OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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July 23, 2021 6:45 pm  #1

I need help

I have been too afraid to ask for any before but I need help. I have been watching from afar for almost 2 weeks now. I am so lost and lonely and scared. I have not shared my story yet because I hate my story. I am on liquid courage right now unfortunately but it’s only been a couple weeks and I’m still unable to cope with my reality. I love this man so much yet I hate him at times. He brings me so much pain. He left me almost 2 weeks ago and he’s going to a gay bar again tonight to again “find himself” and I’m here left in pieces. I hate him for what he’s done to me. I love him for all the memories I have of him. I’m so confused. I don’t know how to feel anymore. I feel angry, sad, scared, empty, confused, lonely, halved, and dead. I would prefer to be dead to having to feel all these emotions daily. I’ve lost so much weight I’m a walking skeleton. He says he loves me but can’t be with me. How do you love me and do this to me? How do you spend every day with me laughing with me and keep this secret from me only to up and leave me? How does a good person do this? I don’t understand these ppl. How do you keep everyday saying you love me and then say “BUT” you can’t be with me. You never acted in anyway other than being totally in love with me. Why? Why do you get to go off and be happy now? Why do you get to be happy? Why do you get do what you want to do and I have to deal with all of this pain now? Why is this fair to me? Why don’t you understand what u did to me? Why don’t you see what you did was wrong? Why can’t you see how different you were with me than you are now? Why do these ppl think they can walk into our lives and do this to us and think it’s okay? That it means nothing? That they never knew they were ever gay before they knew us? How do you not know this? I knew I liked dudes when I was a little girl. I mean I had crushes on all the little boys in my classes and on Burt Reynolds I mean come on how u not know?!  I’m angry!!!! Why does he get to tell me all day how sad and depressed, and stressed out he is then have his new friends take him to gay bars to meet “his ppl”? What does this even mean? His ppl? As if they aren’t like everyone else. If u want to be treated like everyone else then stop acting like u are different and above everyone else’s feelings damnit!!!!!! I am a human being like u. I have feelings like u. Just because u r gay does not give u the right to to do this to me! U may be confused of who u were but u knew damn well before u knew me u liked dudes and u drug me into ur shit! What makes gay ppl think they need more sympathy than straight ppl! I am getting no support and he’s getting it all! He’s got a world of ppl supporting him as if he’s done not a damn thing wrong! He acted as though no one would support him throughout this. Well guess what! Everyone in the world does! You’re part of the rainbow now, you get to shine! You left me in your shadow! You stomped on every dream and promise you made to me and you left me in the rain cloud that rainbow came from. I want so much to hate you but I still love you and I don’t know how to forgive you. I don’t know how a person that loves you so much for so long can lie to you about something like this. He’s ruined my trust in men, in ppl. I never hated gay ppl. I have a close friend who’s gay. He’s like a brother to me.  I couldn’t ever see him face to face now.  I cant stand hearing the word “GAY”. I freak out. It makes me sob and I go into a trance. I hate the rainbow. I distrust gay ppl. He’s made me hate ppl. I have no faith at 44 I will ever desire wanting to b in a relationship ever again. I have been through bad relationships b4 him and he sat and listened to me sob about them all. He hated these men. How could they do these awful things to me? How could they  treat me so horrible? He hated these men. He didn’t want to be compared to them ever. He said “ I could never hurt you ever like that, I’m not going anywhere”…. Well he’s gone…And he’s hurt me more than any of them ever have hurt me. This man is not a man. I spent 15 yrs of my life being hurt by another man b4 him. Being treated like a ghost anytime I brought up our relationship or any issue I had with him. This guy would pretend I didn’t even exist. I could be in the same room with him and he’d look right through me. Like I was invisible.  He’d do this to me for weeks to months on end. He told me for 15 yrs he didn’t want kids, a marriage or to live with me and then one day bought a house without me knowing n then called me n told me he didn’t love me anymore n broke up with me. Just like that. So, I’ve been though some shit b4 this. Oh yes I know pain. What my newly ex fiancé has done has done extra damage on me. I cant tell you. I know you all have been in marriages a long time and I feel for u. I been w my fiancé 8 1/2 yrs. I thought it was gonna b forever though. He did not seem to b going anywhere. I don’t know who else to talk to anymore. No one else seems to understand fully what I’m going through not even HIM. He says he’s on a LGBTQ180951gtfo whatever the heck it is group and has told some men not to do what he’s done to me as it will do harm to the woman, but idk if he fully gets whats he’s done yet. Idk if he ever will. Idk if he cares to. That’s the messed up part. Idk if he cares enough to care what he’s done to me. And to think, there’s so many more ppl like you and me still sitting out there going about their lives thinking everything is just great. Until they end up here too. Idk, maybe I’ll share my full story with you after this but right now I really needed to vent. I’m just so sad. Thank you for reading my misery


July 23, 2021 7:03 pm  #2

Re: I need help


Welcome to SSN. We are here for you when you are ready to talk. We will listen and advise accordingly based on our own shared experiences. You are not alone anymore. There are many wonderful women here who have lived this exact nightmare and they all care for you.

Ordinary guy

And now here is my secret, a very simple secret. It is only with the heart that one can see clearly that which is essential is invisible to the eye.

July 23, 2021 8:24 pm  #3

Re: I need help

I really relate to wanting to be angry but not being able to bring yourself to do it, alot of this looks like it was written by me if i had any kind of courage to actually speak up to my ex, im not in the best place but feel free to pm and we can vent together. Im also 2 weeks in...and...its just really confusing. But the people here want nothing but to help. Sorry your here with us.


July 23, 2021 11:30 pm  #4

Re: I need help

PattyKay77, your anger is a perfectly understandable and normal gut reaction to the terrible way you are being treated. It is healthy to be angry at injustice and cruelty and betrayal.

Let it out here where it is safe.  Also you can harness your anger to help you get out of your toxic situation. To start focusing on what you need and what is due to you as a person.

Get financial and legal advice. Start planning your exit.

You deserve better. Your anger is your first step towards better. ((Hugs))


July 24, 2021 4:29 pm  #5

Re: I need help

Thank you to everyone that took the time to respond to me. You honestly have no idea (well I guess you do) how much it means. I have been struggling so much. I’m not in a good place. Last night was bad. I rarely drink and it made the feelings pour out of me that I had been trying to hold in.  I try not to burden anyone with my feelings as much as possible and so I bottle them up and they start to fester in me until I explode. I went from smiling, joking and laughing to just feeling flat and blank most days. I rarely even talk unless I have to. It’s been almost 2 weeks and I don’t remember the person I was before this anymore. It’s like she left too with him. The last time I went through a bad break up, I still felt somewhat hopeful through all my hurt. I guess because I thought there was some chance we could work it out. He didn’t leave because I’m not a guy. But this time around there’s no going back. He doesn’t want me I know this. He loves me but can’t be with me, I know this but you still want to have that chance to work it out and you don’t even get it with this.

Thank you for the video also. I watched it and it helped me see more what all this is doing to me.  I can feel it n have for days. I’m at a point where I’m down for the count. I’ve always gotten back up again and keep fighting but damn he really took the wind out of me. Prior to this I was trying to make myself healthier as I had a health scare. Now I just can’t seem to make myself care about my body anymore. I feel gross inside and out and don’t care much what I’m doing to it.

Thank you all again. I’m so glad to be able to connect with others who are dealing with the same thing. I’m glad I finally got the courage up to reach out. I will sit down and try and write out what happened between us so you all understand better. It’s hard to do as ive already tried before but I’ll try again.

I would write to you each individually but I have no clue how to do that yet

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July 24, 2021 9:48 pm  #6

Re: I need help

Longwayhome- thank you again. You seem to b on a good path now to getting things back in your life the way you want them and deserve them to be. It gives me hope. It gives me some hope that at some point I can find my way too out of this hole he’s dropped me into. It’s such a hard climb and I never wanted to do it again. I know there’s got to be a new path for me but I’m stuck right now as to which way to walk. I wish it were more clear to me where to go from here.

I spent some time sitting by the pool today just thinking with my feet in the water surrounded by my plants. I like to garden. It was good to just sit n be in a spot I like. He ruined shark week for me which I normally love. So I’m trying to sit and watch the olympics with my ferret, which I also enjoy. I’m thankful for my ferret, my plants and the olympics. I’m trying to be thankful for something everyday. My ferret has been my best buddy through this all, I’d be completely lost without her, my plants r a good distraction n now I have the olympics to focus on at night. My brain needs the rest.

Thank u for the advice on writing my story n burning it. I’ve not thought of doing this. I’m usually a keeper of things I write so maybe destroying it would make me feel something inside I’ve not felt yet.

     Thread Starter

July 24, 2021 11:35 pm  #7

Re: I need help

I think you just took your first steps...

“The future is unwritten.”
― Joe Strummer

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