OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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October 21, 2021 3:16 am  #31

Re: Probably sounds familiar

i know this will be temporary and i will have plenty of lows to come but after putting my foot down, predicting her behaviour and having a solid argument as to why i had to put my foot down (thanks in a large part to the advice from you guys)
i am feeling really upbeat this morning,  i am sitting here working but also thinking in  a positive way of splitting our bank accounts and how it would work, i am in full plan mode which is probably when i am happiest.
but I'm upbeat and i know my marriage is over and I'm planning its dismantling, so just for a few hours i am zen


October 21, 2021 7:23 am  #32

Re: Probably sounds familiar

Hey Jamie,

Im glad about your zen.. or at least seeing that being free from struggling against a checked out wife (putting it nicely here)  can and will be a load of stress off your shoulders..   ie.. where is she going?  What is she doing?  Who is she with?     I don't think God meant us to live that way with constant anxiety, worry and fear..

// my traumatized money start..stoic, insanely loyal, but what I decided//
In regards to splitting bank accounts.    I went to the bank (ok shaking and crying) and opened my own checking account..  Used the same bank for convenience.     I kept the money flowing to  the joint checking right up to the day the divorce was finalized (to the horror of my parents and family).   Sure I paid for hotel rooms and sex toys but any large bills of hers would be seen immediately and I could always transfer money out to my checking.   Let her pay the household bills out of it... staus quo.  Perplexed even her.  The day divorce was finalized I switched my direct deposit to my checking account and said I would pay the house bills from now on...ie she was done.       The rage that I received can found in my posts here.  It perplexed me that she wanted to be divorced, to be with her lover, but expected staus quo from me as if we were still married. I took no pleasure in it... could only watch and endure.  I pray to God I fulfilled all my obligations that I vowed on the alter to do.

Wishing you strength and courage.   

Last edited by Rob (October 21, 2021 7:29 am)

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

October 21, 2021 1:31 pm  #33

Re: Probably sounds familiar

jamieblunt wrote:

.......  i am sitting here working but also thinking in  a positive way of splitting our bank accounts and how it would work,......

We have always had a joint account, very trusting/no need to doubt but when my partner and I came back from a year in Australia and he started a new job he suggested we have separate accounts. Still with the joint account but  within our own personal ones. I wondered why it was necessary but was still trusting him and to be honest I realised the benefit of it when I could arrange a term deposit without my partner having access. 

Your marriage is at a crossroads JB. Protect yourself and your children. When I walked into the bank I was nervous as hell, had never had to think about my future financial protection before, but chose a woman working in the bank who was around my own age to walk me through what the options were. I gave her very basic info re my r'ship and need to protect the asset and she was just wonderful. 
So I'd suggest go talk to somebody at the bank but choose somebody your own age, who has a bit of life experience


KIA KAHA                       

October 21, 2021 5:18 pm  #34

Re: Probably sounds familiar

yes definitely time to protect yourself.

I sat down and watched the telly in the middle of the day yesterday.  omg I saw an episode of Dr Phil - Separation Assault - the stats are that in an abusive relationship the most likely time for an assault to happen is in that ending period, where the abuser feels control slipping away and can't restore it.  That's when they can act out.  

And it was making me see the parallels, it's not just physical assaults that happen.  While I was still sitting there wondering if there is anything to salvage of our marriage, he had already gone into hyperdrive with filling his secret bank account and chatting up my friends.

Elle, I should have turned the telly off at that point but oh no I had to watch a bit of the Bachelorette.  omg.  so she is a self-avowed bisexual and they have a mixed crew of men and women as suitors.  Give her a hearing I thought to myself, and so I listen to what she has to say - she wants to find love - and then I see her meeting some of the suitors and it wasn't long into the show before it was becoming clear that the sparks flew with the odd girl but no matter how much she was liked the man there were no sparks, romantic blushes but no spark.  I can see why the men still want her though.  Even the gay men want her.


October 21, 2021 8:13 pm  #35

Re: Probably sounds familiar


I am three years removed from where you are.  I understand your pain and the loss of someone you thought and probably to large degree still think of as your best friend.    She will move on faster than you will.  She has known longer and by the time she told she already had a plan in action.  You must take time and heal and then start moving forward on your own.   Don't let things drag out too long.  Covid lockdown and my ex-wifes getting colon cancer (can't blame her for that) dragged out our divorce which we are winding up now.   Don't let it fester it's not good for her, you and others in your life.    Start dong little things for yourself and doing new things you want to try.  Those are my suggestions. 

previously Itsabouther

October 21, 2021 10:04 pm  #36

Re: Probably sounds familiar

lily wrote:

...Elle, I should have turned the telly off at that point but oh no I had to watch a bit of the Bachelorette.  omg.  so she is a self-avowed bisexual and they have a mixed crew of men and women as suitors.....

Every... Yes every..,..new series/program/movie seems to have an obligatory gay couple/person in it.
Just started watching an Aussie series called "The End". Looked right up my alley but of course up pops the daughter who wants to be a boy and the friend who's so camp I had to force myself to finish watching. If I'm honest this would not matter if my life hadn't been fucked up by a bisexual

KIA KAHA                       

October 25, 2021 12:08 pm  #37

Re: Probably sounds familiar

Wow Jamie, My heart goes out to you for all your big efforts, your loyalty and capacity to forgive. Being strong and putting your kids first is admirable!  But as much as I admire you, I think you need to wake up because no matter what you do, she'll probably leave.
She cannot possibly be depressed based on what you've said, she's a master manipulator and playing on your sympathy. She told you she was bi first because partial lies are easier and she wants to keep your support.
I can say that as a straight woman there's absolutely no way I'd spend all that time out away from my family. She's acting incredibly selfish.
In my dating life I often wondered why the best men were attracted to bitchy women.  A challenge? I guess that's why I ended up marrying a ",friend" because straight men thought I was too clingy.
I hope you can be practical and don't let her take advantage of you financially. I can guarantee you that as she's giggling on her way to the disco she doesn't deserve your sympathy at all! My ex faked depression and was a master at getting sympathy too.


October 25, 2021 8:38 pm  #38

Re: Probably sounds familiar

Jamie,  There's a lot to read here and I may have missed it but did you mention couples counseling? I think you only said she was getting individual counseling. I just want to share that couples therapy was something that helped me a lot when I was at your stage. When I arranged counseling I learned a lot. First, he stood me up for 2 of the appointments, that was telling!  And I could see him more clearly through a therapist's eyes, it gave me objectivity.  I thought a therapist could fix us, but she actually helped me in another way.
Also, it helped me to take notes every day and look for evidence, like a Friend Finder receipt or a gift from a stranger with a romantic note inside. Tangible things help to keep a grip on reality and you may need them someday in court. I wish you strength.


October 26, 2021 2:31 pm  #39

Re: Probably sounds familiar

Hi Patience
thanks for your thoughts/insight,
i'm not sure i see the value in couples counselling, i already believe my marriage is over and everyday that goes by when i see a photo or look at her face, i mostly feel contempt but certainly no desire to stay with her, my doctor said the same thing about counselling helping to end a marriage as well as save it.
as the days go by i am starting to harden to her more out of self preservation than anything, she has been away since saturday in her home country and apart from the first night she was away when she texted me to tell me a few things that she was doing, there has been no communication really, she posted a photo of her and her mother (as they met up ) and replied to a photo of my daughter trying out  a new hairstyle but apart from that she hasn't texted the children as far as i know.

i drive tomorrow to pick her up from the airport (four hour round trip) although i am making a day of it and meeting up with some friends at a museum near the airport before i pick her up in the evening.
i feel no joy at the thought of bringing her back and have spent the last few days when not busy thinking of more ways to extract her from my life, ive now got as far as being resigned to sell our family home just to get some distance from her.
on saturday she asked me if i hate her and i replied yes but also no, its a very complex thing i feel to hate your "best friend" so i flipped the question round on her and asked her what she would feel if
i had ignored her personally for six months and held back intimacy for a year 
i had let her be the sole parent for most of this year
i had hardly been at home at the weekends since August
i had a new friend that i was telling all my worldly secrets to and keeping her in the dark(who is also a potential suitor)

she said she would hate me, so i said "there is your answer"

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October 26, 2021 2:48 pm  #40

Re: Probably sounds familiar

last Thursday i had a morning of calm and very clear thinking but as the day wore on i got more and more angry, i am trying not to gaslight myself and pin the last 12 years on my wife but it all seems to fit into place.
i always thought she was just a cold person, quite unemotional and almost devoid of empathy and that is why she was the way she was with me, but i just accepted that was how she was. but if you frame it in the context of being a Lesbian then it makes far more sense, the waning interest in sex (once she had her babies) the lessening of our emotional ties, earlier this year i was moaning to a colleague that we were basically like a business couple bringing up children as we had no affection or intimacy, it was an off the cuff remark but i can see now it was rather insightful i just did not know why.
back in April/May when she first started getting really cold towards me my anxiety was overloading and i would often say to my colleagues i know nothing is wrong but i have an impending feeling of doom i cant shift, again it was my sixth sense/fight or flight instincts being intune but my brain would not process the reason.

I just want out and more than likely if that does happen my son will live with me and my daughter would live with her (if she lets her), i dont know if my daughter is projecting onto me as she sees what my wife is doing but i cant do no right in her eyes at the moment, ok some of it will be being a 12 year old girl/becoming a lady but some her stuff is next level nasty, however she has just started a new school and is doing really well, under happier circumstances i could probably cope with her extra nastiness but having most of my run time coping with my wife its a struggle to take extra flak without reacting.

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