If they want to "play" at being a woman, let them take a 30% pay cut. That oughta cure it right there.
One day I said to my wannabe-trans husband: "Would you like to have a feminine experience?"
"Yes!" he said.
Then I handed him the vacuum cleaner.
MyExodus wrote:
Can't_Make_This_Up, I am with you! There are moments that I just laugh at the absurdity of it all...the craziness. For crying out loud, his favorite movie is,"Mamma Mia" and he dreams of opening a bed and breakfast! I think sometimes that if I would tell people the whole truth, they might say,"You've been watching too much of the Lifetime Channel." Then I would reply,"I thought I signed up for the Hallmark Channel." So, I wrote two jokes for myself and when things get too much, I think of them and get a chuckle.
Some people get divorced because they want different things; my husband and I are divorcing because we want the same thing. WINK!
I lost 210 pound in 2021!!! (insert applause - how?) Well, first, I lost 40 pounds and then I got rid of my 180 pound husband.
You're not alone. I want off the crazy train.
OMG I haven’t been to this post since I started it in February but so many comments I have! You are cracking me up with ‘Mamma Mia’!!! My STBGX favorite movie is Grease - lol - and now I am pretty sure it’s about John Travolta in tight pants, not Olivia NJ.
I love that you mentioned the Lifetime Channel. I have been saying that after this I am writing a dark comedy for Lifetime about this whole sordid situation! Now I am thinking we do a little series of vignettes titled something like ‘For Real, Am I This Blind’ about these should-have-been obvious signs!
Take care.
Dear Hopeless Romantic & Out of His Closet,
I read your conversation with such sadness for you both. Where my situation was one where my husband denied me any intimacy for decades, you are both dealing with being put in extremely uncomfortable and not normal sexual situations. And I don’t mean men who want to dress as women or even be women. But the whole thing about little girls, and Mommy fixations are really disturbing. And definitely any such role play and fetishes should be exposed to a partner before marriage to make sure it is a mutual fantasy and not one sided.
I want to say something to both of you, and I don’t mean this as advice. Each of your situations is your own and only you can decide what is best for you with help from people you are close to and perhaps professionals. But I would like you to think about this.
Judging by your conversation you both seem relatively young. I am turning 56 this month, and 4/9/22 will mark the 39 year anniversary of the day I met my STBGX. I was 16. After 39 years together I am now getting divorced (good thing), trying to help my 23 year old daughter who is DEVASTATED by what her father did. Watching my future son in law wrestle with extreme anger against him. I have no money and excruciating debt- he mismanaged the finances. I had to sell the home my daughter grew up in which was terribly painful for her and me. I am waiting for the court to determine how much I have to pay in spousal support because my STBGX hides behind his disability status without seeking any treatment to improve or any part time job to help us get by. I got a notice yesterday that I am getting fired in 30 days and because of the way it’s being done I info get unemployment. I stayed in friends basements and spare rooms since last August while that was a possibility and got a little apartment in February. Now I have to break the lease and will be homeless. I would like someday to have casual sex with a man, but too much damage has been caused by these years for me to ever want a relationship again. I can’t afford to give my daughter the wedding she always imagined or even help pay off her student loans. I can only think about now because when j think about how I am going to be able to work in to my 80s puts me over the edge.
I tell you all this because over two decades ago I thought it would be better for my daughter to stay together in a loveless marriage than to divorce. I see in hindsight it was a huge mistake.
You are both young. Do you imagine yourselves as being a version of me at 56? Think about where you might end up if you stay.
Both of you take care.
Can't make this up:
Out of his Closet here: I am 68. I divorced my now ex when I was 64. We'd been married 32 years when he sprang his trans crap on me. 36 years of marriage at divorce; we'd been together 40 years.
Lyla wrote:
I think laughing about the FML absurdity of it all is a necessary (for many) part of the healing process.
The bracelet thing is interesting...I've not heard of that one...The one earring thing is a common gay-on-the-prowl signal.
All this time, I thought that the one-earring thing meant that the wearer was a pirate! Haaargh!
I haven't had "straight" sex in 3 yrs. He only gets turned on when femmed up and I find it so insulting to be told how gorgeous I am and how jealous he is that I am naturally large busted. (if he only really knew how much of a pia they are) One day I said, hey, how about I have them removed and we put them on you as a parting gift and he got ridiculously turned on and happy at the thought that might be possible.
Mine is different. He's spent years buying many thousands of dollars of tools, heavy machinery, etc trying to convince himself and everyone else he was a tough guy. It's why I married him. I wanted a protector. Little did I know that some of those expensive tools were to make sex toys for solo use out in his workshop. I find myself going back and forth between laughter that I married the big tall tough guy and now there's this big tall (6'4", 6'9 in heels over 300 lbs) person lumbering around our home in platform lace up boots and flowy skirts. The cats run away. I have to say it's hard to be kind sometimes, so I leave and go sit at the donut shop. I've gained 27 lbs in 4 months. This person can't perform as a male anymore and would do *anything* I asked to get what this person needs. You know what really makes me laugh til I cry is that I left a 20 yr relationship with a guy who cheated on me, and he didn't make me feel as badly as this "good man" that everyone thinks I'm married to. The irony does not escape me.
Grace1958 wrote:
I haven't had "straight" sex in 3 yrs......
Are you still having sex?
And if you are why are you?
Ok, maybe because my ex is also 6'4" and 300 pounds and had a "flowy" skirt, but I laughed out loud at the picture in my head of the cats scattering at the sight of him.
I do understand. I had a lot of sex with my husband in my "accommodation phase." That sex resulted in lingering trauma. But it also, ironically, had the effect over time of finally convincing me that I could not stay with him. Three years from his disclosure to my leaving.
Too bad you and I can't get together for a glass of wine. We would have a lot to say. And could have a good laugh. I'm sure it would do you good.