Hi, my partner of 18 years ended our relationship about a month ago and has eventually told me he is gay. To say it’s come as a huge shock to me, I didn’t see it coming. We were only back from two months away together with our 3 children and we had a fantastic time.
I’ve now been told that he knew it was over and had been going online chat rooms and dating apps for the past two years and has even met someone. When I asked him why we went away his reply was to create more happy memories!
I’ve spent my time reliving every moment of our life and am struggling with the hurt and the betrayal. He says he always knew but that it wasn’t as openly accepted when he was growing up. Explains why we got engaged but he wouldn’t get married, always had an excuse. Like honestly how could I be so stupid! We are still living together in our family home children don’t know why he is leaving yet but hope to sit down and explain to the older two girls during their Halloween midterm as I know it will be a lot for them to handle (16&14) one is in her final year of school and as for their our son who is 6 he doesn’t know anything is wrong yet.
I’ve been spending a lot of time alone and pushing people away as I struggle to come to terms with things. I feel so many emotions but I have to say humiliation is definitely up there, like how did I not know ? He on the other hand is enjoying going out (I know it’s with someone he has met online) experimenting, staying out and not coming home till the following afternoon. Like where is the respect for me. He wants us to be friends can this ever happen? I gave him more or less half my life. He has said he would leave but I didn’t mind him staying while our girls came to terms with the breakup but seeing him out enjoying himself and meeting people is very hard for me to see especially as it’s happening right in front of me. I’m devastated and everytime I think I’m getting somewhere at the weekend then I’m knocked back to crying myself to sleep and putting on a brave face during the day.
Please tell me it will get easier, at the moment I can’t see it
Alimomof3 wrote:
Please tell me it will get easier, at the moment I can’t see it
It does get better with time. I will not lie, you will have to go through it to get to the other side. I'm so sorry this happened to you. It's truly awful. My marriage ended after 19 years (23 together) when she told me she had fallen in love with a woman. Long story short, everything you describe is what I felt, I gave this woman half my life, made career decisions around her, lived my life for her and in what at the time seemed in the blink of an eye, she threw it all away. I'm in a good place now, but it's not perfect.
I would like to tell you; don't shut people out. You need to unburden yourself of this, share with close friends, mental health professionals, etc. Going inward will make the journey to the other side longer, more painful. I can empathize with how you feel, I didnt eat for weeks. I was literally crushed by the news, what it meant for me, my 3 kids and my life. I think my ex has some other challenges in her life as well and she is actually a Psychologist, but as the saying goes, Dr's make the worst patients...
You can and will weather this. One step at a time, one day at a time. Again, I am so sorry. Feel free to contact me anytime. I am a stranger, but it was strangers from this site, friends I hadnt spoken with in years that carried me. You arre worthy of love and kindness and none of this is your fault. NONE OF IT!
Co-parenting is all you need to do. Friends are for you to choose. He wants to be friends, maybe because then he doesn't have to come to terms with the deception and the hurt he's caused? You don't have to accept that, if you don't want to. You are allowed to choose your path. Not him.
As Blackie said, don't suffer in silence.
This is my opinion, but I think it will be difficult for you to move forward while he is still present. Decoupling is an important step.
I'd say there's a 99% chance your older kids already know something is wrong.
Take care of yourself.
Thank you for your message, I feel like my living in a nightmare. I honestly can’t believe it’s happened, like yourself I’m struggling with eating and sleeping. I met with a counsellor last week and will be again on Wednesday night im struggling to see the outcome of this situation.
I’m the only person (besides from the person he met online) that he has come out to and don’t get me wrong part of me does feel sorry that he felt he had to live a lie, I just wish I wasn’t taken along for the ride!! I feel like I’ve joined him in the closet and I have closed myself off to family and close friends. It’s hard for them sure they don’t know what to say. What’s keeping me going is our beautiful kids but I feel such guilt that they have to go through this and the perfect family they thought we had was built on lies.
Well said Alimom.
He put you in this position and I think you have every right to tell your story.
He hasn't been living a lie - he knows he's been lying, you're the one who has been living his lie.
You need the support of your family and friends, they will be able to help you make a plan for the future, one that doesn't include supporting him while he goes out dating, I hope.
You deserve the support of your loved ones! Don't shut out your friends and family. He has a secret and lied to you for years. It's blowing up your life now... You're allowed to tell your support system why your marriage is ending. That will allow them provide the support you need right now! Since you'll be co-parenting you may want to remain on ok terms with your stbx, but just tell your friends/fam to not put up a billboard outing him. That's all you owe him, and only because he's your children's father. You do NOT need to protect his social life while he actively blowing up yours.
Don't protect him by keeping his secret and isolating yourself. I did that, and now my ex is involved with another woman and denying that what I know to be true was anything more than a temporary condition. The truth is the best, from day one. Secrets are poisonous, and will trap you in the web of his making.
And whatever you do, don't let him talk you out of telling your children, or delaying it!
Last edited by OutofHisCloset (October 17, 2022 7:34 pm)
If he's out skanking around all night and not coming home until the next day, what would he suggest you say about it to friends and family? He might not want to tell the world, but he's out there. He will eventually be seen. This is your story and you have the right to tell it.
Thank you for all your replies and support. The emotions on a daily basis are just so hard to control. I’m doing my best to keep the situation and house calm and not have conflict in the house around the children.
I just feel like I’m balancing so many things that I’m bound to crash/fall.
I met with my best friend last night and was able to confide in her everything that has happened, definitely felt like a load off my chest.
I can take some comfort knowing that there will be an end in sight even though I know the road ahead is uncertain with lots of bumps.
As for our living situation I think if he stays out again I will ask him to leave. There is no way for me to try adapt to the situation I’ve found myself in when he is still here. I don’t want to be seeing him going out all dressed up and living his new life, it’s to fresh for me. I was completely devoted to him
So glad you opened up to a friend! Having someone in your day to day life who knows the truth and will listen to you is life saving. If you are close to family they are your next line of support.
As for trying to keep things calm so your children are not affected: your older children are old enough to see and know that there is tension in the house, however much you are working to smooth over the problem. It's difficult for me to believe they don't know that their father is out catting around all night some nights. Trying to keep lines of communication open with them, so they don't feel they must tiptoe around tension they might perceive, might be useful both you and your children. You cannot be expected to juggle everything on your own, and the truth is that it's highly unlikely, given your partner's behavior, that you will be allowed to gracefully end that juggling set without one or more pieces of it crashing.
In my last post I did not urge you to tell him to leave, because you said you "didn't mind him staying while [your] girls come to terms with the breakup," but as you are now saying you think you ask him to leave if he stays out again I will say that I think for both you and your girls his leaving asap is the healthiest course. He's modeling disrespect for you and for them by coming and going in this way, and you, by allowing it, are modeling being willing to be walked on, rather than modeling the self-respect I imagine you want your girls to see. Also, "coming to terms with the breakup" is only going to happen when there is one, and there are clear lines, like his moving out. As long as he stays in the household, there's no clear "breakup."
So sorry he's dealt you this blow. It's so very hard, so painful, so unfair, and so not your fault--none of it. He kept you in the dark, and you were able to see only what he allowed you to see, and you made your decisions in good faith based on what he represented to be true.