Lily, i knew the term but didn't really know its understanding, but it really describes my stbx perfectly, yesterday she used a form of blackmail (we haven't had a great few days), she said i need to help her move out (procedures, contacts etc) if i want her out sooner rather than later.
I was going to help her anyway as i'm not a git (and its also for my daughter)but all of what you have all said is slowly manifesting itself.
i am so glad i fell on this forum back in October, without what you all warned me about it would have all have come as a bombshell this really isn't the lady i married 20 years ago, she is in her own way turning into a monster.
jamie, yes. it is a bombshell. and it's still reverberating.
the concept of cupboard love helps you come to terms with what is a sort of crazy making impossibility - that your wife hasn't just changed into a monster, she's been one all along. it's a dramatic deficit between you, who is giving to her and her who is taking from you.
we feel it but don't see it, not our best friend, no we think oh we think how good they are to put up with us and that is so far from the truth - I realised he'd made me think I was at fault, he'd played on my insecurities.
once my ex couldn't play me any more he focused on playing other people to get them to have a go at me. and he started taking things out of the house and stashing them at a friends. etc. etc. etc. none of it nice caring friendly stuff. all about getting what he could out of me and making me hurt as much as he could.
Sorry Lily he sounds like a total git
maybe Stockholm Syndrome but i still don't want to believe stbx will behave like that
Lily, you summed the exiting gay spouse well. Jamie, your're seeing the entitlement , while they are actively hurting us, that knows no bounds.
It was a confusing conundrum for me.. She wanted, expected, all my time, talents, resources and the privileges of being married to me.. but didnt want to be married to me. Further she expected these thing while actively cheating on me, technically still married, and (cant make this up) after she'd taken her wedding rings off. In short she expected my honor and stoic good behavior while we were divorcing. Its here i saw here broken morality.. between what is right and what is wrong. Its not surprising though...if they can cheat on us in good conscious it stands to reason they can justify all other
bad treatment of us.
It doesn't have to be this way.. they could be kind but they choose not to...or in some sick way in their head they think they are being kind. Best to get far away from this sort of "kindness".
Know that at this point , you can choose how to nice to be.. how assertive to be. Generally any assertiveness will be seen as being "mean" to them. Do not feel bad... know this is the consequences of their actions... this they knew but ignored when they cheated and chose.. Do not left her shift blame for anything now to you. My GX to this day acts like it was all me..bestowed offenses on me that I didnt do or if I did , I didn't initiate. Any kindness I showed is forgotten. But in this life and the next I can say I was kind and kept all my promises and all my vows.
She wanted, expected, all my time, talents, resources and the privileges of being married to me.. but didnt want to be married to me.
This completely sums her up! except she says she doesn't want the divorce but offers no plans otherwise and its only because she's scared to leave my safety net.
First job tomorrow morning instructing my solicitor.
Sorry Jamie. but I think you might have to brace yourself - from what I am reading in your posts I don't see anything to make me think she will be nicer to you than my ex was to me.
It's kinda run of the mill, but it's an awesome state of entitlement that says she can go out partying, rub your nose in it when she comes home and then say she doesn't want a divorce, you have to look after her.
It's a tricky time. Don't let her rile you again - walk away rather than respond. better to stay cool and objective - take a step back and observe her a bit. wait to see what she does next when you don't bite.
i certainly don't know everything but i am very on top of our finances but we are in the odd position of being very equal, stbx gets slightly more a year than i do if she worked full time and has a stronger pension by several years, so 50/50 really isn't contentious unless she decides to make it so and then it would probably fall in my favour so its not in her best interests to kick up a fuss. I have plan B ready to go and today got the news that i have been approved for a three bed house in my home town by the council if i need it.
sounds good, Jamie. wishing you the best of luck. Post here as much as you like, talk with any family you feel comfortable with, know that another commonality of the straight spouse experience is the feeling of relief that comes when you finally get away.
ok its started!
letter of engagement is being drawn up this week for me to go in and sign then what i never thought would ever happen to me is happening, but as my stbx said this evening "you(me) are driving this" so quite politely and without rage i asked her how we could work around this and she just shook her head.
And then i spent half an hour with her explaining the process and filling in some forms for her to get a house under shared ownership.
jamieblunt wrote:
....And then i spent half an hour with her explaining the process and filling in some forms for her to get a house under shared ownership.
"Shared ownership" ..?