OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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January 8, 2020 11:15 pm  #1

Newbie-Divorced From Gay Wife

Hello All,

I am a little over three years divorced from my wife of 23 years. We had one child together during that time. The marriage started out good but deteriorated to the point of being a toxic and hellish experience for all concerned.

When I married my wife, I was madly in love and I thought she was also. She was inexperienced sexually but seemed to learn fast and enjoy what we did together. I never for a moment thought what we felt together wasn't real.

About five years into our marriage, she confessed to me that she was bi-sexual and had always been attracted to women ever since the beginning. We flirted with the idea of finding a playmate for her but she backed down from the idea because she saw it as breaking our marriage vows bringing someone else into the picture. So, we settled for "girl watching" and she even had a mad crush on a co-worker that continues to this day, even though the other woman would not be receptive. (Truth be told, I think she was actually in honest to goodness love with this other woman, judging from certain reactions and things that were said.) 

Eight years in, we had our only child, and that was the final nail in an already dwindling sex life. Essentially we lived separate lives within our home, me at one end, her at the other. On rare occasion, we would have what we called "binge sex" where we would just finally work out months of frustration in one crazy session but then go back to normal afterwards until several more months went by.

Long story short, our marriage became intolerable and I finally left the marriage and divorced her. She did not take it well and continued to hound me to stop the divorce, then when it became final she stalked me relentlessly pleading with me to come back.

Then, one day, she did a total about face, told me she wanted only limited contact with me and to forget everything she had said about wanting me back. This coincided with a new therapist she was seeing that I suspect had urged her to take this course of action. It worked, because now it's over a year later we can be civil with the knowledge that there is no chance in the world of reconciliation.

Here's the messed up part;

We had a discussion a little while back where she admitted to me that she knew she was gay even when we started dating and when we got married. When she came out as "bisexual" earlier in the marriage that was not entirely accurate, apparently. Her small town upbringing caused her to be ashamed of being gay and she even struggled with it while she was married to me even when she was thought to be bisexual and not fully "gay". She tried praying it away, denying it, immersing herself in all sorts of crazy heterosexual activity with me, but it never went away. She also had a really screwed up home life growing up AND it was discovered during her sessions with this new therapist that she was on the autism spectrum and is considered an "aspie", which is short for Aspberger's syndrome. One of our many previous marriage counselors told me in private she suspected my wife had Narcissistic Personality Disorder and that recent studies have found a connection between that and being on the autism spectrum.

My wife desperately wanted that "happy home" she never had as a child, and she told herself that if she had to marry a man, and be EVERYTHING a dutiful wife would be in order to have that, then so be it. She saw this as sacrificing herself and who she really was to have this vision of a happy home and happy family she never had growing up. That meant having to try as hard as she could to be a normal, heterosexual woman. She pulled it off for a long time, but eventually the red flags started to appear and things grew gradually worse.

She admitted there were parts of our sex life she did enjoy (mostly receiving oral) but others she did not but she had to comply anyway to keep up appearances. THAT was a very confusing thing to have to hear.

In plain English, my marriage was built on a lie. On top of that, I was made to feel like a failure over and over again for years because I could never seem to measure up to what she thought a spouse should be. Her idea of a spouse was more like a daddy that thought like a woman. The negativity, the walking on egg shells to avoid conflict, the endless arguments, the control freak crap, the dominance struggles, all the things she put me through and then to turn around and tell me it was all based on a lie? That you were trying to be straight because you were in love with an idea and you used me to try to make that real?

At this point, part of me is relieved that she has come to her senses because she did not take the divorce well at all and made my life hell for the first couple of years afterwards, but another part is angry as hell for having invested 23 years of my life over a lie! It's not something that I spend tons of time mulling over but it does tick me off when I stop to think about it. 

I think forums like this are great things, and I am happy to have stumbled onto this one. I have moved on and I am with a very wonderful and very straight lady now, so I did get the happy ending there. I just can't help feel resentful for the time I spent living someone else's lie and being abused on top of it.


Last edited by Zappafan (January 9, 2020 8:27 pm)


January 9, 2020 7:18 am  #2

Re: Newbie-Divorced From Gay Wife

"In plain English, my marriage was built on a lie. On top of that, I was made to feel like a failure over and over again for years because I could never seem to measure up to what she thought a spouse should be. Her idea of a spouse was more like a daddy that thought like a woman. The negativity, the walking on egg shells to avoid conflict, the endless arguments, the control freak crap, the dominance struggles, all the things she put me through and then to turn around and tell me it was all based on a lie? That you were trying to be straight because you were in love with an idea and you used me to try to make that real?"

THIS^^^.  This is a succint expression of a commonality for all straight spouses: lied do, manipulated, invalidated, and used to fulfill someone else's need while being made to feel at fault and guilty when nothing we could do would ever satisfy them.  


January 9, 2020 7:50 am  #3

Re: Newbie-Divorced From Gay Wife

Zappafan, there is nothing that is going to make those angry feelings totally disappear but they diminish when you are well-settled into and happy with your new life. I take consolation in the fact that while I was unhappy during my 30+ year marriage (to a man who only acknowledged he was gay when he also announced he wanted a divorce) he also was unhappy. Getting what he wanted so desperately, a wife and children, was his own punishment.

Good luck in your new life!

Try Gardening. It'll keep you grounded.

January 9, 2020 8:50 am  #4

Re: Newbie-Divorced From Gay Wife

Your experiences are common and what I would almost call the SS experience profile. 

The binge sex is interesting.  That’s a good description of my experience with my ex as well.  Long dry spells and then a few days of sexual activity but it didn’t approach anything I’d call intimacy. 

Pat yourself on the back that you took the lead to leave.  That also is a common experience.  The GID profile wants the cake and eat it too. The SS has to lead the exit often.

The resentment of the past, I think Abby is right that it fades,  but I don’t know if it ever totally goes away. 

I’ve been in a straight  relationship ( now married) for 5 years and have experienced healthy mutual desire with my current wife.  I still can’t comprehend that I lived without that for nearly 30 years. 

Often when I’d think of that fact I would get angry, now it’s more sadness and an inability to understand why the ex stayed.  But I just accept it and enjoy what I have now. 

All the best,


Last edited by a_dads_straight_journey (January 9, 2020 9:17 am)


January 9, 2020 8:57 pm  #5

Re: Newbie-Divorced From Gay Wife


Yeah  your story describes my decades married...  but I , naively though my sex life was ok..that a guy always had to initiate.   

She was not abusive until the end..  so when I look back I try to think of the good times we had and  how I was happy.    I can't really call my entire dating and then marriage to her a lie because I was happy.. She did treat me kindly most of the marriage...even if she was lying.

I say  try to think of any happy times you had. and remember those. They are not Dr Who...they 
cannot rewrite the past..   nor can we..  But we can write our futures.    

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

January 13, 2020 3:18 pm  #6

Re: Newbie-Divorced From Gay Wife

Thank you for everyone who has responded so far. I have appreciated your taking the time to lend your views to what I have shared and it has helped me come to terms with what all is involved here.

There is some degree in comfort in knowing what I went through is similar to what others have experienced. When you are deep in the situation and living it day by day it is so terribly hard to have any sort of objective view of the situation, especially when you are under such relentless siege and assault by someone who has said they "love you" but makes you feel as if you are so undeserving of that love.

Summoning up the courage to finally stand up for myself and say "enough" was the most difficult thing I have ever done and it took years before I finally gathered the strength to finally make the move. Thankfully I had people in my corner who offered me safe harbor from which to operate and regain my destroyed sense of self worth. I not only had to deal with someone who lied to me from the start about who they were and what I was getting, but I also had to contend with a narcissistic personality and undiagnosed mental issues on top of it.

One of the crippling realities of being in a situation like this is the feeling that you are alone. It is interesting how many people have gone through this very same or similar situations and how similar they are anatomically. It's so hard to know what to do or what you are even dealing with when you are so immersed in the situation, especially with someone who goes out of their way to keep you isolated from any outside input that might mess up their situation.

Again, I appreciate everyone's input. This is a lot of contend with but your comments have helped me.

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