Yesterday I was on Reddit scrolling through the Live music/Chats section and starting listening to and watching an almost-19 yo who , for the last 3/4 years has been transitioning MtF.
Because he was younger, very well-spoken, was answering questions with ease and seemed very accepting with the process he so obviously knew he had to go through I actually enjoyed his frank and open manner.
Then later I was reading a comment on our Forum by Ordinary_guy about "Putting this issue into public consciousness may save some (straightspouses) from becoming statistical collateral damage" and remembered this young MtF I'd come across. I thought....does the 'consciousness' and voice need to come from the younger ones? those who haven't been through the confusion and expectations of society to be a certain way, behave 'normal'. Who didn't segue from that confusion into a sham marriage to a straight person?
This kid didn't have to be somebody he wasn't. I was able to listen to him without the judgement I have for many of the LGBTQ it youth without the pressure of a secret that we need to acknowledge the collateral damage? start the conversation? though I'm not entirely sure how that might happen....there's no link between youth who may be questioning and the straightspouses. Do they have an inkling we exist, would they even care and (I know the answer to this) would it be fair?
I could see the possibility of sticking our heads above the parapets but now I've typed out my thoughts I've come to a brick wall... but I'll post it anyway
MJM017 wrote:
.....Glad you tuned into this Reddit Chat. I think you're saying if someone who has not felt shame about their sexual orientation and desire to transition were given a broader audience, the stigma of being LGBTQI+ in Western society would be eased?......
That's it exactly MjM. I feel there are members of the LGBTQ com. who read the Forum and although their input isn't needed on here it might start a conversation out in their community