

I'm going through a range of emotions.  I'm mad, sad, devastated that I won't be building the life I had envisioned with her, etc.  

I'm also confused.  She has said that her attraction to this woman started 2 years ago.  We've been in marriage therapy for intimacy - emotional (for her) and physical (for me) for 3 years. Her condition for re-engaging physical intimacy was for our emotional intimacy to deepen.  I'll be asking my wife if this simmering attraction had any impact on our ability to repair and become closer emotionally. 

Our goals: 1) create a supportive and stable environment for our kids (12, 10, 6).  2) remain friends.  That's as far as we have gotten.

Here's where I know I need help (feel free to provide other perspectives):  What is the best plan regarding goal #1 - the kids?  How/when do we communicate to the kids what is going on?  There have been no overt changes in the household.  My 12 yo (who is high functioning autistic and super perceptive to emotions) has noted to me that I am quicker to get mad recently (I don't have a lot of emotional resiliency at the moment -- she's spot on).  

I may have just puked all of this up and this may not make that much sense.  Thanks for reading and for your support.  I'm particularly interested in getting experience shares from other parents that have gone through this with young kids.  I'm so worried about the impact on them.  Thank you.


August 9, 2024 12:41 pm  #2

Re: Newly revealed, next steps with 3 young kids

hopefully some of the posters with a similar situation to you will post but I thought I'd put my two cents in - the decision to make creating a stable environment for the children and remaining friends as your primary goals is well I'm not going to mess around - ouch!

it sounds like you've got a parcel of trouble in front of you and I think you should stop thinking about being her friend, stop thinking about keeping her friendship and start thinking about yourself, what you need.  Your children need you to be in good shape the most.

wishing you all the best, Lily

Last edited by lily (August 9, 2024 12:43 pm)


August 9, 2024 2:06 pm  #3

Re: Newly revealed, next steps with 3 young kids

Welcome to our Forum Dw3kids 🙂

Our situations are different. I'm female, my kids were adults when I separated and there is definitely a difference in how men and women deal with this.
In all the to and fro and emotional upheaval it's hard to see that there will ever be a pathway out. So I'll telling you it will only happen when you steel your heart against the way you're being treated (do you think you're allowing her to walk all over you in the hope everything will go back to how it was? It won't) See her selfish actions for what they are.

You need to stop with the "our goals" and begin protecting what you have.
Your children are more important than their mother at this moment in time.


KIA KAHA                       

August 10, 2024 5:18 pm  #4

Re: Newly revealed, next steps with 3 young kids

Hi Dw3kids,

It's hard to be in your situation, and I wish you all the best. Slightly different situation here. I knew about my now openly gay ex's curiosity prior to our long marriage but thought it was a "one and done" type of thing. It revealed itself to be more than that over the years. Our kids were kept in the dark until they were fully adult, which I regret, because it caused a lot of hurt for them. Family secrets are toxic. So I'd suggest finding a simple way to tell your kids when you feel ready, and then let them come to you with questions. Kids definitely know when something is wrong - as your daughter with her "spidey senses" has already demonstrated. And they will make up a story to explain what they think the problem is. This story is often a lot worse than the truth, especially if they blame themselves.

Your goal (and I agree with Elle that it has to be YOUR goal) of wanting the best for your kids is awesome. You will get through this together!

May I suggest that you change your other goal from "remain friends" to "remain friendly", at least for now? If you're negotiating an open marriage, or possibly separation, "friends" is too high a bar. Friendly, civil, especially in front of the kids, that's all much more attainable. 

You need support, either therapy or a good friend or two who can listen while you process all of this. It will all be okay, even if it doesn't seem that way right now.

Anon 765


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