OurPath Open Forum

This Open Forum is funded and administered by OurPath, Inc., (formerly the Straight Spouse Network). OurPath is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides support to Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People who have discovered that their partner is LGBT+. Your contribution, no matter how small, helps us provide our community with this space for discussion and connection.


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June 11, 2019 3:59 pm  #1


I wish I found this site years ago. It may have prevented me from hitting rock bottom.  So many tears, much anxiety, begging to God, not wanting to get out of bed, living in a daze, and feeling so alone for three years.   About 3 months ago I accepted my fate and started climbing out of the pit.  When my husband first told me he felt female I thought I could still stay.  Now I know I can’t.  I’m so afraid to tell him I can’t support him any longer as his wife.  My therapist says he is emotionally abusing me and he is very manipulative.  I’m so mad at myself for still putting his feelings first.  What’s wrong with me??  I’ve always put others first and I’m having a hard time changing.   He says he can’t live without me.  What if he does something horrible to himself.  We’ve been married for 18 years. I’m afraid my kids wouldn’t forgive me for getting a divorce.  I want to scream and pull my hair out.  Growing up I had rainbows hanging on my bedroom walls.  Now I despise them.  That’s not a good feeling to have.


June 11, 2019 5:20 pm  #2

Re: Alone

Dear Alley,
   I'm sorry you have felt so alone in your struggle.  I felt the same way for the first 18 months after my now-ex told me he'd decided he was transgender and intended to transition, before I found the Straight Spouse Network and Forum.  And, like you, I tried very hard to accommodate this change in my marriage, in the name of love, 32 years together, and my wanting to be a supportive wife and good LGTBQ ally.  
   Let me say this: there is nothing wrong with you--not for trying to accommodate this huge upheaval in your marriage, or for acting from your spouse's good impulse to support your spouse.  This is what loving partners do.  Unfortunately, your spouse does not share these values, and unilaterally changed the terms of your marriage, yet still expects your wifely care and concern while giving you none of the same care and concern.  
   You don't say what the specifics are of what you have told your therapist but given my own experience with a spouse who declared himself trans, and from what other women in our situation on this forum have written, it sure sounds like your therapist has made a good judgement call.  Trust her judgment.  And ask her to help you with techniques that will allow you to protect yourself emotionally by distancing yourself emotionally from him.  
     Your spouse is clearly attempting to manipulate and blackmail you emotionally by claiming that he "can't live" without you.   Ask yourself whether you would ever say such a thing, or act in a similar manner as your spouse has: I bet the answer is no.   The fact is that anyone who could threaten and manipulate and unilaterally change the terms of your marriage yet have no appreciation or understanding or care for what his actions have done to you is not a person who has your best interests at heart.  
   You don't say whether your children know about their father's feeling, but children are preceptive and they surely see and feel the tension in your marriage.  The conventional wisdom is that we should "stay for the children," but I have seen a convincing argument that staying in a bad situation is not good for children.  It models abuse for them.  Instead, you leave for the children, to spare them the tension in the household, from witnessing the abuse of their mother, and to model strong self-assertive behavior for them.  
   You might also ask yourself how it is a male can "feel like" a female; he has no access to the way women feel; he only knows how HE feels, and he can only imagine that he feels how a woman feels. 
  One thing about rock bottom: the only way left to go is up!  Read around on the forum; you can search for threads on transgender, and then, by searching for individual posters, read more by the people who also have been in your situation. 

Last edited by OutofHisCloset (June 11, 2019 5:20 pm)


June 11, 2019 5:47 pm  #3

Re: Alone

Thank you..  when he says he needs me he puts so much pressure on me.   I would never do that to someone.  It feels like I have to stay.   I know I can’t.  I have to remember the pronouns and all that other crap.  It’s just too much.  I don’t want to be in this situation any longer.  The kids do not know.  But I’m sure they see some changes.  Shaved legs, clear nail polish. It’s so scary but  I know what I need to do...start moving  forward.

     Thread Starter

June 11, 2019 7:43 pm  #4

Re: Alone

What IS it with the shaving and the nail polish?  My ex even wanted ME to shave his legs!  He had a whole sexual fantasy built up in his head with him swooning while I shaved his legs!  
  It definitely is too much. And it's ok for you to say you don't want to be part of it anymore.  It's your right to say that you do not want to be married anymore.  If the way he demands you live is not acceptable to you, you have every right to leave and divorce.  


June 12, 2019 7:34 am  #5

Re: Alone

Alley, welcome. I'm glad you found us. This can be such an isolating time for us, and unfortunately, that tends to work in favor of our closeted spouse.

We stayed together almost a year after my spouse came out to me. I just couldn't do it though. I didn't want to be married to a woman. We separated several years ago but remained married. Our divorce should be finalized by the end of summer.

I, too, worried about my spouse and what would happen after we separated. I needn't have worried though. My spouse is doing just fine.

I obviously don't know more than what you wrote here, but it sounds like your therapist is spot on. The whole "can't live without you" is manipulation and a type of emotional abuse. I am also going to assume your spouse did not just wake up one day with his "female feelings," but it is something he has known and struggled with for quite some time - maybe even since boyhood. However, he presented himself to you as a heterosexual male when, in fact, he is not. My therapist calls that altering of reality gaslighting - another form of emotional abuse.

This may sound harsh, so forgive me if it does. However, I think there are elements of truth when they say they need us. Unfortunately, we hear that and don't think of it the same way they actually mean it. We like to think they need us because they love us in the same way we love them, but they don't. They NEED us to maintain this facade they are living. We are a crucial component when it comes to the protection of their closet. If we leave, they lose both that element of protection we provide and they lose control over us and what we may say. So, they say "I love you" and "I need you" and "I want our marriage to work," and we think that means the same as if we had said it, but it just doesn't.

And yes, I will admit that I am a bit jaded, but living with a covert narcissist for over 20+ years and coming out of it will do that to a person. It is all so subtle, and that's what makes it so difficult.

Stay strong though. The truth will come out eventually.

And yes.... what is it with the shaving and the nail polish? Mine also liked to wear clear lip gloss and left those gloss marks on all the glasses she drank from.


June 13, 2019 12:37 am  #6

Re: Alone

I'm not familiar with a spouse wanting to change sex...only with a wife cheating with a woman.

I think you are strong and there is nothing wrong with you.  We give and gave true fierce love and loyalty.   But these spouses...i think it is narccism...they hurt us..and they then they expect to receive our same true fierce love, loyalty, dependability etc.    I think when they hurt us, and in my case when they cheat on us,  they forfeit all rights and privelages to our fierce love etc.

Build your support system..and don't think for a moment this is you.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight .."  2Corinthians 5:7

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