OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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November 11, 2021 9:22 pm  #1

Anyone Successful in Marriage?

My story is just about the same as so many others. I'm working on getting through it and it has been extremely difficult. Husband 35 years into marriage, had several encounters on and off during the last 10 years. He tells me that he was not fulfilled and often unhappy with himself but he craved attention from other men. He claims it's due to not having male friendships.He is telling me he wants me, wants to grow old together, wants to complete the dream we started so long ago.Anyone out there still married after the truth of Bi-husband and how are you doing?


December 24, 2021 1:48 am  #2

Re: Anyone Successful in Marriage?

Hello j529, my story sounds identical to yours.  33 years of marriage.  Found out 12 year ago about first encounter.  He gaslighted me and told me I was imagining it.  6 years ago I found out about second affair and stopped sleeping with him.  2 years ago we started therapy, as he told me all the same things you have mentioned.  I have just found out that he was having an affair with guy #3 the entire last two years,  plus online sex & hookups for oral sex.  The extent of lies and gaslighting has been more than I could have imagined.  He is a wonderful man & I wanted to believe the stories,  but his words have been designed to keep me in my place as his wife & cover so that he can have both worlds and not face the trauma of coming out.  I need a real life, and so do you.  One where we are our top priority.  After this last discovery, I told my husband I am leaving him.  I’m walking away from my house & home, ASAP, before I get another day older.  Truth & freedom to have the life we deserve is the most important thing.  Don’t waste any more time drinking the Kool-Aide..


December 24, 2021 9:09 am  #3

Re: Anyone Successful in Marriage?


Welcome. So sorry.  It is a shock.   I can only say my experience here.  I did not have a wife saying she wanted me and the marriage but the exact opposite..she made it painfully clear she did not want the marriage anymore and unilaterally decided she wanted to end it.

Probably the hardest thing is their breaking of trust...  ie. If he goes out for a beer with a friend is it two friends getting together or is it a date?  Why should you have to wonder?
This anxiety made me shake..  I just don't know ,in my experience,  how one can regain the trust.  I read some people have but my gay ex was an extremely morally broken person.

Wishing you strength and courage.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

December 28, 2021 4:02 pm  #4

Re: Anyone Successful in Marriage?

J529: Welcome, and I'm so sorry you're here.  

When I first came here, I thought I was going to find a way to continue the marriage, and I really tuned out anyone who told me anything different.  So I'm reluctant to tell you what your own marriage will look like in a few years ... divorce is hard on everybody, but particularly cruel to older women.  I did not know the extent of my husband's narcissism and deception until AFTER I'd already filed for divorce, when the legal discovery phase gave me access to financial records.  What he was doing in reality went far beyond anything he'd acknowledged to me.

The survival statistics for marriages that confront this issue are not promising.  We have a section of this forum dedicated to couples who want to make it work, and if you haven't already read a bit there, you might want to take a look.  

I was not able to face the prospect of spending the rest of my life with someone who had so little concern with my happiness and well-being.  I wasn't willing to live in a home where I was being lied to.  I felt my house should be a place that's completely safe, that's sacred.  If I can't see my home as a sanctuary, then it's time for a better home.

Relinquere fraudator, vitam lucrari.

December 29, 2021 1:06 pm  #5

Re: Anyone Successful in Marriage?

J529.... I had a successful 25 years till the wheels started to fall off my now 37y long term r'ship. When it happens the thing that often binds us to these men is love, familiarity, history and children. What moved me forward from all those things was the fact that what my partner did..kept secrets, told me lies etc... Ruined all respect and trust I had in him as far as the physical side went.

I had to fall out of love and get angry at him


KIA KAHA                       

December 29, 2021 7:46 pm  #6

Re: Anyone Successful in Marriage?

"I’m walking away from my house & home, ASAP, before I get another day older."

If you decide you want to leave the marriage I strongly advise you to consult an attorney so you can learn what your legal rights are in a divorce where you live. Don't make moves which could result in you giving up assets which if monetized could leave you with a comfortable future. Women tend to live longer than men so plan for the long-term.

Try Gardening. It'll keep you grounded.

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