OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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March 3, 2023 12:47 pm  #41

Re: Disillusioned

Anon2222 wrote:

So...he sent a message letting me know he was back and would respond to my email shortly.

Currently hyperventilating and having a panic attack. I can't breathe and feel sick. Shaking. 

What the hell is all I have to say....

Not to downplay this but...Nah c'mon.... you're stronger than that 🤨 You can see the effect this is having right?
Be stronger than the way he's making you feel. You know you can.

Have you had a look at divorce and separation groups yet?


KIA KAHA                       

March 3, 2023 4:24 pm  #42

Re: Disillusioned

I just want to point out that it is not a matter of being strong or weak. And I most definitely can see the effect this is having on me. Having a mental illness and having to deal with C-PTSD from the extreme psychological trauma I have been through is not a laughing matter, and it also doesn't make me a weak person. What I experienced with his text was a physical reaction. I do not have control over it. But what I do have control over is my coping methods to get through the situation. And yes, I did. It took several hours but I did go through the process and come out the other side.

I get tired of people telling me that I somehow need to "be stronger" and just not let him "make me feel this way". No. I have diagnosed illnesses that are no different than having cancer and someone telling the cancer patient if you were just more positive you could beat this thing.

The straight spouses who go through this level of trauma that may not handle things with grace. May have break downs. Contemplate suicide. Take years to overcome it. They are not weak people. It's not a matter of them just not being strong enough. It's the matter of going through an extreme trauma response and whatever else is going on in their lives. Mental health already gets enough stigma in this world.

     Thread Starter

March 3, 2023 5:41 pm  #43

Re: Disillusioned

Anon2222 wrote:

I just want to point out that it is not a matter of being strong or weak. And I most definitely can see the effect this is having on me. Having a mental illness and having to deal with C-PTSD from the extreme psychological trauma I have been through is not a laughing matter, and it also doesn't make me a weak person. What I experienced with his text was a physical reaction. I do not have control over it. But what I do have control over is my coping methods to get through the situation. And yes, I did. It took several hours but I did go through the process and come out the other side.

I get tired of people telling me that I somehow need to "be stronger" and just not let him "make me feel this way". No. I have diagnosed illnesses that are no different than having cancer and someone telling the cancer patient if you were just more positive you could beat this thing.

The straight spouses who go through this level of trauma that may not handle things with grace. May have break downs. Contemplate suicide. Take years to overcome it. They are not weak people. It's not a matter of them just not being strong enough. It's the matter of going through an extreme trauma response and whatever else is going on in their lives. Mental health already gets enough stigma in this world.

I apologise for my harsh comments. I meant them to be helpful not annoying


KIA KAHA                       

March 3, 2023 9:52 pm  #44

Re: Disillusioned

I appreciate the apology, and I know you meant well. It just gets tiring sometimes to have people view it as some sort of personal flaw that I just "can't get over it". Believe me, I have experienced so much shame and guilt over how I have handled all of this and beat myself up over the fact that it gets to me. I wish I could be a "stronger" person, who was able to move on from this and dig deep into my personal reserves. Instead, I am exhausted. I cycle through levels of psychological trauma I didn't know was possible. And every day is just plain hard. I am struggling with the fact that not only was my life now atom bombed. But my past has been fragmented and I lost my future.

I also happen to live in a place where I don't even count because I haven't had children, so in the divorce process I will likely end up having to pay the abuser that ruined my life (and not a small amount, we're talking like $125,000), besides being stuck married to him for the next 3+ years. Where I live, spousal support is considered "women being lazy and they should get off their a** and get a real job". Also, you are free to abuse your spouse all you want, you just can't abuse any children. So...once again, I see where I stand. In the eyes of the law, I mean nothing. Also, all divorces are now no fault....no matter what happened in the relationship. It's quite disgusting really. He also has the legal right to take my pets if he wants. I also have to pay him the equivalent of what they cost as they are considered property, if I want to keep them. 

I do not mean this as a rant towards you, and I really don't mean to be harsh. I'm just very tired. And I feel defeated. So, I am not able to speak as eloquently as I would like. The cracks are starting to show and I'm just not functioning well. It makes me feel pathetic....but I'm still putting one foot in front of the other.

Elle - I hope you are faring well. I have been following your posts as you go through the journey. I pray your legal system is better to you than here. Do you have separation requirements you have to meet before filing? 

     Thread Starter

March 3, 2023 11:49 pm  #45

Re: Disillusioned

My late GIDXH stole probably 100k outright. That figure doesn't include leaving his job for no reason and leaving me to pay a mortgage, property taxes, insurance, his credit card bills. It would make me sick if I added it up.  I didn't stay with him because I wanted to.

I don't mean to compare or complain. This has been the worst experience of my life as is for everyone who posts here.  Some days are just very difficult.  It's not fair we have to suffer due to TGT. But there's no other way through this. I tried to find another way. I don't think it exists.

Reach out for in person peer support.  It helps to see someone's friendly face. It helps to get a hug and to give one.  ❤️

No - It's not too late. It's not hopeless. Even there, there's something I can do. I just have to find the will. Ikiru (1952), film directed by Akira Kurosawa 

March 3, 2023 11:58 pm  #46

Re: Disillusioned

It's frustrating. Everyone tells me I'm doing all the "right" things. I am in regular therapy weekly. I saw my GP and went through my struggles. I am trying some different med adjustments and I've been referred to a specialist. I have started regular exercise and working on eating healthier. I am trying to go out more and talk to people. And yet.....here I am. Struggling day in and day out. 

I see others in the same situation, which it is nice to have others who understand for support, but it is also so hard to see so many people suffering ....and to know there are so many people out there that do this to their spouses...

     Thread Starter

March 4, 2023 12:42 am  #47

Re: Disillusioned


If I dwell on the money whether myself or even with the kids (kids are over at her place now)...it can make me really angry. She really screwed me over with money.  But more so the kids.. they will never know how their mother screwed them financially...they would blame me somehow like her...

What I try to do is think about how priceless it is to be away from her.   My life is better  in that Im not abused and surround myself with genuine and authentic people.. totally priceless.      Not much help I guess but  i try not to dwell...

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

March 4, 2023 1:02 pm  #48

Re: Disillusioned

Anon2222 wrote:

I appreciate the apology, and I know you meant well. It just gets tiring sometimes to have people view it as some sort of personal flaw that I just "can't get over it".....

Well I never said it was a personal flaw, you did. And I see myself, all of us actually, as helping you 'get there' so in the end you can get over it all by yourself. 
It took me 25 years to feel something wasn't quite right in my r'ship, another 10 to fall out of what I thought was love and the last 3 to gather  the courage to start the separation process. Through it all the only person who really truly knows how this is affecting me is me, and every time something knocks me back or turns my stomach the only person I have to push me through it is me. So telling myself I have to be stronger is what I do, through fear of failure, through fear Crohns will rear it's nasty head and make me sick with stress. Every time I falter I take a deep breath and tell myself "pull your socks up, nobody else is driving this, stop feeling sorry for yourself" because I'm afraid I'll fail at the very thing I've never had to do. Be by myself. I just naturally thought this approach might work 
for you too.
That's how I do it. Kind of a tough love. Because, in the end, when everybody goes back to their lives....
I'm all I've got.



KIA KAHA                       

March 4, 2023 2:23 pm  #49

Re: Disillusioned

This is true isn't it? We really don't have anyone else but ourselves in the end. My one friend put it....no matter what, we all die alone. I apologize for my harshness. Mental health just plain sucks. I have today off and did a workout at the crack of dawn. And I have also set out some more boundaries for this process, which is helping. Today is a better day and I'm going to embrace it it for what it is! 

Elle - you have gone through a lot. They sure do take a lot of years from us. I have found I am definitely struggling with my personal baggage and short comings. I feel like I'm just a glutton for punishment who keeps going back to get kicked.....but, it is happening less frequently, and each time I get a bit better at standing up for myself.

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March 23, 2023 9:28 pm  #50

Re: Disillusioned

How are you doing Anon?


KIA KAHA                       

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