OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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February 23, 2023 12:32 pm  #91

Re: 2022 was a fucked-up year

OOHC - thank you.

Your post resonated with me in so many ways. I really am paralyzed by fear. I am legitimately afraid that I will end up homeless, bankrupt and in such a deep hole I will never be able to climb out. I fear that he will tear up my life and just cause mass destruction. I'm also afraid of what he is going to say about me....with his twisted view of the events...it becomes my word vs his. I am afraid people will judge me. When he was at the depths of his cruelty...I did call him names (basically that he was acting like a jackass and an asshole). I feel buried with guilt over my outbursts and worry that I will be accused of abusing him. That he will turn me into the devil and the judge and everyone else will side with him. Looking back on it....he really knew how to cause me extreme distress....I actually thought I was going crazy. Because I would have an outburst and then be absolutely mortified and apologize a million times.  The cycle was just so....traumatic.

It boggles my mind....how I can feel this stressed, this physically sick, this guilty, like I am the horrible person, apologize over and over and blame myself for everything.....when he lied to me and was the one that ended the marriage....



February 23, 2023 1:06 pm  #92

Re: 2022 was a fucked-up year

 You are so welcome.  I have been in a similar place.  It's hard to find your strength, but from what you've said about your life I know you have it.  You know it, too, but have forgotten it because you have been so pummeled and buffeted by your stbx's blows.  One thing I did when I was going back and forth over leaving, knowing I needed to but afraid to take the step, was make a list of my assets, which included not only financial ones, but character and skills.  If you can take a step back and try to look at yourself objectively, as if from a distance, to survey your assets, and then list them, you can refer to that list when you need to reassure yourself that you will be ok.  My mantra, especially when I was panicked, was "I'll be ok.  I'm going to be ok.  It's going to be ok."  It was like a life raft when I thought I'd be swamped and go under.   In your case, the fact that you are working 50 hours a week means that you have drive and strength--and those are very very valuable qualities that will keep you from going under. 

What you have said about your ex and about financial assets--that he absconded with the savings, that you assumed the debt, etc--convinces me even more that you would be advised to seek a lawyer's advice.  For one thing, as Rob has said many times on this forum, spouses can be surprised to discover that they don't just get half our assets--they get half the debt, too!   I didn't see it until after we were divorced, but my husband was always willing to accept or to intimate that I should take on responsibilities or debts that more properly belonged to both of us.  Clearly your stbx is, too.

 Please believe me when I say that one reason you find yourself apologizing and feeling bad about your actions when it's your husband who has lied and ended the marriage is because you were groomed over many years to do that.  I also think it's a form of our wishing we could be in control and fix things--if we could just apologize enough, maybe that would fix things.  It's the flip side of the control we tried to exert over the state of our marriage when we were in it.  Then, we would do what we thought we could to please or to fix or to make things better, to make the marriage we longed for possible.  Now that we can't do that anymore, the only way we have to try to fix things, to act in order to control the damage, is to appeal to their empathy or to blame ourselves and apologize.  You've already seen that appealing to his empathy doesn't work.  Nor will apologizing.  (Not to mention that you don't have anything of substance to apologize for!)

I promise you that when you take an action for your own self respect, you will start to feel better.  It might only be momentarily, but even momentarily is a start.  My own experience of calling a lawyer is that it took me several times.  Working up to even make the call was hard, and I was very easily discouraged when the first time I called the lawyer wasn't available.  It took me another while to call again.  And the day I met with the lawyer I sat in her office waiting to be called, filling out a questionnaire about assets, apprehensively shaking with fright.  

Last edited by OutofHisCloset (February 23, 2023 1:11 pm)


February 23, 2023 1:28 pm  #93

Re: 2022 was a fucked-up year

Morning everybody (it's a cool morning on the 24th Feb)
New Zealand has been sending out the official survey (census) of the country's population. A few pages of questions about every person and household in the country. I filled out mine and this year, being inclusive and all....there was a question about gender. I ticked heterosexual and was standing behind my partner as he filled out his...curious 🤨 to what he ticked.
He fucking ticked heterosexual.


KIA KAHA                       
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February 23, 2023 7:46 pm  #94

Re: 2022 was a fucked-up year


My GX would tick heterosexual also... when you spend a life hiding your homesexuality...  it comes with ease to hide it and appear hetersexual.

Cold gray day here and my GX texted me about the one kid... as if we were married.


"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

February 23, 2023 9:10 pm  #95

Re: 2022 was a fucked-up year

So....I made an appointment with a lawyer....next Wednesday. We'll see how this goes.


February 23, 2023 9:24 pm  #96

Re: 2022 was a fucked-up year

Anon: Good for you!

Ellexoh: I'm sure my ex would do the same thing.  


February 23, 2023 10:33 pm  #97

Re: 2022 was a fucked-up year

Anon2222 wrote:

So....I made an appointment with a lawyer....next Wednesday. We'll see how this goes.


Well done. That is good news 🤗
Now in the meantime... When you have doubts and hesitation....take some deep breaths and remember you're doing this for your future and survival.


KIA KAHA                       
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February 26, 2023 12:21 pm  #98

Re: 2022 was a fucked-up year

Why doesn’t this surprise me 😉🙃.  But of course.  Oh the ShitShow we Straight Spouses Endure. 
Always, True 💟

"And you will know the truth, & the truth will set you free"
John 8:32
True ❤️.

February 26, 2023 12:31 pm  #99

Re: 2022 was a fucked-up year

Ellexoh_nz wrote:

Full of sadness, indecision and disconnection.

This morning I made an appointment for a phone consult, stated it was about separating. I have to do this now, and besides you all understanding why...I'm saying it here because I can't turn around now and say I couldn't go through with it. 
I'm 65 in May. If I live as long as my mother I'll have 20 more years and I don't want them to be like my life is now. I don't know where I'll live, or how but if I don't begin the end of us now I'm scared I'll be in this hell forever.
It's 7.13am here. The phone consult is at 12.15


Good for you, I’m proud of you for being brave moving forward in your “ New Path & Healthy Direction”.   I’m your age & have similar issues as we Straight Spouses do. Common denominator.  Hang in there we are here for you.

I wish I was as brave as you, I’m not quite there yet.
True 🤗💫

"And you will know the truth, & the truth will set you free"
John 8:32
True ❤️.

February 26, 2023 6:57 pm  #100

Re: 2022 was a fucked-up year

True wrote:

.... I wish I was as brave as you, I’m not quite there yet.
True 🤗💫

I don't feel brave. I feel sick and scared and alone.
After 2 weeks of silence today my partner sent me a list of our assets. We'll have a talk about it and each take it to a lawyer. I did give him some forms explaining why a collaborative separation was better than a combative one and that there are lawyers who specialise in this....but who knows who and which type of lawyer he'll choose.


KIA KAHA                       
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