OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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September 27, 2019 9:15 pm  #1

Out of the closet & then back in? Help!

Hi forum,

About six months ago, my STBX wife told me about TGT. She told me she had been in a relationship with a woman for several months, and had felt SSA as long as she can remember, and was gay.

When she told me, it all seemed to make sense. Everything from the kind of haircuts she got, to the fact that she had never had a boyfriend or even a crush on a boy prior to dating me in college (and I had to ask her out 3 times before she said yes), to the fact that she hated many things traditionally considered 'feminine' (e.g., the color pink), to the fact that I never really felt she was romantically attracted to me (the only time she acted like she was was in front of her parents, I think to prove something to them), to the fact that trying to initiate sex or displays of affection has always felt like trying to convince her to get a root canal (we both grew up very conservative, no sex before marriage).

After she told me, we both moved out of our apartment. I was shocked and depressed for a few months, but I've slowly been building back my life around my friends, hobbies, and career. I have a great support group of friends and family that all know what's going on. We've filed for divorce and have final proceedings in a few weeks. Up until this week, I was starting to feel positive about my future.

BUT! Now she has just texted me to tell me that she is straight and she wants to make amends and get back together. It doesn't seem like she's trying to be manipulative. She says she understands that I probably don't want to get back together and that she will accept that, but she wanted me to know she is straight. She says she just got caught up in the excitement with one person and made a mistake, and that she's not truly gay or attracted to women generally. She says while she has had some SSA in the past, she over-exaggerated it to justify her affair, and that she hasn't ever felt that much SSA. But when I ask her whether she feels 'opposite sex attraction' she just says 'yes' but refuses to give any details when I probe about it.

I am so confused right now, because for the past six months she has been very, very adamant that she is gay; she was always very angry with anyone who questioned her at all. And I've told all my closest friends and family that I'm getting a divorce because my wife came out of the closet. And now all of a sudden she says she's straight. I know her family is very conservative and doesn't believe there there is such thing as 'gay' (i.e., that sexual orientation is a choice); she is also still fairly religious herself and does not 'want' herself to be gay; even though she won't say it, I think she believes there is something fundamentally wrong with being gay, so this experience has been a lot of cognitive dissonance for her. Also, all of her close conservative friends have been having heated arguments with her telling her they don't think she's gay and that she just made a mistake. So I wonder if all that input has finally gotten to her and that's why now she's saying she's not gay? I'm very confused, and don't know how to respond to her request to make amends. This is not how I expected the last few weeks leading up to the divorce to go!

So is she gay? Is this common? What should I do?


September 27, 2019 10:05 pm  #2

Re: Out of the closet & then back in? Help!

I wouldn't be overly optimistic that she's suddenly seen the light. It's pretty common actually to flip-flop for some. Sounds like her 'affair' has gone bust and she wants you back in the same way a child might want their blanky. For comfort. My advice is to keep moving forward. To be blunt she's treating you like the back-up plan. Is that acceptable to you? Only you can decide but you will likely be in for more extended hurt the longer you try and stick it out. You matter too. Don't forget that.

Edited to add that as a straight woman? I'm not interested in other women in that way at all. I've had a pretty conservative upbringing as well and don't much care for pink but absolutely would want love, affection, and intimacy with my male spouse if I had one. So for what it's worth, however your wife chooses to identify herself, she isn't straight. It's your choice but I'd run. Save yourself.

Last edited by Whirligig (September 27, 2019 10:25 pm)


September 27, 2019 10:10 pm  #3

Re: Out of the closet & then back in? Help!

my answers are yes, she is gay, yes this is common and keep going with the divorce.

the straight spouse feeling confused after talking with the gay one is also common.  she's not exactly being open and honest is she.


September 28, 2019 6:35 am  #4

Re: Out of the closet & then back in? Help!

I can remmber the anxiety of wondering and just could never do it again;  is she going out shopping with girlfriend or having sex?  Is it two friends getting together or a romantic date?
Who are they that they feel this is ok and normal..are they Gods or Supreme beings?
The fear and anxiety will eat you up. 

The saying here is " whatever they are, they are not for me"

I say the saying is so true but it's "your either for all of me or against me,  there is no in between"

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

September 28, 2019 9:40 am  #5

Re: Out of the closet & then back in? Help!

I second what Whirligig has said: it's not uncommon for a spouse to draw back from the threshold of coming out once s/he realizes the degree of significant change and the challenges that will ensue.  While she was cheating on you, she was in new relationship euphoria (fueled, no doubt, by an extra dollop of "I'm finally being who I am!").  Now that her relationship with the woman has ended, she's trying to make it all go away.  

You are not Plan B.  You are not her security blanket.  

Take "the gay thing" out of it.  Your wife cheated on you with someone else.  They went at it hot and heavy for "several" months, and during that time she discarded you in favor of this new person and the excitement of being with that new person.  Then something went awry in that relationship, and now she wants you--and everything she had in her life with you--back.  

Classic cheater scenario.   Get over to Chump Lady (google it).  Read around in the archives, especially the featured posts at the bottom of the page (first among them the posts on Reconciliation, stopping first at "Real Remorse?  Or Genuine Imitation Naugahyde Remorse?")


September 28, 2019 10:23 am  #6

Re: Out of the closet & then back in? Help!

Echoing what others have said, I agree.
For me as a straight & loyal woman, I've never thought of women in any way except friends and have no thoughts of cheating.

Admiration for women would be more about empowerment, talent, positive attitudes etc.
Admiration for men might be physical or mental capacities. Never really thoughts of "hmm, wonder how it would be like dating him instead of my partner." Cause for me love, loyalty and commitment are right up there. It's taking care of "us" cause I value "us".

Her confusion is pulling you in like quicksand. You need to save yourself. You matter.
You make decisions for you.


Last edited by beingatpeace (September 28, 2019 11:08 am)


September 28, 2019 11:21 am  #7

Re: Out of the closet & then back in? Help!

You don't say how long you have been married but the long term behaviour should carry more weight than the latest text message revelation.

It is important to take the gay thing out of it because sometimes we see that as an excuse/justification for inexcusable behaviour. It's also important NOT to take the gay thing out for a very good reason. If what she wants/needs is a relationship with another woman, are you able to deliver on that? Can she make the proper spousal connection with you under those circumstances? Please take care and think ahead. Experience around here suggests that the genie doesn't really fit completely back inside the magic lamp once let out.

“The future is unwritten.”
― Joe Strummer

September 28, 2019 11:57 am  #8

Re: Out of the closet & then back in? Help!

"So is she gay? Is this common? What should I do?"

Hi there,

Does it really matter what she is in an orientation sense?

Here's what you do know she is. Self-serving, confused, fickle, flighty, unconcerned about you, argumentative, defensive, immature, and more. I'm certain you can easily fill in the rest based on your experiences with her.

Ask yourself instead - is what is written above what I want for myself?

Best to you.


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