Blackie563 wrote:
I plan to ask my wife for a divorce next week.......
Look her in the eye and tell her you're divorcing her
Ellexoh_nz wrote:
Look her in the eye and tell her you're divorcing her
Yes. Do this. This is the exact right way.
Hi guys,
When did you all start dating after knowing your partner was gay/trans..?
I am wondering on how long it take to process the info and then start looking for a new life, it has been a month since I know, I’m so much hurt that I cannot see myself dating any time soon..
Everyone has their own speed. You will know when you are ready. Until then I'd suggest focus on 'life with Lola'. Once this wound heals up a bit, you'll be better prepared for it.
blackie - I echo Elle and Victo - asking her for a divorce is not a great place to start the negotiations in that you could end up giving too much ground. Why not graciously agree to give her the divorce she needs.
re dating - I was 60 and I like playing cards, I joined a bridge club. It took me a while but what I learned is that there are a lot of closet lesbians. A lot. More MOMs than straight couples, that's for sure. By that age it's not a pretty sight at all. There's this one poor fellow, he is a good bridge player and a real asset to any group he joins and his wife doesn't play, she's not there but he has to play with a friend of his wife's who is divorced but still in denial. She is a terrible player, it's sheer cruelty.
I want to be clear too that there are major pitfalls in dating after the ex. I went out with someone new last night and found myself reliving some other learned experiences I may have skipped over.
Most dates at a certain age will have exes and children, etc. They have been through their own traumas and will have their own ways of dealing with their families and history. What has worked for them doesn’t necessarily apply to you and so be prepared for your experience to be misunderstood.
There is soo much pressure in our society to be accepting of LGBTQIA+ experiences, that you will encounter people who recoil at any potentially negative expression about LGBTQIA+ issues. It is certainly possible that a date doesn’t process or understand what you are saying and automatically concludes that your feelings about being used by your ex are actually a form of bigotry. Their own lack of tolerance can be interpreted as YOUR intolerance, and that can be quite triggering. I had this happen last night. I met a woman who could not see nuance. She was talking on and on about how important it is to have a healthy relationship with one’s ex, and I simply said that sometimes the healthiest relationship with an ex is no contact. And she said essentially ‘only when the woman was beaten.’
And so when I explained why no contact was best for me, she kneejerked to ‘but it is so hard to be LGBTQ in our society.’ Flapping red flag and not because she is wrong. It is a red flag because she cannot even understand the betrayal.
I think my biggest problem in dating after the ex is that I am not sure I have any idea what love is anymore. I’m not sure I ever knew. I remember once believing that I knew what love is, but having been deceived in love, deep down I am extremely reluctant to ever truly engage on a deep level. In other words, it is hard to trust again.
Everyone here is saying that in their own way, and many choose NOT to date, and that is perfectly valid. My issue is that in trying to date, and looking so hard for red flags, I might just be setting myself up for a long, slow failure of my own making, and that is depressing.
Again, no easy path forward no matter what you choose.
For me, when it comes to the idea of dating, life partners, marriage's not sex that I'm concerned about. I feel like if all I wanted was sex I could go out and find it.
What I have found devastating is the loss of a partner in life. Someone I can talk to. Who understands me. That I can share a laugh, and all my life experiences. It's the being alone part that frightens me. At this point, I can't imagine finding this again in my life....and picture growing old and dying alone.
For some reason I have been thinking about dating lately...and I can't decide if I would want to or not. A part of me can see it, another part of me never wants to.
All of it, this whole debacle, is not something I ever wanted to be in. And I hate it. I vacillate between depression/crying and bitter right now. He moves out in 3 weeks....
Victo wrote:
It is certainly possible that a date doesn’t process or understand what you are saying and automatically concludes that your feelings about being used by your ex are actually a form of bigotry.
This is a concern I have. I myself, am not at all bigoted and work every day for everyone to have equal opportunity and understanding. I'm not angry at that community at all, but rather my soon to be ex-wife who for 23 years professed profound happiness until she no longer did....if I am to believe her, she has never thought of this. Most people always knew and had some feeling, but ignored it or covered it up for obvious reasons. She even gives herself a pass "I cant help how I feel". If I said that about another woman, I would immediately be branded a jerk/asshole for betraying my vows...its a double standard for sure.
Anyway, I am already putting myself out there. Being honest that I have not even served the papers yet. I don/t know that I'll get many, since by "putting myself out there", I simply mean when I see women, instead of saying hello, I wonder, how would I even know what to say next to show interest?
I'm a bit of a mess today. Some days are better than others. I am 42 years old, the prime of my career and feel lost. I resent this feeling and the person who makes me feel this way.
Blackie, seriously, you are deeply fortunate, it is against the trend to escape these marriages.
I look back to my 40's and see what my generation were like then and I look now and then I look at the older ones and I have to say that to you.
There are no words to describe what it's like to witness the slow evisceration of a straight husband up close and personal.
Victo, you're doing great. don't bother looking for red flags, it's too stressful and you're always going to miss some anyway, aren't you. Your date was a total no go. She can have a rainbow of coloured flags who cares.
At some point, life being magical as it is, you will find yourself thinking, in a grumpy sort of way - oh this feels a bit better, I am feeling okay in her company, she might even be likeable, I might possibly consider spending a bit more time with her. ie, she has gotten your interest. and then you can sit back and observe at your leisure. and so can she.
Last edited by lily (September 3, 2022 5:22 pm)
Anon2222 wrote:
He moves out in 3 weeks....
sure it is scary and that is for real but isn't there a tiny bit of you just waiting for him to go?
Way back then in my 40's, as an innocent straight wife who thought of her GID husband as her best mate, the time had already come when I'd look forward to his trips away and I would settle in and just enjoy having the house to myself for a while.
Safe of course in the knowledge that he'd be back in a while. This time it's more profound - even more reason to just relax into your own company for a while. I remember lying in the middle of the living room carpet crying my eyes out and thinking how good it felt to be able to do so.