Divorce was finalized in November. Moved out on my own in August. In the beginning, my ex would include me in on things like: visiting our daughter on campus, helping me with the dog, giving each other rides to the airport, just being there....
Suddenly everything stopped. I can't really figure out why. He even called me to take him to the emergency room when he was diagnosed with sepsis! Maybe he is living with guilt? I just don't know...
My daughter is home for the summer and living with me. The other day, my ex came to take her out for dinner. Typically he would invite me. This time, he did not even come in. He waited in the driveway for her to come out.
The last time we were together as a family was at my home back in March. My daughter was home for spring break, and he came over one night for family dinner. Everything was fine. No red flags at all!
The only breakdown in communication is around money. I always pay half of our combined bills (car insurance, family phone plan) when they are due. I have my own phone bill now, and in July will be getting my own car insurance, so this will be less bothersome. I requested that he email me the due dates and the amount I owe instead of texting me. The text messages were a trigger and made me angry about the financial burden this divorce has caused me. I requested that the only text messages should be group texts with our daughter. So, is this the reason I am suddenly not being included?
My therapist says I need to move past this. She says that we are divorced and that when he divorced me, he divorced the "family" time as well. He and my daughter have a good relationship, which makes me happy. He is a good dad. It just kills me inside. I want to be included.
I would appreciate any advice.
Hey there Teewee...I signed the penultimate bits of separation paperwork just yesterday. A and I moved apart a year ago but still living in the same city. 3 of our offspring live here too and although my r'ship with A is amicable sometimes I miss what we once had and a couple times felt a tad jealous when he was doing something with one of our sons, or grandson. I have to learn to contain those feelings, tell myself that in all honesty I would never trade places with the person I was when we were yeah, I simply have to deal with it and find something to distract me.
I'm lucky that I'm living at the moment with my sons.....and A is on his own. Or at least I think he's alone. He could be having a different man every night, he could have a woman he can 'be straight' with (blergh)
We were together 38 years. I can't all of a sudden magic all the years away as if it means nothing but I can keep my head up, looking forward and be the person my children want to see me as.
Last edited by Ellexoh_nz (May 9, 2024 12:21 am)
Sadly you are seeing the way divorce works. While there could be family dinners or combined events these spouses are not normal. It's best to get your own bills and separate financially as much as you can.
Know that it's not you did not create this dynamic..its a consequence of what your husband wanted when he broke the marriage vows. Know that you can support your kids separately from him and that your separate family can be a place of morals and fierce loyalty and love that your husband cannot begin to comprehend...