OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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March 7, 2022 12:15 am  #1851

Re: A gay ex-husband answers your questions

Thank you for posting Annie, although I'm so very sorry you've found yourself here. Before I respond to your post, I just want to make a few general comments, namely: 

1. Podcast: S4 Ep 3: A “Narcissist in Recovery” Gets Real - OurPath I'd suggest listening to an interview I did with interviewer Kristin. Skip to minute 17:30 for the common "red flags" that your partner isn't completely straight. 

2. Therapy: If you haven't already found a qualified mental health professional, I strongly suggest you start seeing someone who can help you unpack these feelings. 

3. The Iceberg Theory: Very few gay/questioning husbands just "come out" to their wives, particularly newlyweds in their 20s or 30s. Based on my many exchanges here, it often starts with small "pink flags" such as an inability to maintain an erection during penis-in-vagina (PIV) sex. The crisis normally comes in his 40s when he starts having sex with men more overtly. My point is to trust your instinct. I've taken the liberty of reading through your entire thread and have an observation: you make a lot of statements and then immediately discount how you feel. In my opinion, this suggests you're in an abusive relationship. Here is an example, you wrote: 

"Has never really cared much for sex."

As I've shared in the above podcast and repeated in countless posts, a lack if interest in penetrative/penis-in-vagina sex this is the biggest red flag in my opinion. What leads me to believe that you're in a manipulative, abusive, or perhaps a co-dependent/narcissist relationship is that you immediately start to discredit your own feelings by listing what I can only assume are his justifications, namely:  

- He acts like he's in love with you, particularly around others. 
- He enjoys frequent oral sex, just not penetrative intercourse. 

Again I'd encourage you to discuss all of this with a qualified therapist/counsellor. I'm now going to list just your statements/feelings, without his spin on things. 

1. Has never really cared much for sex, prefers oral or handjobs. 
2. Finds both women and men hot. 
3. Wants to be submissive.
4. Once tried to put my hands on his butt while we were hooking up. 
5. I have to be thin (almost boy-like) to keep his attention. 

I have some follow-up questions about your sex life as I believe the biggest red flags are in the bedroom. A gay or questioning husband can pretend to be straight all day because we've often been playing this role since we were children. However, we just can't fake it in the bedroom. My questions: 

1. You mention oral but does he perform oral on you? 
2. How often do you have penis-in-vagina intercourse and when was the last time? 
3. What does "submissive" mean with regards to your husband?
4. Can you please explain what actually happened with his "butt" during sex? This isn't very clear. 

So what's my point? I'm starting to believe that most straight wives I've interacted with over the years are in highly toxic relationships with abusive husbands...who just happen to be closeted gay men. Rather than going down the rabbit hole of trying to define his sexuality with the hope that his will somehow save your relationship, I'd first focus on the following: 

1. What is your definition of love and does your current relationship meet this definition? 
2. Finish this sentence: "A husband is...." and then compare it to him and his actions over the years.  
3. Determine whether this is this a healthy, loving, and fulfilling relationship for you

Please only respond if you want to my friend. Be well! 


March 7, 2022 7:04 am  #1852

Re: A gay ex-husband answers your questions

Hey Sean,
Just wondering if you have ever seen a lump in the perineum area above anus from having forced anal sex? My bfs was clearly swollen on outside but he had no pain.. no redness nothing of that sort?


March 7, 2022 7:33 am  #1853

Re: A gay ex-husband answers your questions

Hi there. I’m wondering if you think these are red flags. Thanks I’m advance for the insight!

My partner recently ended our relationship suddenly saying he isn’t in love with me anymore (but that he’ll always love me) and that he can’t give me what I deserve. He’s been suffering from depression due to what I thought was a bad job situation and a toxic previous relationship. I don’t really know if there’s more to it than just those 2 factors, for example perhaps he is questioning his sexuality. We did have a very active (and good) sex life. He would initiate most of the time. However, he never finished from sex and always needed a hand/blow job to finish. Granted, I never finished from sex alone either, and he would always make sure I was taken care of first before himself. Perhaps some guys just prefer oral/hand jobs? I don’t know if I’m overthinking or if you think these might be red flags.


March 7, 2022 7:47 am  #1854

Re: A gay ex-husband answers your questions

I think that that is a red flag. My ex gay boyfriend took viagra so we could have sex. I would think that your partner would keep having intercourse with you so you may believe he is straight. I will be holding a good thought for you.


March 7, 2022 9:00 am  #1855

Re: A gay ex-husband answers your questions

Thanks for posting everyone. In reply: 

Shh wrote: Hey Sean, Just wondering if you have ever seen a lump in the perineum area above anus from having forced anal sex? My bfs was clearly swollen on outside but he had no pain.. no redness nothing of that sort?

Perineum = taint. I'm not a doctor so I can't really say my friend. Follow up questions:

1. Why did you use the term forced anal sex? 
2. Why are you inspecting your future-ex-boyfriend's taint?  

Carnation wrote: 

1. My partner recently ended our relationship suddenly saying he isn’t in love with me anymore (but that he’ll always love me) and that he can’t give me what I deserve. He’s been suffering from depression due to what I thought was a bad job situation and a toxic previous relationship.

I'm sorry that you're suffering friend. 

2. I don’t really know if there’s more to it than just those 2 factors, for example perhaps he is questioning his sexuality.

Well, the fact that you're asking questions here is often pretty strong evidence that you think your partner/ex-partner is not straight. Unfortunately, I don't have enough information to determine his sexuality. Sorry. 

3. We did have a very active (and good) sex life. He would initiate most of the time.

Most closeted/questioning husbands have zero interest in sex with their straight partners. If you had an active sex life and he initiated, this suggests he has a sexual attraction to women. 

4. However, he never finished from sex and always needed a hand/blow job to finish. Granted, I never finished from sex alone either, and he would always make sure I was taken care of first before himself.

Again, this does suggest a strong sexual interest in women. 

5. Perhaps some guys just prefer oral/hand jobs?

Perhaps. Question: did he watch a lot of pornography? 

6. I don’t know if I’m overthinking or if you think these might be red flags.

Share away my friend. It's often through sharing that straight wives/partners remember additional details. Be well! 


March 7, 2022 12:03 pm  #1856

Re: A gay ex-husband answers your questions

Thanks so much for your response. I guess I am just searching for any answers, as the breakup was extremely sudden. He has suffered from depression for so long and nothing I could do would help him. He’d bail on plans with me, but it wasn’t like he was bailing on me to go hang out with guys. He just didn’t want to be around ANYONE. He stopped his hobbies. Everything. I don’t know if this is a sign that he is deeply in the closet or if he’s clinically depressed, or if the two are related.

As for sex, I do know he watched porn. Could that be why he never finished with me and always preferred hand/blow jobs? Again, he ALWAYS finished me first through oral or touching so it’s not like he wasn’t interested in it.


March 7, 2022 2:30 pm  #1857

Re: A gay ex-husband answers your questions

Sean, thank you so much for taking the time to read through my posts and for such a thoughtful response. I definitely have a tendency to question myself. 

He does perform oral sex on me and seems to enjoy it. I'd say we have sex less than once a week, it's been about a month since we have now. In terms of finding him submissive, he has told me on a few occasions to "take control" or "tell him what to do". When he wanted me to grab his butt, we were kissing with him on top. He physically took my hands and placed them on his butt, implying he wanted me to grab it. Some of his body language just seems submissive at times, like I could totally picture him enjoying being a sub with another man. 

Anyway, I really appreciate all your feedback. You have made some very important points in terms of the relationship in general and I will definitely be reflecting on those further.


March 7, 2022 3:20 pm  #1858

Re: A gay ex-husband answers your questions

I apologize if this is TMI to be posting on the boards but I would like a second opinion.  Would a closeted gay husband willingly (and seemingly excitedly) be able to perform oral on his wife? Another question- would he be able to be turned on by his wife, just by looking at her/kissing her? Again, sorry if this is too private to be asking on the boards, I just don't really have anyone else to talk to about this stuff.

Last edited by carnation2976 (March 7, 2022 3:50 pm)


March 7, 2022 7:09 pm  #1859

Re: A gay ex-husband answers your questions

Hey Sean i should have said rough sex.. not forced..i understand your not a doctor but didn't know if you've heard of this be 4 or if anyone has when they receive to much anal sex? Or to much prostate stimulation. We have sex daily i feel down there and i could tell a difference..i think u sing he's my future ex boyfriend was kind of rude...n i feel like your being a little nasty.. if u don't want to answer the questions or if we straight wives are annoying you.. why are u on here?


March 7, 2022 10:30 pm  #1860

Re: A gay ex-husband answers your questions

Thank you for posting everyone. In reply: 

Shh wrote: Hey Sean i should have said rough sex.. not forced..i understand your not a doctor but didn't know if you've heard of this be 4 or if anyone has when they receive to much anal sex? Or to much prostate stimulation. We have sex daily i feel down there and i could tell a difference..i think u sing he's my future ex boyfriend was kind of rude...n i feel like your being a little nasty.. if u don't want to answer the questions or if we straight wives are annoying you.. why are u on here?

I apologize if I offended you. You posted this on Feb 20th: 

At this point he knows I'm not happy due to his behavior, sneaky lies, I have so much evidence its ridiculous. I'm going to end it very soon. I can't live like this.

So I assumed you'd decided to break up. If you are still having sex with your boyfriend, I'd encourage you to use condoms and ask your doctor to test you for STIs/STDs. You can also get tested at a free clinic in your area. I seem to recall that you'd caught your boyfriend on Grindr, a gay hook up app, and knew that he was hooking up with men at gay cruising parks or highway rest stops. Is this correct? If yes, please only practice safe sex and get yourself tested as soon as possible. No relationship is worth catching a life-threatening STD/STI. 

Carnation wrote: I apologize if this is TMI to be posting on the boards but I would like a second opinion.  Would a closeted gay husband willingly (and seemingly excitedly) be able to perform oral on his wife?

Yes! What gay men avoid is penis-in-vagina (PIV) sex, mainly because they can't maintain an erection. Over the years I've read about many closeted/questioning husbands who perform oral as a kind of substitute to PIV sex. And why? For two reasons in my opinion: first, by performing just oral on her the cheating boyfriend/husband is limiting her exposure to STDs/STIs; and second, he can claim they're still having "sex" but without penetration because a gay man simply isn't attracted to the female body. 

Another question- would he be able to be turned on by his wife, just by looking at her/kissing her? Again, sorry if this is too private to be asking on the boards, I just don't really have anyone else to talk to about this stuff.

Well we have to distinguish between a closeted/questioning gay man pretending to be aroused by a woman and the physical evidence of arousal (namely an erection). Using myself as an example, despite being gay, I was willing and able to have sex with my then girlfriend/wife in my 20s. Then sex diminished in my 30s as I explored having sex with men while also watching gay porn. In my 40s, I started having regular sex with men and stopped having PIV sex with my then wife, although I could still perform oral on her.   

Anniescott wrote: Sean, thank you so much for taking the time to read through my posts and for such a thoughtful response. I definitely have a tendency to question myself. 

Questioning ourselves is a sign of intelligence in my opinion. While I'd explore this with a mental health professional, it can also be a sign that you're in a relationship with a manipulative and/or abusive partner. In the case of relationships with closeted/questioning husbands, he makes her feel like it's her responsibility to fix/save the relationship. This normally presents itself in several ways: first, she feels like she needs to maintain a certain body type to please him in the bedroom; second, he starts to attach a lot of conditions to their lovemaking such as she has to shower, lights off, only certain positions, only certain days etc.; third, she finds increasing evidence that he's attracted to men such as porn or chat histories but she strangely starts parroting his bullsh*t excuses (he claims to be the victim of sexual abuse, he's just "curious", etc.); and fourth, she feels an overwhelming need to fix/save him (sometimes called co-dependency). If you find yourself in an almost permanent state of confusion with regards to his sexuality, suffer from insomnia, and feel anxious/depressed, I'd suggest therapy to determine if you're in an abusive relationship.  

He does perform oral sex on me and seems to enjoy it.

"Seems to enjoy it..." is an interesting choice of words. It's easy to gage a man's arousal because he gets an erection. As I wrote above: 

"What gay men avoid is penis-in-vagina (PIV) sex, mainly because they can't maintain an erection. Over the years I've read about many closeted/questioning husbands who perform oral as a kind of substitute to PIV sex. And why? For two reasons in my opinion: first, by performing just oral on her the cheating boyfriend/husband is limiting her exposure to STDs/STIs; and second, he can claim they're still having "sex" but without penetration because a gay man simply isn't attracted to the female body."  

I'd say we have sex less than once a week, it's been about a month since we have now.

Again we need to distinguish between oral sex (which a gay man can perform) and penetrative sex (which a closeted man cannot). How often are you having penis-in-vagina sex? As I wrote above: 

"Well we have to distinguish between a closeted/questioning gay man pretending to be aroused by a woman and the physical evidence of arousal (namely an erection). Using myself as an example, despite being gay, I was willing and able to have sex with my then girlfriend/wife in my 20s. Then sex diminished in my 30s as I explored having sex with men while also watching gay porn. In my 40s, I started having regular sex with men and stopped having PIV sex with my then wife, although I could still perform oral on her." 

In terms of finding him submissive, he has told me on a few occasions to "take control" or "tell him what to do". When he wanted me to grab his butt, we were kissing with him on top. He physically took my hands and placed them on his butt, implying he wanted me to grab it. Some of his body language just seems submissive at times, like I could totally picture him enjoying being a sub with another man. 

Understood. I'd trust your intuition. 

Anyway, I really appreciate all your feedback. You have made some very important points in terms of the relationship in general and I will definitely be reflecting on those further.

Good luck! If any straight wives have questions for a gay ex-husband, please feel free to post them here. Be well! 


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