OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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April 10, 2021 3:46 pm  #1

Surrounded by uncertainty

I ended my first marriage because my spouse lied about loving me and it resulted in him cheating at least once. I caught him eventually and I went through the messy divorce during which I lost pretty much everything (friends, job, home, financial stability), but I rebuilt my life and eventually fell in love again.

My second marriage has been everything my first marriage wasn't. It has been built on mutual love and respect. We are best friends, partners in every sense. I was so careful and determined to not be jaded by what happened in my first marriage.

I felt like I had done it. I recovered from losing everything after my divorce. My marriage was happy. We have a home, wonderful pets, solid family relationships. We dream about the future, we talk about being parents. We have incredible friends. We don't live a life of luxury but we want for nothing. We have stable jobs and are building careers we enjoy and that allow us to have financial security.

Then earlier this week my husband woke me up at 5am saying he hadn't slept all night and that he thinks he might be trans.

I love him, I want to support him and give him whatever he needs to be happy. But I am a straight woman and I know that beyond a doubt.

His thoughts are constantly changing. He thought he might be trans, then after researching some online he thinks he could be bigender. Other times he says it is probably neither of these things and just his depression and anxiety causing him to be confused, that he is self sabotaging. He shares that he hates his body but not always and not all of it. Sometimes he says he experiences gender dysphoria. Other times he says he just has a terrible body image.

He insists he will never transition but then immediately follows it up with a list of reasons it would be awful and does not make logical sense. All the reasons are losing people and facing social stigma. None of the reasons are because he wants to remain a man or even male presenting or because he is happy with himself.

I have asked him if he wants to be a woman. He tells me no, but that he could see himself as a woman and being happy. But he could also see himself staying a man and being happy.

The experience finally was the tipping point for him to make an appointment with a psychiatrist to unpack some things he's needed to work through for years related to his depression, anxiety, and a deep seated self loathing.

I'm learning I'm not able to share with him everything I'm feeling, for the first time ever, because it becomes so upsetting for him. He feels guilty for what he's putting me through. He constantly backtracks and changes his story or tells me he wishes he had never said anything in the first place. He has repeated all week that he has ruined our relationship and our lives.

A few times he's told me that nothing needs to change, that he can manage this part of himself and we can continue to live as we have and we can keep our dreams. I still want all the same things, but after a 5am "I might be trans" announcement I can't help worrying that he's afraid to be honest because he knows we won't stay together if he transitions to a woman or is primarily female presenting.

I'm heartbroken for myself because if he transitions I don't want to stay married, even though I love him. I do not want a sexless marriage or a marriage to someone I am not physically attracted to and I cannot change that I'm straight. He is aware of this and terrified of losing me. He doesn't want our marriage to end. I don't want our marriage to end. But when I committed to this marriage I thought it would be as husband and wife forever and I thought that was an unchanging fact.

I'm equally heartbroken watching him struggle with something and to be so horrible to himself over it. He calls himself a freak, a failure, a deviant. At best he says he's weird. It kills me, he won't stop, he'll listen and say he understands when I tell him he's loved but the way he talks about himself is horrible. He's always had a habit of this our entire relationship, but nothing to the degree I've seen this week. I'm alarmed.

I feel betrayed and angry and lost and hurt and confused. I'm beyond upset that after my first marriage ended in divorce because my spouse didn't know what they wanted that I'm finding myself in a similar position again. Why am I the only one who knows themselves and what they want?

What's killing me the most is the unknown of it all. More than anything I wish I could go to the drug store and pick up a test that could tell us what's happening with my husband. Is he trans? Is he bigender? Genderfluid? Is it depression and anxiety?

I want to know what's going on so I can support the person I love, but also so I can make choices for my own life. I want him to be happy as himself and to feel secure in his identity, whatever that is. But dammit I want to be happy too.

Because he doesn't know what the truth is we're in this strange limbo. He tells me I'm pulling away, but I'm not trying to. He's right though, I'm terrified I'm going to lose my marriage. Again. And have to rebuild again. And be alone again. I don't want to talk about our future plans because I don't know what's going to happen.

I'm not angry with him, but I am beyond angry with the situation. I feel tricked.

And I can't relate to anything he's going through. I'm a straight woman, I like my body, I like myself, I don't want to be different.

I want to know what's happening so I can respond. If he discovers he is not a straight man and his life changes accordingly I want to support him however I can and figure out what that means for us, even if it means we are no longer married. If he discovers this was triggered by deep seated body image and self loathing issues that he can receive help for after working with a psychiatrist then I want to channel my energy into doing what I can to help him and strengthen our marriage and work through my own trust issues this 100% brought up for me.

But until I know more I don't know what the f to do. I feel like I'm waiting for the end of the world to happen.



April 10, 2021 4:43 pm  #2

Re: Surrounded by uncertainty

I understand how you could be feeling like your life has blown up in a million pieces, completely unexpected.
It sounds like your husband has a lot of work to do to figure himself out.
I hope you can also figure out what you want/need to be happy. It might take some time for both of you to have a clear idea of what you want your lives to look like in the future. Being the spouse in limbo is not easy to deal with.
There are no right or wrong answers. Just be truthful with yourself.
Hope you find the support and help you need.


April 10, 2021 5:01 pm  #3

Re: Surrounded by uncertainty

sorry to hear that.  You are not the only person who knows themselves - there are a few straight people left.  I think we are in the minority though.

I am not surprised you feel tricked - why did he wait til now to express his feelings, why marry you first, that really sucks.

my suggestion is that you don't put your life on hold while you're waiting to discover what his problems are, you know you need a straight man for a happy marriage and that he isn't.  Put your focus on your own needs and hopefully you will take whatever steps are available to come out of this with the best financial situation possible.

wishing you all the best, Lily



April 10, 2021 9:16 pm  #4

Re: Surrounded by uncertainty

Sunshine sometimes, I am so sorry this is happening in your life.  Its good that your husband is seeking professional help.  You can't solve his problems for him. Please don't try.

Your post shows you have a pretty clear idea of what could be your relationship deal breakers. Lying, cheating, etc. Stick to them, measure events accordingly, as to whether they fit what you need for a happy relationship.

As he has made it clear he doesn't want to hear what you think or feel(its too upsetting apparently) I would suggest you find a therapist for yourself, to help you sort out your own issues. A good therapist can help you find your way through this for your own health and happiness. This includes working out if the new dynamic your husband has introduced into your marriage is acceptable to you.

I found therapy helped me admit the damage to me and my kids from the long term abusiveness of my GXH. The man who vowed to love and cherish me was actively doing me harm. It also showed me I had wondered about my ex GXH sexuality from fairly early in our marriage. He never came out to me (only to our children, 2 years ago, not long after our divorce was finalized).

So at least you know he is questioning, you have some knowledge to work with. I would suggest getting tested for STIs, as, going by the many stories I have read here, it is often real homosexual experience that brings on an 'admission' of confused sexual identity.

You mention he keeps changing his story. He is quite likely further along in his discovery/experimentation than you will ever be told. Most revelation seems to be after the fact and only partial. Unvarnished honesty seems rare in most stories. So be prepared for that.

My advice in a nutshell is look after yourself physically and mentally. Noone else is going to, least if all your husband. Get a good therapist for you.  Assess everything honestly and with regard to its impact on you, emotionally, physically and financially.  Don't get caught by surprise should things turn ugly. You've been through a divorce once so you know what can happen. You are armed with valuable experience. Use it!

Be strong, be your own best advocate for your future happiness.  Its a helluva thing to navigate but it is surviveable.

Last edited by Soaplife (April 10, 2021 9:47 pm)


April 10, 2021 10:46 pm  #5

Re: Surrounded by uncertainty


I am very sorry this is happening to you. Do you have friends or family you can confide in and lean on for support? Do you have your own therapist or counselor you can work with to help yourself during this difficult time? This is not something you should go through alone.

He doesn’t seem satisfied identifying as a man from your message.  It’s not a feeling that you get over. I think people sense their sexual identity as kids. The confusion may have started then as he didn’t have other children or family like him. Or he may have been ignored or shamed when expressing it.

That doesn’t mean you have to stay with him on the journey. It’s not what you signed up for when you married him. Your needs and desires are equally as important. You have to be true to yourself.

I hope you get support in real life.  There are active posters here who went through what you are now. They tend to respond. (My late ex-h was firmly in the closet; I figured out after marriage he wasn’t interested in me or any woman.) 

I hope all goes well for you. 


Last edited by MJM017 (April 10, 2021 10:50 pm)

No - It's not too late. It's not hopeless. Even there, there's something I can do. I just have to find the will. Ikiru (1952), film directed by Akira Kurosawa 

April 11, 2021 2:53 am  #6

Re: Surrounded by uncertainty

sunshinesometimes wrote:

....I want to know what's going on so I can support the person I love, but also so I can make choices for my own life.....,

Welcome to our Forum Sunshine 🌞 ... When my first marriage ended I was determined my 2nd de facto r'ship wouldn't suffer the same. Well for 32 years it was perfect. Yes perfect. I thought I had everything... Forever...  I didn't. My partner knew he was bisexual, so did I, but these men/our men KNOW they're different and keep their secrets hidden, maybe hoping it would all go away. And when they can't hold it in anymore they tell the person, their SO, and be okay with us shouldering MOST IF NOT ALL the emotional burden.
Your husband is a grownup, he'll know you're hurting but may expect you to do all the work. It'll take you a while to realize how unfair this is...but the Forum is your sounding board and we all know what you're feeling


KIA KAHA                       

April 11, 2021 11:58 am  #7

Re: Surrounded by uncertainty

I am also sorry that you are here. My situation is different. I am dealing with a gay man who won't admit it. I honestly don't know if a trans man would be less hurtful. At least he told you. I am holding a good thought for you.


April 11, 2021 4:59 pm  #8

Re: Surrounded by uncertainty

Hey,there. I'm currently dealing with the same thing. Reading your post was like writing down my own story. Just add 16 years of marriage and a six year old daughter. I am in limbo; I don't want to be married to a man who identifies as a woman. But, I don't want him to be miserable. It's like being between a rock and a hard place. It sucks. Don't let him make you feel guilty or terrible. You didn't ask for this. Message me if you wanna talk. I've been dealing with this for a while, and I'm no closer to understanding it or finding a solution.


April 11, 2021 5:06 pm  #9

Re: Surrounded by uncertainty

hellobritty wrote:

Hey,there. I'm currently dealing with the same thing. Reading your post was like writing down my own story. Just add 16 years of marriage and a six year old daughter. I am in limbo; I don't want to be married to a man who identifies as a woman. But, I don't want him to be miserable. It's like being between a rock and a hard place. It sucks. Don't let him make you feel guilty or terrible. You didn't ask for this. Message me if you wanna talk. I've been dealing with this for a while, and I'm no closer to understanding it or finding a solution.

Same here, Britty. 13 year together and 11 year old son


April 11, 2021 5:06 pm  #10

Re: Surrounded by uncertainty

If you ever wanna talk.

Last edited by hellobritty (April 11, 2021 6:08 pm)


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