Hi, I am a 44 year old straight woman. I married my first husband when I was 16. We were married for a total of 16 years during which time he denied being gay. All the signs were there, I just didn’t see them until like 7 years into our marriage. I was young.
I didn’t know what a marriage should look like coming from a broken dysfunctional home. We never had sex and he would stay out after work late, very late. I cleaned his truck out one day while he was sleeping. Trying to do something nice for him. I found rags, socks and condoms all used in his truck. Stuffed under the seats and in the glove compartment. I confronted him and he said he just liked to masterbate after work. I was a sexually frustrated wife and he was masterbating? I started investigating and the things I found just about wrecked me. I found love letters from a man he worked with. I found clothing, jewelry and other things of this other mans. I also found he was using our computer to find ‘dates’. He uploaded his picture.
I was in denial and didn’t know what to do. He was adamant that he wasn’t gay and tried to explain everything. I didn’t buy it and just withdrew from him.
Then one day I was at work and a man came in and asked for me. He sat down and told me “your husband is sleeping with men” my jaw dropped. It was one thing to be pretty sure but a whole different feeling that other people knew. He explained to me how he knew and all the things clicked. I confronted my husband and I decided I couldn’t stay. I left him that day.
I started fresh with next to nothing and met a wonderful, caring, loving and very satisfying man. We’ve been married 5 years. Things were so great. I thought I was finally getting my life on the right track and then, I started noticing the signs. Went from having sex a couple times a day to once every 3 or 4 months. I blamed myself for putting on weight or other stupid reasons.
One night I couldn’t sleep and I got up to do some research online. On the computer he had been having very intimate conversations with men. Swapping pictures and videos of mutual masterbation. I am broken. I am devastated beyond belief.
He knew my past and decided that he shouldn’t tell me about his urges to do these things. When I confronted him, he tried to lie. Once we got past the lie and he knew I knew, he told me he has always had these urges and thought if we got married they would go away.
It didn’t….he knew before he asked me to marry him. I should have been given the choice and I feel like he took that away. He saw how hurt I was by my first husband.
We’ve been talking for a few months now about how to go forward. I don’t want to start over again and I have never loved anyone the way I love him. He claims to love me deeply as well. It doesn’t appear to have been a physical relationship, but hurts to see the way he talks to other men. Its clear to me he has feelings for them.
He talked to a therapist and told me he is bisexual but said he thinks there is something between straight and bi. He talked with another therapist who specialized in the LGBTQ community. Now he is stating that he is not bi. Saying he is straight with a gay porn kink. Kinks I can handle but the emotional connection is something I can’t handle.
We have a very comfortable life together aside from this. I am having a hard time trusting him and I have caught him in more lies. This year has been super hard on my mental health. I ended up in the psychiatric hospital because I couldn’t figure out how to live with this. I couldn’t see myself able to move forward. (I am on medicine now and see a therapist and psychiatrist on a normal basis.) I know it isn’t me but its so hard to not take it personal. His new therapist called me a ‘fruit fly’ and I had never been so offended. I felt the sting like he had slapped me across the face.
I’m sick of crying about this and feeling crappy. I don’t know what to do anymore and I came across this forum. I am seeking advice from people this may have happened to or people who have stayed in a marriage similarly.
My best advice would be long as you stay with your 2nd husband....separate emotionally and financially from him. Are you able to do this? Sometimes, in this tough-at-the-moment world survival means keeping the status quo but always putting the important parts of your life first
The LGBTQ community have their own fruit flies to protect. Don't give it a second thought, their processes and methods aren't worth your time or reflection
Edited to say....I have my own story of course. Still together, 38th year, slow but sure degrading of my self-esteem over the last 10-15 years, realising if I stayed I had to change things. No sex (on my insistance), separate bedrooms, no deep & close conversations anymore. We get on well....this is Survival.
Last edited by Ellexoh_nz (May 31, 2022 2:33 pm)
Welcome.. so sorry your second husband turned out like this.
First, Do not blame yourself..this is all him. We love and trust but they seem to have no problem hurting us. He is especially horrible knowing your past..make sure he knows that..also tell him his "kink" is not something a normal straight male does..its just not normal for us.
I have no experience with trying to make it work as my cheating GX did not want the marriage anymore. It's a hard thing..ask what proofs he can give you that he can change or stay straight. Ask him what proofs he can give that he won't hurt you again.
Do not beat yourself up..the stress and anxiety from lack of trust is not of your making and you deserve not to have it.
Post here as often as you need. Wishing you strength and courage.
Thank you both for answering. The kind words help.
Elle- how did you flick the switch? I am so angry, but love him at the same time. I hate that I feel this way. I wish I could just rewind a few years! I think to myself maybe I can be ok with it, but even seeing him on the phone or computer my anxiety goes through the roof. I tried…
Rob- thank you. I feel heard by the words you wrote. Validated. When I ask for the proof its a big blow out argument. Saying I’m going to have to find a way to trust him. You are right. I want to put this back on him. It should not be my responsibility to learn to trust again. He has the burden of proof and I deserve that much.
I am also sorry for what you two have gone through. I honestly thought I was the only one.
HI, yes this is a good place to have found. I was married to a gay-in-denial from an early age and didn't leave until my 50's. You want to know who came calling? other GID men. They hear you say I was married to a gay man who was in denial it was unbearable but I got away and I think really all they hear is sounds like she could make a good beard for me now.
I remember what it was like in my 40's - there was this feeling of oh I am over the hill now and too old to start a family and this is comfortable well just take the sex out of it but I was more interested in my artwork anyway.
I built a 3ft high terracotta clay sculpture of a woman, this took time effort and courage. It was pretty much dry and ready for the kiln and then I come into the studio in the morning and it has fallen over during the night. There was no credible explanation for it happening but I figured it must have overbalanced as it dried, even though that didn't make sense as it was too dry for that to have possibly happened, but it must have, right, what else could have happened. I built another 3ft sculpture, this time of a man and there is no way no way it could have overbalanced, but it did. same thing happened. It is only with hindsight that the obvious explanation came to mind.
and this I think illustrates what is was like to stay. Once I'd become emotionally separated from him I would start to thrive only to feel like I'd been ankle-tapped, over and again. writing that story out I started to think imagine how I would have felt if those sculptures had been successful - it would have made a world of difference for me, I can't believe I kept going but I did. The next one I did she was about 4ft if she stood up but I built her sitting down.
Whatsername said....
""Elle- how did you flick the switch? I am so angry, but love him at the same time. I hate that I feel this way. I wish I could just rewind a few years! I think to myself maybe I can be ok with it, but even seeing him on the phone or computer my anxiety goes through the roof. I tried…
I am also sorry for what you two have gone through. I honestly thought I was the only one.""
Me too 😂 I actually had never even been aware a straightspouse was a thing. I say it all the time.. this Forum is the only place where the members know exactly how I feel.
Yeah the switch-flicking thing. It wasn't a lightbulb moment, it took ages and it was a decision that came from within along with help from knowing it's me who had to be the one standing up for my r'ship values. My partner and I were a team once upon a time. We still are a team but no longer close. So... After the first 3 years of thinking "we can fix this" actually half way through I realized much of the upset came from triggers resulting from something he said/did, or I thought he meant. Realizing the affect it had on me I used a mantra that would make me stop, think and not react.
That was my first victory lol because I often hated the way I'd feel.
Also I took a good honest look at my partner, realized he'd always be, at his core, the same reserved, never tell all person and that basically I would never trust him fully again.
Your story and mine are similar (see "twice in a lifetime" in the bottom section where folks tell their stories)
You're not alone. Believe me.
My 1st was gay, my 2nd of 21 yrs a Xdresser who now says he's gender fluid or trans, he doesn't know.
I moved into my own bedroom, split the finances in half to protect myself and am on a list for low income Senior housing. My age and disability may mean I have to stay. If so, we'll be companions.
If you can live with his kink and he's still someone you want to live with, at least protect yourself financially. I split the savings and put them into accounts in only mine and his names with each other as beneficiary. In case he goes off the deep end I will be able to have my small amount to move forward.
This group has taught me that there is more than one answer. Also that the anger and grieving for the marriage you thought you had comes in waves.
I've found journaling and talk therapy helpful.
Wishing you peace
I tried also for some months to live with it.. but my GX was cheating with ferocity..ignoring me and constantly texting/sexting her girlfriend. I would physically shake from the trauma and anxiety of mistrust..needed pills to stop. Really someone that loved me.
As you deal with this please remember to be kind to yourself and build a support system. It may mean medical help and therapy etc.. do not go it alone.
I am so sorry you are having to go through this. I'm still relatively new here but this group has been a god send in helping me not feel alone, talk my feelings out, and give advice. Our partners are all well into their journey had had years to build up their own support network around their secrets so are in a very different place than we are nor can they fathom what they've done to us.
My husband of 19 years confessed he was gay two months ago. In my initial shock my battered mind convinced myself that we'll just keep plugging along for the kids and out of my fear for being left without health insurance/money and the crushing rejection of someone I thought loved me. I would just accept that he would be exploring another aspect of his life and new partners, and we'd take things slow if he met someone he wanted to move forward with.
Then the shock wore off, I got pissed, I got help from my therapist and doctors, and I began the process of physically and emotionally separating. I will not allow him to surprise me like that again and I will do what I have to do to make sure myself and my kids are taken care of.
Financially, we are stuck for a bit. I am waiting to hopefully get on disability and the housing market around use will not allow for two households on the budget. However, we are lucky enough to have a MIL Suite so he moved there allowing us separate bedrooms, bathrooms, and he even has his own living space in there. He does come out some evenings so sit with us but he does not help outside of his rooms at all.
Emotionally i cut myself off from him best I can. He didn't like that either but tough cookies. It is hard, I get that. He's been by best friend for over 20 years, we've been through hell and back together, and no matter how much he's hurt me its hard to see him hurting. But he gave up the right to my support as a wife with his confession and actions. 10-20 years of lying is just the tip of the iceberg.
I have opened my own bank account and have a small stash in there from my side hustles. The first step to me having some financial independence and I made sure to do it right and he knows I did it. I don't need to see him spending money on other men when I go pay bills and he doesn't need to know what I'm doing with my money. I have reworked our family budget upon the advise of my therapist and we are supposed to both start getting allowances for spending each month outside of the family budget. This is something we are still hammering out.
Its okay to feel all the things. Some days we have a good day and things feel like they were and other days are a nightmare and he calls me names while I want to throw him out. I am leaning heavily on my mental health team and we are working on my meds. I understand the mental health struggles. My mental health has been rough for a few years thanks to a couple of near death experiences, health struggles, PTSD, managing end of life care for a parent, depression, and anxiety. I am aware and honest with myself about those struggles and I accept that you don't go through the things I have without it leaving some damage behind. In mental health being a priority that meant cutting him off emotionally. I don't have the emotional real estate to deal with his and my stuff. Its okay to put you first here and don't let him or anyone else tell you otherwise or let them reduce your struggles with unkind words.
I can't believe he told you his therapist said that. But I get that to from mine, I think they feel the need to defend their actions by feeding us what their support network is giving them. I hear things being parroted to me, how x's family dealt with it/supported him. Another thing is he's had his support network a whole lot longer than you have even been aware of his secret. The support network will continually affirm "they did nothing wrong" and that "we need to accept/support their truth".
I will say since I started actively taking back control it has helped me cope better. By nature I'm a fixer/planner. That way I'm not waiting for him to hit me with another bomb. Instead I have a plan and even more importantly I have knowledge I read up on my rights in a divorce/separation and options for our separation that would allow me to keep health insurance through him. I have been in zillow house shopping, figuring out what that smaller home will cost, seeing what is the minimum he'll need for his own place. I set firm ground rules for his dating in its impact on the kids. He tries to gaslight me or make me feel like I'm being unsupportive or cruel....I see it as taking care of myself and my kids and there is nothing wrong with that.
We are here for you anytime.
Thumbs up on your advice and handling this.
They make us feel mean or cruel for responding to their horrible actions with anything but compliance and support. It's some fantasy in their heads.."I will lie and hurt you and you will keep loving and supporting me without question or fail".
Redirect that fierce loyalty and love you have toward yourself and kids.