My now ex-husband believes himself to be a transgender woman and has undergone surgeries, etc. (all within a rather short period of time). He has also obtained a legal name change. My children refuse to see him.
One question my children had for which I do not have the answer and my research is not yielding one either is whether he has the ability to go back and amend THEIR birth certificates with this new name.
Can anyone point me to specific info about this issue?
A quick Google something like NY state both parents must request the change..I would think it's similar elsewhere.
Thanks for that, Rob. I haven't found anything in my specific state. I know there are states that allow for marriage certificates to be amended.
I found something in the UK that says they must remain as originally stated on the child's bc. I'd bet it's the same in the US. It would be legally difficult otherwise. My best answer would be to call the Secretary of State's office in your state. They can usually point you in the right direction.