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June 30, 2021 12:34 pm  #1

is the marriage worth saving ?

Hi new member. Married for nearly 20yrs. Lived with each other 5yrs prior to that, and dated 5 yrs prior to that. So its been a long time together. Now with two teenage boys.  My wife who i still love dearly came out the other day and said she'd fallen in love with another woman. it just happened. She didn't mean for it to happen. She's a pretty decent honest woman, so while i'm probably not getting the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, she has never lied to me in the past. I'm taking her word for it that it just happened and she didn't pursue it. She said if she could roll back the weeks and not become infatuated she would. She knows what we had was good. She admits she was happily married. Again being with each other for so long, we have a sixth sense for each other. I tend to believe her. I had what i thought a rock solid marriage, was looking forward to growing old together, getting ready to retire in 10yrs and just continue to enjoy each others company. We had in all this time together never split up, and even made fun with each other how made we were for each other. We both know its not easy to find the one. One you can live with, grow old with.  I did always suspect that she had a thing for other women, again call it an instinct, but given her love for me was so strong, i never once did ever believe it would come out, and especially not the way it has. 

Well obviously nothing is ever 100% perfect. And she allowed herself to fall in love with another woman. The other woman is also married with young Children. and has immediately called it off with her husband, and is not pretending to be anything other. But apparently she wasn't in a happy marriage.  She's already moved from being with her husband, taken the kids and moved into her new place, and is actively going after my wife, sending her heart emojis and pics of hearts carved in the sand at the beach, telling her she loves her and always will. My wife who is experiencing her first crush on a woman is torn, cries at being apart. Her mind is all over the place. They were really good friends spending hrs on the phone with each other and i guess one thing led to another. They also work with each other. and my wife said even if we works things out between us, she's not quitting her job, and that's something that i'd need to learn with. But i know that would make things somewhat impossible for her and i.

She did break it off with the woman on Saturday once our boys begged her not to leave. and she said she's trying to put things back together. (but it feels only half hearted) She has changed !  She's here with me, (like its doing me the favor????)  So its not all over. She say she still does love me. The best i can get out of her is she knows she's hitting the self destruct button but can't promise anything as she does indeed have feelings for this other woman. and they're very strong feelings she's never experienced before. (again just your typical infatuation)  I said i still love her and accept everyone is entitled to one mistake in their marriage.. But i'm not putting up with infidelity, or sharing... If she wants to leave, she can leave. 

I'm not trying to sound egotistic here, I'm slighty fat and nearly 50 now. But back in the day, my wife was completely besotted and in love with me. I will say hand on my heart no woman will ever love me more ever. Sure after 30yrs i don't have the same sex appeal as i did in my younger days, and she was making comments that i put on some weight during the yr long covid lockdown, but i thought love was stronger than that. But yeah i was a bit lazy and she was keeping herself in shape (i guess for this other woman to appreciate her) She has a magnetic personality. People tend to like her from the get go.. I remember when i first met her. I was like hell yeah this is the woman i want to marry. Kind, cute, funny, great person overall and then once i realized she wanted me too, i was over the moon ! 

We are still living under the same roof. Until a 'plan' is in place. So she is seriously considering a new life but still apparently trying ??? . The kids now know. Things aren't exactly peachy at home.. We bicker at each other when we never did prior. Or if we did, one of us would apologize and get back to where we were quickly.  But on the other hand we seem to still be getting along at the times we're not bickering.. Strange i know ! She says she is in love with me.. Just not that uncontrollable infatuated love that a girl on girl can apparently have.  I trend to disagree. Men fall head over heels for woman, and vice versa.. She's putting a lot on the fact that its another woman and this must be her true self. 

She said she doesn't want to move in with that other woman but would prefer to have her own place near by so our children can come and go as they please. They're old enough now to make their own decision up. Her other option is get over this woman and see if the love for me is still there. Truth is she can't afford to live by herself. We both did the math. Even splitting half our assets, its not easy going alone. We wouldn't give the attorneys a penny, and come into some sort of agreement together. Like split everything 50/50 the kids can come and go as they please.  The youngest is 14. the eldest is 18. But she's not a career woman and only works part time, so the way she wants things to work are not even slightly realistic.. She'd have no choice but to move in with this woman for financial reasons, and her 4 kids, and i suspect things would in my honest opinion soon go to shit. Of course i don't know for sure, but i think once the rainbows and sprinkles dwindle, the grass won't be greener. i even think i could tap back into that guy i once was and pull on her heart strings. I honestly think she would struggle with it. I know she still has something for me. Always has and always will. You don't just shut off emotionally from someone you've been with for so long. First love, first crush. Plus knowing that we didn't have issues. I think i could present a challenge to this woman.. Not today, but down the road. 

Anyway i've rattled on for long enough. I'm not ready to give up on her yet. But also not going to be made a to dangle on a string. She knows she's cut me up hard. I've been in tears most nights. I do honestly feel i've lost the love of my life.   Any advice appreciated.. Can a bi-sexual woman go back to loving a man?  or maybe she's discovered she's a lesbian and well boo hoo for me. I just don't get how someone can flick a switch like that. this late on in life. And go from knowing she was happy, to i'm not making any promises to stay with you???? 

Last edited by sadday2021 (June 30, 2021 12:39 pm)


June 30, 2021 2:53 pm  #2

Re: is the marriage worth saving ?

I suggest that it might help for you to take out the gay factor for a moment.  Let's say your wife had fallen in love with another man at her workplace (from what you say about your wife refusing to quit her job I assume she works with her affair partner), and after initially telling you she's leaving, she decides maybe she won't, as the loss of her family and her financial ease isn't looking too attractive.  

 You, like many cheated on spouses, are questioning yourself: can I compete?  Can I win her back?  Can she fall back in love with me?  

  I suggest a visit to chumplady.com would help you understand the unfortunately too-familiar outlines of what you're describing in both your and your wife's behavior. 

  Whatever you do, don't get bamboozled into coming to an agreement with her without a visit to a lawyer.  


June 30, 2021 3:05 pm  #3

Re: is the marriage worth saving ?


So sorry.  It essentially mirrors my own experience except my GX did not share any info with me or make any attempt to save the marriage..simply stopped coming near me and continued her affair.       

What stood out to me in your post was begging her not to leave and "like shes doing me favor".     I did the same..  but  in my desperation found it not morally right, hurtful and demeaning..  like she was a god and would have me beg like I was some bad loser husband.

If she won't break off all contact and give you some proofs Im not sure what you can do..  Counseling?   TGT is such a horrible thing...once its "out of the bag" so to speak it will always be there.    Say she breaks it off..  but then goes shopping with another female friend..   is it two woman shopping or a date?  Why should you have to wonder.     TGT leaves no take backs and I often wonder what proofs a spouse can offer after they've "fallen in love" with another person/object/alien that they will remain faithful to you.  That they won't hurt you.    I always thought rule #1 was don't hurt your spouse... rule #0 dont hurt the kids.. but these spouses have some other idea of those rules..

Others will reply with better advice Im sure...  but know that you did nothing wrong and its not wrong to expect fidelity and not to get hurt from your wife.     What I found after being demeaned, discarded and hurt from my GX was that I'm actually a very kind and loving person... it was her that was broken on so many levels.   

Thoughts of strength and fortitude...

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

June 30, 2021 3:10 pm  #4

Re: is the marriage worth saving ?

The wife and I just had a super long tearful discussion. Hugging in the process She is gay. At least she thinks she is. She said she may be bi-sexual, because she was sexually attracted to me, but now something has changed ever since she experienced sexual feelings for this other woman. She broke down saying its the hardest part of all of this. She doesn't want to be in love with this other woman, nor does she want to mess me around. She says she's only discovered this after the feelings started for this other woman. She is distraught because she knows i'm a good man and we've been so happy together. But she doesn't want to live a lie. She is a good woman and i love her to bits. This is tough for me. But as i mentioned i always had that inkling. Its not about the cheating. Its about the whole sexuality and its tearing her apart.

I need to find her the support she needs. She's near a breakdown. If anyone can give me some advice it would be much appreciated. 

I also don't think she's been living a lie. We've had a long standing, solid relationship together. Its not something i'll really ever understand. But clearly its put her under imense strain discovering who she is at 44. 

Also my wife has done everything to not cheat on me. She's promised me she won't do that to me.  As i said all along she's a good woman. 


Last edited by sadday2021 (June 30, 2021 3:14 pm)

     Thread Starter

June 30, 2021 3:48 pm  #5

Re: is the marriage worth saving ?

sadday, I'm so sorry, I really am, I know how painful it is but I second the suggestion to go read on Chump Lady.  

while you are being there for her, supporting your wife who is supporting you?

lots of women with same sex attraction are drawn to date men.

A cat loves a mouse.  Is this good for the mouse?

Do you really believe no other woman could love you more?

I'm not offering, I'm well into my 60's but my hope for you is that your not quite 50 year old body gets a dose of loving from a straight woman.

wishing you all the best, Lily

Last edited by lily (June 30, 2021 3:51 pm)


June 30, 2021 3:51 pm  #6

Re: is the marriage worth saving ?

I hate this sh!t, really hate it.I find it painful to read. My heart goes out to you my man. I wouldn’t dare to give advice on how you should handle it. Only you can make decisions in your own interest and the interest of your children. Please do not vector in your wife’s interests at this point. Any rationality that she may have had has gone out of the window because she is being led by her emotions. Be prepared for the proposed open marriage idea that is coming your way. She will see this as an opportunity for her to have a foot in both camps, so to speak. Look after yourself Sadday2021. If you need support, you will surely find it here with the only people on earth who can truly empathise with you.

And now here is my secret, a very simple secret. It is only with the heart that one can see clearly that which is essential is invisible to the eye.

June 30, 2021 5:34 pm  #7

Re: is the marriage worth saving ?

Probably the best thing for her is personal counseling to figure out what she wants. Assuming it is continuing on with your relationship, move on to some sort of marriage counseling afterwards. You can help but you don't have to compromise your principles or negotiate like a time share. While this goes on, the chaos needs to stop. By that I mean continue the no contact with this other person (change mobile # if needed, block on social media, etc.). No more contemplation of new living arrangements and so on.

It's flattering to have someone crush on you so hard but is it real? This other person seems to have developed an unhealthy fixation on your spouse and it's unfair for them to put that sort of pressure on her. It's not your wife's job to make that persons dreams come true.

I'd suggest you value actions more than words but honest communication will be essential.
Wishing you strength and success.

Last edited by Daryl (June 30, 2021 5:34 pm)

“The future is unwritten.”
― Joe Strummer

June 30, 2021 7:45 pm  #8

Re: is the marriage worth saving ?

sadday2021 wrote:

......I need to find her the support she needs....

Why do you have to find support for her?


KIA KAHA                       

June 30, 2021 8:24 pm  #9

Re: is the marriage worth saving ?

Ellexoh_nz wrote:

sadday2021 wrote:

......I need to find her the support she needs....

Why do you have to find support for her?


Yes, i wondered this too.

Sadday, i am so sorry your wife has thrown this bomb and blown up your marriage. It is heartbreaking for you. You are in shock now but hopefully can get ahead of her game to do the best thing for you and your children. You are in no way responsible for her choice - middleage muffin tops do not cause cheating, bad character does.

Her refusing to quit her job - ie: to stop seeing this person completely - is a very bad sign.

Good advice already given that I would strongly second:

Take out TGT and look at it as cheating, because this is what it is. How dare she blow up your life with infidelity.

Yes, definitely Read Chump Lady - you could even send her your post and she might decode it for you through her Universal Bullsh*t Translator.

Do not negotiate separation or finances without a lawyer.  Cheating reveals the real person and that person is often not honest or pleasant or reasonable. She is already suggesting you facilitate and help fund her new lesbian lifestyle in a separate residence, with her seeing the kids when she feels like it ... really????

The real and only question that matters is - is this acceptable to you?  Only you can answer that.

Listen to people here - we have been through it and want to help and support YOU to protect yourself and your kids going forward.

Again, so very sorry you find yourself here. The gay thing adds another layer of pain and confusion to the already excruciating pain of being cheated on.

Be strong, be smart. Look after your kids. Post as often as you need.

Last edited by Soaplife (June 30, 2021 9:12 pm)


June 30, 2021 9:03 pm  #10

Re: is the marriage worth saving ?

Sadday....just to add, at my (straight female) request my partner (bisexual male) of 37 years agreed to couples counseling but then refused after feeling 'got at' after 3-4 sessions. Up til then it had been me thinking I had to try to do everything and him thinking he didn't need to do anything.. That was the point I thought "why should I be doing the "finding answers" when this is his issue, not mine. So no more couples, just counselling for me alone. When I stopped being the instigator I started being able to see what was happening to me and my self-esteem. I became more important to what was happening to us.


KIA KAHA                       

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