And I can’t turn off my gut or my sadness or my anger, and all I can give to my kids is a shitty time. Then why am I here? I am no good for anyone it seems. I don’t even like myself. I can’t think of anything enjoyable right now. So I’ll say it again, why am I here wasting everyone’s time and energy and I would be better off just ending my story here I think. He will probably just give the kids to my mom and then live his best life with lots of dick and lots of drugs and lots of porn and he will finally have everything he wantsd
You're not the crazy one. Don't ever believe that. Don't ever think you're not worthy enough. Reach out for help ASAP if you are overwhelmed. Our Path has a number on their main webpage. To save you time...
"He will probably just give the kids to my mom"
who will be devastated, as the kids.will be without you.
Please listen to Daryl, ro me and to the others here who will respond here.
Reach out for help. In the US it now takes only three digits -: 988 reach the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline for mental health crises.
Your life matters.
Nolie .. and if you're not in the US there will be a number you can ring.
I'm in New Zealand and the number is
0800 543 354